diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 46b5bd9..86ae940 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,222 +1,68 @@
-# Obsidian Book Search Plugin
+# Obsidian Wikidata Sidebar Plugin
-![GitHub Workflow Status](https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/anpigon/obsidian-book-search-plugin/Release%20Obsidian%20plugin?logo=github)
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-Easily create book notes.
+Load data from wikidata to a sidebar, using a direct text search or via mapped frontmatter properties.
## Changelog
-### [0.5.8](https://github.com/anpigon/obsidian-book-search-plugin/compare/0.5.8-beta.2...0.5.8) (2022-09-13)
+### 0.1.0 Initial revision
### Features
-- Add locale selection for Google searches.
-- Can use the [Templater plugin](https://github.com/SilentVoid13/Templater) with.
-- Enables [Inline scripts](https://github.com/anpigon/obsidian-book-search-plugin#inline-script) for templates.
+- Specify frontmatter mappings (eg DOI - [P356](https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P356))
+- Specify frontmatter property that holds a wikidata entity ID (Q-number)
+- Simple text search
+- Navigation through linked wikidata entities in the sidebar
+- Links to external conent (to wikidata and using identifiers attached to an entity
## Demo
## Description
-Use to query book using :
-- A book title, author, publisher or ISBN (10 or 13).
-Use Google Books API to get the book information.
## How to install
-Click the link to install the Book Search plugin: [Install Link](https://obsidian.md/plugins?id=obsidian-book-search-plugin)
+Click the link to install the Wikidata sidebar plugin: [Install Link](https://obsidian.md/plugins?id=obsidian-wikidata-sidebar-plugin)
Or, Search in the Obsidian Community plugin. And install it.
## How to use
-### 1. Click the ribbon icon, or excute the command "Create new book note".
-### 2. Search for books by keywords.
+### 1. To use frontmatter properties to retrieve associated wikidata entities
+Click the ribbon icon 🌍, or excute the command "Wikidata sidebar: Load wikidata from frontmatter".
+### 2. To search wikidata
+Use the command "Wikidata sidebar: Search wikidata for sidebar".
-### 3. Select the book from the search results.
+### 3. Select the wikidata entity from the search results.
-### 4. Voila! A note has been created.
+### 4. The entity will be loaded in a sidebar.
## How to use settings
-### New file location
-Set the folder location where the new file is created. Otherwise, a new file is created in the Obsidian Root folder.
-### New file name
-You can set the file name format. The default format is `{{title}} - {{author}}`.
-You can use `{{DATE}}` or `{{DATE:YYYYMMDD}}` to set a unique file name.
-### Template file
-You can set the template file location. There is an example template at the bottom.
-### Service Provider
-You can set up the services that you use to search for books. Only Google and Naver(네이버) are available now.
-To use Naver Book Search, clientId and clientSecret are required. I will explain how to get clientId and clientSecret from Naver on my blog.
-### (Deprecated) Text to insert into front matter
-You can add the following to the default Front Matter, or create a new Front Matter with the structure you want. Please use the template file described below.
-### (Deprecated) Text to insert into content
-You can add text to the content for [Dataview inline metadata](https://blacksmithgu.github.io/obsidian-dataview/data-annotation/#pages). Please use the template file described below.
-## Example template
-Please also find a definition of the variables used in this template below (see: [Template variables definitions](#template-variables-definitions)).
-tag: 📚Book
-title: "{{title}}"
-author: [{{author}}]
-publisher: {{publisher}}
-publish: {{publishDate}}
-total: {{totalPage}}
-isbn: {{isbn10}} {{isbn13}}
-cover: {{coverUrl}}
-status: unread
-created: {{DATE:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss}}
-updated: {{DATE:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss}}
-# {{title}}
-## Dataview rendering
-Here is the dataview query used in the demo
-# 📚 My Bookshelf
+### Frontmatter property mapping
- status as Status,
- rows.file.link as Book
-FROM #📚Book
-WHERE !contains(file.path, "Templates")
-GROUP BY status
-SORT status
+By default this is:
-## List of all books
- status as Status,
- "![|60](" + cover + ")" as Cover,
- link(file.link, title) as Title,
- author as Author,
- join(list(publisher, publish)) as Publisher
-FROM #📚Book
-WHERE !contains(file.path, "Templates")
-SORT status DESC, file.ctime ASC
+ orcid: 'P496',
+ doi: 'P356',
+ ipni_name_id: 'P961',
+ ihcode: 'P5858',
-The banner at the top of the document is rendered using [Obsidian-banners](https://github.com/noatpad/obsidian-banners) plugin.
-## Template variables definitions
-Please find here a definition of the possible variables to be used in your template. Simply write `{{name}}` in your template, and replace name by the desired book data, including:
-| name | description |
-| ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
-| title | The title of the book. |
-| author | The name of the book author. It can be multiple people. |
-| category | Book category. |
-| description | Book description. |
-| publisher | The publisher of the book. |
-| totalPage | The total number of pages in the book. |
-| coverUrl | Book cover image URL. |
-| publishDate | The year the book was published. |
-| isbn10 | ISBN10 |
-| isbn13 | ISBN13 |
-## Advanced
+### Frontmatter property for the wikidata entity ID
-### Inline Script
-#### To print out a book object:
-<%=JSON.stringify(book, null, 2)%>
-#### When you want to list or link authors:
-authors: <%=book.authors.map(author=>`\n - ${author}`).join('')%>
-authors: <%=book.authors.map(author => `[[${author}]]`).join(', ')%>
+This defaults to `wikidata_entity_id`
## License
-[Obsidian Book Search Plugin](https://github.com/anpigon/obsidian-book-search-plugin) is licensed under the GNU AGPLv3 license. Refer to [LICENSE](https://github.com/SilentVoid13/Templater/blob/master/LICENSE.TXT) for more information.
+[Wikidata sidebar plugin](https://github.com/echinopscis/obsidian-wikidata-plugin) is licensed under the MIT license. Refer to [LICENSE](/LICENSE.TXT) for more information.
@@ -224,17 +70,10 @@ authors: <%=book.authors.map(author => `[[${author}]]`).join(', ')%>
Feel free to contribute.
-You can create an [issue](https://github.com/anpigon/obsidian-book-search-plugin/issues) to report a bug, suggest an improvement for this plugin, ask a question, etc.
-You can make a [pull request](https://github.com/anpigon/obsidian-book-search-plugin/pulls) to contribute to this plugin development.
-## Support
+You can create an [issue](https://github.com/echinopscis/obsidian-wikidata-plugin/issues) to report a bug, suggest an improvement for this plugin, ask a question, etc.
-If this plugin helped you and you wish to contribute :)
+You can make a [pull request](https://github.com/echinopscis/obsidian-wikidata-plugin/pulls) to contribute to this plugin development.
-Buy me coffee on [buymeacoffee.com/anpigon](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/anpigon)
+## Credits
+Sincere thanks to Toby Hudson (AKA [9909](https://github.com/99of9)) for his work on the browser plugin [Entity Explosion](https://github.com/99of9/Entity-Explosion) which inspired this plugin, and to [anpigon](https://github.com/anpigon) who developed the [obsidian book search plugin](https://github.com/anpigon/obsidian-book-search-plugin) which was used as the basis for this development.