diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 56d111d..a9a4aa8 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -16,8 +16,11 @@ instead of version numbers.
By contrast, optional arguments add parentheses:
`\begin{theorem 1}` produces "Theorem (1)", and
`\begin{proof}[sketch]` produces "Proof (sketch)".
-* `\begin{tabular}` improvements: skip over `\&`, HTML tags/character codes,
- and braced content, which makes it possible to include URLs with `&`s.
+* `\begin{tabular}` improvements:
+ * Skip over `\&`, HTML tags/character codes, and braced content,
+ which makes it possible to include URLs with `&`s.
+ * Fix column computations when using both `\multirow` and `\multicolumn`
+ (in separate cells).
## 2023-11-01
diff --git a/lib/formats.coffee b/lib/formats.coffee
index a8792e1..de005f5 100644
--- a/lib/formats.coffee
+++ b/lib/formats.coffee
@@ -304,10 +304,12 @@ latex2htmlCommandsAlpha = (tex, math) ->
(for row in splitOutside body, /(?:\\\\|\[DOUBLEBACKSLASH\])/ #(?:\s*\\(?:hline|cline\s*{[^{}]*}))?/
#console.log row
continue unless row.trim()
+ colnum = 0
\n" +
- (for col, colnum in splitOutside row, /&/
+ (for col in splitOutside row, /&/
if skip[colnum]
- skip[colnum] -= 1
+ skip[colnum]--
+ colnum++
align = cols[colnum]
attrs = ''
@@ -316,9 +318,12 @@ latex2htmlCommandsAlpha = (tex, math) ->
## entry, you must put the \multirow inside the \multicolumn"
## [http://ctan.mirrors.hoobly.com/macros/latex/contrib/multirow/multirow.pdf]
if (match = /\\multicolumn\s*(\d+|{\s*(\d+)\s*})\s*(\w|{([^{}]*)})\s*{((?:[^{}]|{(?:[^{}]|{[^{}]*})*})*)}/.exec col)?
- attrs += " colspan=\"#{match[2] ? match[1]}\""
+ colspan = parseInt match[2] ? match[1], 10
+ attrs += " colspan=\"#{colspan}\""
align = match[4] ? match[3]
col = match[5]
+ else
+ colspan = 1
## In HTML, rowspan means that later rows shouldn't specify s
## for that column, while in LaTeX, they are still present.
if (match = /\\multirow\s*(\d+|{\s*(\d+)\s*})\s*(\*|{([^{}]*)})\s*{((?:[^{}]|{(?:[^{}]|{[^{}]*})*})*)}/.exec col)?
@@ -338,6 +343,7 @@ latex2htmlCommandsAlpha = (tex, math) ->
" style=\"#{style}text-align: right\""
+ colnum += colspan
" | #{col} | \n"
).join('') +