##Getting Started
Before taking any steps you need to get a BOT API KEY from the Slack intergration settings and create a bot to test with
- Install dependencies
- run
npm install
- Install
(possible from Homebrew)
- After installing, you will need to run the background service (or edit your launch agent to run service in backgrond from boot it)
- Setup DB
- run
postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres
- Next few steps may only need to be run once
- run
which psql
which should return the location of psql - run
createdb 'whoami'
to produce the database - run
to start postgrep clli CREATE DATABASE dbName;
- Create a user by running
- run
to check if the role is there. \q
to exit current database.- run
psql dbName userName -h localhost
to enter cli for your new db - run
CREATE TABLE movies ( id SERIAL, title varchar(80), votes int);
to create a table with the specified structure
4.) Run Bot
- You need two environment variables, BOT_API_KEY, and PG_URL (url to hit database)
- create a .env file in the working directory with the env variables defined in it
- run
postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres
- run
npm start
Running the bot
- log into the heroku instance from the project directory
- then type
heroku run:detached npm start
Stopping the bot
- Dynos are the individual instances running from heroku. View them by using
heroku ps
- Stopping an instance requires you to know the dyno name from ps and typing
heroku ps:stop (name)
- Dynos are the individual instances running from heroku. View them by using
- Deploying on Heroku is easy
- Check to ensure that you have Postgresql by running
heroku pg:info
- Setting up your Heroku pg database
- Establish a database by running
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
- Where
is the plan name. For our purposes we'll use the free hobby dev plan - You will see something like
. This is the alias for the URL of your database
- Where
- Run
heroku pg:psql
heroku pg:psql
- This will establish a connection to your Heroku pg database
- Creating your database
- From there, you will see a psql instance. Run your table commands here
- For this project,
CREATE TABLE movies (id SERIAL, title VARCHAR(35), votes INT);
will create the same database
- For this project,
- Ensure your config variables match
- Ensure that your heroku database URL and Slack API keys match up in your Heroku app dashboard
- Finally, deploy your code
- You can deploy by commiting to the remote heroku master branch
- You do this by running
git push heroku master
- You must have the Heroku Toolbelt to be able to hook into the Heroku remote branch
- You do this by running