diff --git a/BUILDIT.md b/BUILDIT.md
index 4a8aa5a..aad1715 100644
--- a/BUILDIT.md
+++ b/BUILDIT.md
@@ -1,43 +1,47 @@
-# Build Log π©βπ»
+# Build Log π©π»βπ»
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-This is a log
-of the steps taken
+This is a log
+of the steps taken
to build the **`WHO`** App. π
-It took us _hours_
+It took us _hours_
to write it,
-but you can
+but you can
it in **10 minutes**. π
-> **Note**: we have referenced sections
+> **Note**: we have referenced sections
> in our more extensive tutorials/examples
-> to keep this doc
+> to keep this doc
> [DRY](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don't_repeat_yourself).
> You don't have to follow every step in
> the other tutorials/examples,
> but they are linked in case you get stuck.
-In this log we have written the
+In this log we have written the
functions first
and _then_ built the interface.
We were able to do this because we had a good idea
of which functions we were going to need.
If you are reading through this
-and scratching your head
+and scratching your head
wondering where a particular function will be used,
simply scroll down to the interface section
-where (_hopefully_) it will all be clear.
+where (_hopefully_) it will all be clear.
+> **Note**: if anything is _still_ unclear,
+> please open an issue:
+> [dwyl/who/issues](https://github.com/dwyl/who/issues)
At the end of each step,
remember to run the tests:
@@ -53,11 +57,10 @@ We suggest keeping two terminal tabs/windows running;
one for the server `mix phx.server` and the other for the **tests**.
That way you can also see the UI as you progress.
-With that in place, let's get building!
+With that in place, let's get building!
-- [Build Log π©βπ»](#build-log-)
+- [Build Log π©π»βπ»](#build-log-)
+- [0. Prerequisites: _Before_ You Start](#0-prerequisites-before-you-start)
- [1. Create a New `Phoenix` App](#1-create-a-new-phoenix-app)
- [1.1 Run the `Phoenix` App](#11-run-the-phoenix-app)
- [1.2 Run the tests:](#12-run-the-tests)
@@ -76,18 +79,11 @@ With that in place, let's get building!
- [2.2.3 Re-run the Tests](#223-re-run-the-tests)
- [3. Setup `GitHub` API](#3-setup-github-api)
- [3.1 Make the `user` Tests Pass](#31-make-the-user-tests-pass)
-- [4. Create `Timer`](#4-create-timer)
- - [Make `timer` tests pass](#make-timer-tests-pass)
-- [5. `items` with `timers`](#5-items-with-timers)
- - [5.1 Test for `accumulate_item_timers/1`](#51-test-for-accumulate_item_timers1)
- - [5.2 Implement the `accummulate_item_timers/1` function](#52-implement-the-accummulate_item_timers1-function)
- - [5.3 Test for `items_with_timers/1`](#53-test-for-items_with_timers1)
- - [5.4 Implement `items_with_timers/1`](#54-implement-items_with_timers1)
-- [6. Add Authentication](#6-add-authentication)
- - [6.1 Add `auth_plug` to `deps`](#61-add-auth_plug-to-deps)
- - [6.2 Get your `AUTH_API_KEY`](#62-get-your-auth_api_key)
- - [6.2 Create Auth Controller](#62-create-auth-controller)
-- [7. Create `LiveView` Functions](#7-create-liveview-functions)
+- [X. Add Authentication](#x-add-authentication)
+ - [X.1 Add `auth_plug` to `deps`](#x1-add-auth_plug-to-deps)
+ - [X.2 Get your `AUTH_API_KEY`](#x2-get-your-auth_api_key)
+ - [X.3 Create Auth Controller](#x3-create-auth-controller)
+- [Y. Create `LiveView` Functions](#y-create-liveview-functions)
- [7.1 Write `LiveView` Tests](#71-write-liveview-tests)
- [7.2 Implement the `LiveView` functions](#72-implement-the-liveview-functions)
- [8. Implement the `LiveView` UI Template](#8-implement-the-liveview-ui-template)
@@ -106,10 +102,17 @@ With that in place, let's get building!
- [12.2 Run The App](#122-run-the-app)
- [Thanks!](#thanks)
+# 0. Prerequisites: _Before_ You Start
+_Before_ you dive in,
+make sure you have `Phoenix` and `Postgres` installed,
+see how at:
# 1. Create a New `Phoenix` App
-Open your terminal and
+Open your terminal and
**create** a **new `Phoenix` app**
with the following command:
@@ -434,24 +437,27 @@ This app stores data in **five** schemas:
5. `follows` - https://docs.github.com/en/rest/users/followers - List the `people` a `user` follows.
For each of these schemas we are storing
-a _subset_ of the data;
+a _subset_ of the data;
only what we need right now.
-We can always add more
-later as needed.
+We can always add more
+_later_ as needed.
