If you think you have found a bug, please open a new issue on GitHub.
Try give as much information as you can in the issue. It is very useful if you can supply the command or a small self-contained code snippet that reproduces the problem. Please also specify the era5cli version that you are using and the version of the cdsapi library installed. You can find these with:
pip show era5cli cdsapi
We welcome contributions form everyone. Please use our GitHub issue tracker for questions, ideas, or feature requests.
If you want to make a pull request:
- discuss your idea first, before putting in a lot of effort
- refer to the developer documentation for information on how to setup your environment, testing, and more.
- if needed, fork the repository to your own Github profile
- work on your own feature branch
- make sure the existing tests still work and add new tests (if necessary)
- update or expand the documentation
- make sure your code follows the style guidelines
- don't be afraid to ask help with any of the above steps. We're happy to help!
By participating in this project, you agree to abide by the code of conduct.