- Fix error in arrayBuffer when there are extra bytes #37
- fixed output if finalized.
- don't modify global Array and ArrayBuffer prototypes. #33
- refactor: simplify formatMessage internal logic. #34
- cSHAKE empty Array bug. #24
- cSHAKE bug. #24
- dependencies and security issues.
- TypeScript definitions.
- throw error if update after finalize
- AMD support.
- support for web worker. #13
- throw error if input type is incorrect when cSHAKE and KMAC.
- freeze hash after finalize.
- Typo on variable kmac_256 type definition. #12
- cSHAKE method.
- KMAC method.
- alias methods without underscore like shake128, keccak512.
- throw error if input type is incorrect.
- ArrayBuffer detection in old browsers.
- ArrayBuffer dosen't work in Webpack.
- TypeScript support.
- ArrayBuffer method.
- Buffer method.
- CommonJS detection.
- Some missing files to npm package.
- Shake output incorrect in the special length.
- Version in package.json and bower.json.
- Hash object with create/update interface.
- Integer array output.
- Shake output incorrect when it's greater than 1088.
- ArrayBuffer output.
- Shake alogirthms.
- Some bugs.
- Integer array input.
- ArrayBuffer input.
- NIST's May 2014 SHA-3 version.
- Rename original methods to keccak.
- Improve performance.
- Improve performance.
- First version implementation.