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An mlrMBO based EMEWS model exploration (ME) module

ME algorithm details

This example presents an R-based ME algorithm (R/emews_mlrMBO.R) utilizing the mlrMBO ( R package. See for a detailed description of model-based optimization and mlrMBO capabilities.

The ME algorithm minimizes an objective function for a parameter space defined using the ParamHelpers library. For example,

  par.set = makeParamSet(
    makeNumericParam("x1", lower = -5, upper = 5),
    makeNumericParam("x2", lower = -10, upper = 20))

This defines the two dimensional space (x1,x2) with the specified limits. This is defined in the data/parameter_set.R file, and is read in by the algorithm. See for more details on defining parameter sets.

We make use of existing capabilities from mlrMBO:

  • expected improvement for the infill criterion
  • constant liar for multi-point proposals

The example uses multi-point proposals for concurrency in the iterative steps, defined via a propose.points=<number of proposed points> passed in via the handshake protocol. See for more information on parallelization in mlrMBO.

The maximum algorithm iteration is specified via a max.iterations=<number of max iterations> argument, also defined via the handshake protocol.

ME output file: final_res.Rds

mlrMBO's mbo function produces a MBOSingleObjResult object. That object is saved to the file system either to the R directory or, if within an EMEWS workflow, to the experiment directory as final_res.Rds and can be loaded within an R session using readRDS("<path to>/final_res.Rds"). The results contain the final best parameter values (the 'x' attribute) and associated metadata about the parameter evaluations. Sample R session:

> res <- readRDS("final_res.Rds")
> res
Recommended parameters:
x1=-0.00348; x2=0.00039
Objective: y = 0.000

Optimization path
10 + 50 entries in total, displaying last 10 (or less):
             x1            x2          y dob eol error.message exec.time           ei error.model
51  0.021268669 -0.0015876795 0.00045625   5  NA          <NA>     0.005 -0.003052062        <NA>
52  0.001726581 -0.0109929332 0.00012389   5  NA          <NA>     0.005 -0.003133601        <NA>
53 -0.003482415  0.0003902262 0.00001241   5  NA          <NA>     0.005 -0.003107291        <NA>
54 -0.010112463  0.0047225396 0.00012410   5  NA          <NA>     0.005 -0.002959909        <NA>
55 -0.007467093  0.0036184161 0.00006921   5  NA          <NA>     0.005 -0.002792420        <NA>
56 -0.008373364  0.0172918730 0.00036985   5  NA          <NA>     0.005 -0.002687781        <NA>
57  0.017026402 -0.0008350774 0.00028964   5  NA          <NA>     0.005 -0.002691925        <NA>
58  0.006735039  0.0096698516 0.00013898   5  NA          <NA>     0.005 -0.002702887        <NA>
59 -0.256377756 -0.0120437196 0.06588496   5  NA          <NA>     0.005 -0.001059505        <NA>
60 -0.238420904 -0.0144036386 0.05704192   5  NA          <NA>     0.005 -0.003761101        <NA>
   train.time prop.type propose.time          se         mean
51      0.177 infill_ei        0.144 0.007887601 4.572985e-04
52         NA infill_ei        0.144 0.007626472 8.572543e-05
53         NA infill_ei        0.114 0.007473337 1.775290e-05
54         NA infill_ei        0.107 0.007343511 2.058337e-04
55         NA infill_ei        0.119 0.006878015 1.697411e-04
56         NA infill_ei        0.130 0.006997037 4.759549e-04
57         NA infill_ei        0.134 0.006791627 3.013381e-04
58         NA infill_ei        0.135 0.006652569 1.689551e-04
59         NA infill_ei        0.153 0.041744149 6.548829e-02
60         NA infill_ei        0.149 0.011104461 1.675296e-03
> res$x
[1] -0.003482415

[1] 0.0003902262

> res$y
[1] 1.241e-05

Note that without the mlrMBO etc. packages installed, you can load the object but it will not print etc. correctly.

For more information see, the mbo and MBOSingleObjResult in the mlrMBO documentation:

Handshake protocol

The ME expects to receive the following algorithm parameters:

  • max.budget - Maximum total number of objective function evaluations, including both design and iteration evaluations.
  • max.iterations - Total number of iterative sampling rounds after the initial design sampling.
  • design.size - Total number of design points/evaluations in the initial sampling.
  • propose.points - Total number of evaluations within each iteration of the mbo algorithm.
  • param.set.file - the file that defines the parameter space, including constraints.

This should be formatted as a string of comma separated key = value pairs. E.g.,:

"max.budget = 60, max.iterations = 5, design.size=10, propose.points=10, param.set.file='../data/parameter_set.R'"

Final protocol

The ME pushes the string "DONE" to the OUT queue to indicate that the algorithm has completed. It will subsequently push the message "Look at final_res.Rds for final results." into the OUT queue and complete.

Testing and running the ME module

The R/test directory contains tests for the ME components and for running the ME algorithm with R (i.e., without Swift/T).

  • mlrMBO_utils_tests.R: unit tests for R/mlrMBO_utils.R, which provides R components to the ME (run using the testthat library's test_file("<path to>/mlrMBO_utils_tests.R") function)
  • emews_mlrMBO_run.R: script that provides R implementations for the EQ/R OUT_put and IN_get calls to be able to run emews_mlrMBO.R at smaller scales for testing without Swift/T (run from R directory via source("test/emews_mlrMBO_run.R"))
  • test_utils_tests.R: tests for functions in test/test_utils.R which are used to make emews_mlrMBO_run.R work (run using test_file("<path to>/test_utils_tests.R"))

ME Requirements