diff --git a/research-cloud-plugin.yml b/research-cloud-plugin.yml index bdf246d0..95cc6e46 100644 --- a/research-cloud-plugin.yml +++ b/research-cloud-plugin.yml @@ -1,46 +1,7 @@ -# From https://github.com/RS-DAT/JupyterDaskOnSRC/blob/953f2b2d8f258f9793bbb18cb3cedc061e5bb9e8/research-cloud-plugin.yml#L11-L38 -- name: Enable ansible to configure workers - hosts: localhost - gather_facts: false - vars: {} - tasks: - - - name: Wait for system to become reachable - wait_for_connection: - timeout: 300 - - - name: Create group workers with workers' IPs - add_host: - name: "{{ item }}" - groups: workers - ansible_user: ubuntu - ansible_connection: ssh - ansible_ssh_private_key_file: ~/.ssh/id_rsa - ansible_become: yes - loop: '{{ worker_ip_addresses }}' - - - name: Alias name for jumphost - add_host: - name: jumphost - hostname: localhost - - - name: Scan for worker keys. - shell: - cmd: ssh-keyscan {{ item }} - register: ssh_scan - loop: '{{ worker_ip_addresses }}' - - - name: Write the worker keys to known hosts - known_hosts: - name: "{{ item.0.item }}" - key: "{{ item.1 }}" - with_subelements: - - "{{ ssh_scan.results }}" - - stdout_lines - # code: language=ansible - name: Install and configure eWaterCycle Jupyter on jumphost hosts: + - all - localhost gather_facts: false vars: @@ -54,20 +15,6 @@ - name: Gather facts for first time setup: - - name: Volumes - debug: - var: volumes - - - name: df - shell: df - - - name: ls /data - shell: ls /data - - - name: Workers - debug: - var: worker_ip_addresses - - name: Common stuff include_role: name: common @@ -160,24 +107,4 @@ - name: Debug debug: msg: The eWaterCycle Jupyter plugin has completed -- name: Setup worker nodes - hosts: - - workers - gather_facts: false - vars: - # dCache token for mounting shared data - dcache_ro_token: null # Must be filled from command line - tasks: - - name: Wait for system to become reachable - wait_for_connection: - timeout: 300 - - - name: Gather facts for first time - setup: - - name: Name - debug: - var: inventory_hostname - - - name: df - shell: df