Emmanuel Jolaiya, Geospatial Software Engineer, Founder, Spatialnode.
Training Duration: 3
- Prerequisites
- Django/GeoDjango
- Why learn Django Rest Framework(DRF)?
- Job Opportunities, build your ideas, logical next step, fun!
- Who uses Django/DRF?
- Spatialnode, Instagram, Reddit, Spotify, Eventbrite, Pinterest, Disqus, Sentry etc
- What is an API?
- Application Programming Interface
- Some Backend concepts
- URLs/Endpoints/API Routes
- CRUD - Create Update Delete
- HTTP & HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) Verbs
- Waiter can you GET/POST/PUT/DELETE/PATCH me a jollof rice
- GET: fetch/collect/request
- POST: giving/paying
- DELETE: cancel my order/delete request
- PATCH: edit my order/partial change of order
- PUT: complete change of order
- Statelessness
- Status codes
- 200 : OK
- 400 : Bad Request
- 404 : Not Found
- 500 : Server Error
- 201 : HTTP Created
- 422 : ....
- client server architecture
- Microservices
- Representative State Transfer (REST)
- WebHooks
- Listen to request and process
- business logic ->
- Servers
- Staging environment - test your features/API
- Production environment - what the user interacts with
- CI/CD - Continuous Integration/ Continuous Development - DevOps
- Circle CI
- GitHub Action ...
- Logging/Monitoring
- What is DRF
- Main Function of DRF
- What is Javascript Object Notation (JSON)
- Setting up a Django/GeoDjango project with DRF
- Installing DRF
- Creating our first API - Todo app API
- DRF Browsable Interface
- Register app in settings
- Setup postgres/sqlite
- migrate & makemigrations
- create superuser
- install psycopg2-binary ( incase you want to use postgres)
- Todo app creation continuation
- create models
- create views
- create urls
- create serializer
- create superadmin
- API Documentation - Swagger, redoc
- install drf-yasg
- django cors
- Security considerations
- Bleach
- Pagination
- Viewsets and Routers
- Authentication
- Djoser, djrest-auth
- API Deployment
- Code cleanup and bug fixes
- environment variables
- logging
- Disabling DRF browsable interface
- API profiling - django debug toolbar, django silk
- Heroku -> PAAS - Platform As A Service. AWS - Amazon Web Service. Elastic BeanStalk., DO- Digital Ocean. PythonAnywhere, Google CLoud, Azure, Your Server, IBM etc
- Setup Procfile
- Serving API with Gunicorn, and static files with whitenoise
- Dockerizing
- WSGI - Web Server Gateway Interface
- Gunicorn => Nginx (Reverse Proxy) https://www.x.com <=> http://www.x.come :80 => :8000 | :443 |301
- Resources to learn more:
- Django for APIs Build web APIs with Python and Django by William S Vincent
- Youtube Channel : Dennis Ivy and others...
- Official docs
- Deploy your Todo list API to heroku
- Integrating with a frontend application - HTML, CSS & Javascript
- Submit on the GitHub repo
- Install gunicorn
- Install whitenoise
- create procfile
- creat runtime.txt
- initialize git git init
- install heroku cli
- login
- create heroku git repo