Install Poetry:
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
Configure locally installed virtualenv (under
):poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
Install dependencies:
poetry install --with dev --with docs
Update all dependencies:
poetry update
Update single dependency, e.g.:
poetry update prefect
If a dependency is not updated to the latest version available on Pypi, you might need to clear the pip cache of poetry:
poetry cache clear pypi -all
- In PyCharm, install "Mypy" plugin (not "Mypy (Official)")
which mypy
to get path to mypy binary- In the PyCharm settings for the mypy plugin:
- Select the mypy binary
- Select
as the mypy config file
The setup for automatic formatting and linting is rather complex. The main alternative is to use black, which is easier to set up, but it does not have as many options and the main omnipy developer is opinionated against the default black setup. The yapf config is not fully defined.
To install git hooks that automagically format and lint before every commit:
pre-commit install
In PyCharm -> File Watchers:
- Click arrow icon pointing down and to the left
- Select