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SSL Certificate Renewal

Emran BatmanGhelich edited this page Jul 22, 2022 · 1 revision

Parchin currently uses Let's Encrypt for establishing a secure SSL connection.
Let's Encrypt currently issues 3-month certificates as a free plan. So it's necessary to keep the certificates up to date every 3 months (or more frequently) by going through the renewal process.


The renewal procedure needs access to the DNS panel, which currently is managed by ArvanCloud. Only admins of that panel can update DNS records.

Renewal Procedure

Here are the steps to renew certificates in production:

  • Make sure the certbot is installed on your local machine.
  • Run sudo certbot certonly --preferred-challenges dns --manual and keep going on with the interactive procedure.
    • Make sure you enter both and when requested.
  • Certbot will ask you to add a specific TEXT record into the DNS settings of
  • After adding the record just continue the certbot procedure to finish out. The certbot will generate fullchain.pem and privkey.pem files alongside some other files.
  • Update the SSL_FULL_CHAIN_FILE and SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE environment variables with the content of new fullchain.pem and privkey.pem files, respectively.
  • Run the Update SSL certs workflow. It will replace the new certificates at the Parchin server.
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