-Create database schemas
+Create database schemas
to store the data
-with the following
+with the following
[**`mix phx.gen.schema`**](https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/Mix.Tasks.Phx.Gen.Schema.html)
mix phx.gen.schema User users login:string avatar_url:string name:string company:string bio:string blog:string location:string email:string created_at:string two_factor_authentication:boolean followers:integer following:integer
mix phx.gen.schema Org orgs login:string avatar_url:string name:string company:string public_repos:integer location:string description:string followers:integer
mix phx.gen.schema Repository repositories name:string full_name:string owner_id:integer owner_name:string description:string fork:boolean forks_count:integer watchers_count:integer stargazers_count:integer topics:string open_issues_count:integer created_at:string pushed_at:string
mix phx.gen.schema Star stars repo_id:integer user_id:integer stop:utc_datetime
mix phx.gen.schema Follow follows follower_id:integer following_id:integer stop:utc_datetime
@@ -505,22 +511,23 @@ Specifically the files:
-have **_zero_ test coverage**.
+have **_zero_ test coverage**.
We will address this test coverage shortfall in the next section.
-Yes, we _know_ this is not
+Yes, we _know_ this is _not_
because we aren't writing the tests _first_.
But by creating database schemas,
-we have a scaffold
+we have a scaffold
for the next stage.
-See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaffold_(programming)
## 2.2 Write Tests for Schema/Scaffold Code
-The **`mix phx.gen.schema`** command
+The **`mix phx.gen.schema`** command
doesn't create the test files for the schemas.
We can create these quick.
@@ -658,10 +665,9 @@ If you get stuck, you can always refer to the
file in the finished project:
### 2.2.3 Re-run the Tests
-At this point,
+At this point,
if you re-run _all_ the tests with coverage:
@@ -876,515 +882,12 @@ end
Once you have saved the file, re-run the tests.
They should now pass.
-# 4. Create `Timer`
-Open the `test/app/timer_test.exs` file and add the following tests:
-defmodule App.TimerTest do
- use App.DataCase
- alias App.{Item, Timer}
- describe "timers" do
- @valid_item_attrs %{text: "some text", person_id: 1}
- test "Timer.start/1 returns timer that has been started" do
- {:ok, item} = Item.create_item(@valid_item_attrs)
- assert Item.get_item!(item.id).text == item.text
- started = NaiveDateTime.utc_now()
- {:ok, timer} =
- Timer.start(%{item_id: item.id, person_id: 1, start: started})
- assert NaiveDateTime.diff(timer.start, started) == 0
- end
- test "Timer.stop/1 stops the timer that had been started" do
- {:ok, item} = Item.create_item(@valid_item_attrs)
- assert Item.get_item!(item.id).text == item.text
- {:ok, started} =
- NaiveDateTime.new(Date.utc_today, Time.add(Time.utc_now, -1))
- {:ok, timer} =
- Timer.start(%{item_id: item.id, person_id: 1, start: started})
- assert NaiveDateTime.diff(timer.start, started) == 0
- ended = NaiveDateTime.utc_now()
- {:ok, timer} = Timer.stop(%{id: timer.id, stop: ended})
- assert NaiveDateTime.diff(timer.stop, timer.start) == 1
- end
- test "stop_timer_for_item_id(item_id) should stop the active timer (happy path)" do
- {:ok, item} = Item.create_item(@valid_item_attrs)
- {:ok, seven_seconds_ago} =
- NaiveDateTime.new(Date.utc_today, Time.add(Time.utc_now, -7))
- # Start the timer 7 seconds ago:
- {:ok, timer} =
- Timer.start(%{item_id: item.id, person_id: 1, start: seven_seconds_ago})
- #Β stop the timer based on it's item_id
- Timer.stop_timer_for_item_id(item.id)
- stopped_timer = Timer.get_timer!(timer.id)
- assert NaiveDateTime.diff(stopped_timer.start, seven_seconds_ago) == 0
- assert NaiveDateTime.diff(stopped_timer.stop, stopped_timer.start) == 7
- end
- test "stop_timer_for_item_id(item_id) should not explode if there is no timer (unhappy path)" do
- zero_item_id = 0 # random int
- Timer.stop_timer_for_item_id(zero_item_id)
- assert "Don't stop believing!"
- end
- test "stop_timer_for_item_id(item_id) should not melt down if item_id is nil (sad path)" do
- nil_item_id = nil # random int
- Timer.stop_timer_for_item_id(nil_item_id)
- assert "Keep on truckin'"
- end
- end
-## Make `timer` tests pass
-Open the `lib/app/timer.ex` file
-and replace the contents with the following code:
-defmodule App.Timer do
- use Ecto.Schema
- import Ecto.Changeset
- # import Ecto.Query
- alias App.Repo
- alias __MODULE__
- require Logger
- schema "timers" do
- field :item_id, :id
- field :start, :naive_datetime
- field :stop, :naive_datetime
- timestamps()
- end
- @doc false
- def changeset(timer, attrs) do
- timer
- |> cast(attrs, [:item_id, :start, :stop])
- |> validate_required([:item_id, :start])
- end
- @doc """
- `get_timer/1` gets a single Timer.
- Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Timer does not exist.
- ## Examples
- iex> get_timer!(123)
- %Timer{}
- """
- def get_timer!(id), do: Repo.get!(Timer, id)
- @doc """
- `start/1` starts a timer.
- ## Examples
- iex> start(%{item_id: 1, })
- {:ok, %Timer{start: ~N[2022-07-11 04:20:42]}}
- """
- def start(attrs \\ %{}) do
- %Timer{}
- |> changeset(attrs)
- |> Repo.insert()
- end
- @doc """
- `stop/1` stops a timer.
- ## Examples
- iex> stop(%{id: 1})
- {:ok, %Timer{stop: ~N[2022-07-11 05:15:31], etc.}}
- """
- def stop(attrs \\ %{}) do
- get_timer!(attrs.id)
- |> changeset(%{stop: NaiveDateTime.utc_now})
- |> Repo.update()
- end
- @doc """
- `stop_timer_for_item_id/1` stops a timer for the given item_id if there is one.
- Fails silently if there is no timer for the given item_id.
- ## Examples
- iex> stop_timer_for_item_id(42)
- {:ok, %Timer{item_id: 42, stop: ~N[2022-07-11 05:15:31], etc.}}
- """
- def stop_timer_for_item_id(item_id) when is_nil(item_id) do
- Logger.debug("stop_timer_for_item_id/1 called without item_id: #{item_id} fail.")
- end
- def stop_timer_for_item_id(item_id) do
- # get timer by item_id find the latest one that has not been stopped:
- sql = """
- SELECT t.id FROM timers t
- WHERE t.item_id = $1
- AND t.stop IS NULL
- ORDER BY t.id
- """
- res = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!(Repo, sql, [item_id])
- if res.num_rows > 0 do
- # IO.inspect(res.rows)
- timer_id = res.rows |> List.first() |> List.first()
- Logger.debug("Found timer.id: #{timer_id} for item: #{item_id}, attempting to stop.")
- stop(%{id: timer_id})
- else
- Logger.debug("No active timers found for item: #{item_id}")
- end
- end
-The first few functions are simple again.
-The more advanced function is `stop_timer_for_item_id/1`.
-The _reason_ for the function is,
-as it's name suggests,
-to stop a `timer` for an `item` by its' `item_id`.
-We have written the function using "raw" `SQL`
-so that it's easier for people who are `new`
-to `Phoenix`, and _specifically_ `Ecto` to understand.
-# 5. `items` with `timers`
-The _interesting_ thing we are UX-testing in the MVP
-is the _combination_ of (todo list) `items` and `timers`.
-So we need a way of:
-**a.** Selecting all the `timers` for a given `item`
-**b.** Accumulating the `timers` for the `item`
-> **Note**: We would have _loved_
-to find a single `Ecto` function to do this,
-but we didn't.
-If you know of one,
-please share!
-## 5.1 Test for `accumulate_item_timers/1`
-This might feel like we are working in reverse,
-that's because we _are_!
-We are working _back_ from our stated goal
-of accumulating all the `timer` for a given `item`
-so that we can display a _single_ elapsed time
-when an `item` has had more than one timer.
-Open the
-file and add the following block of test code:
- describe "accumulate timers for a list of items #103" do
- test "accumulate_item_timers/1 to display cumulative timer" do
- # https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.13/NaiveDateTime.html#new/2
- # "Add" -7 seconds: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.13/Time.html#add/3
- {:ok, seven_seconds_ago} =
- NaiveDateTime.new(Date.utc_today, Time.add(Time.utc_now, -7))
- # this is the "shape" of the data that items_with_timers/1 will return:
- items_with_timers = [
- %{
- stop: nil,
- id: 3,
- start: nil,
- text: "This item has no timers",
- timer_id: nil
- },
- %{
- stop: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:10.000000],
- id: 2,
- start: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:00.000000],
- text: "Item #2 has one active (no end) and one complete timer should total 17sec",
- timer_id: 3
- },
- %{
- stop: nil,
- id: 2,
- start: seven_seconds_ago,
- text: "Item #2 has one active (no end) and one complete timer should total 17sec",
- timer_id: 4
- },
- %{
- stop: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:31.000000],
- id: 1,
- start: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:26.000000],
- text: "Item with 3 complete timers that should add up to 42 seconds elapsed",
- timer_id: 2
- },
- %{
- stop: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:24.000000],
- id: 1,
- start: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:18.000000],
- text: "Item with 3 complete timers that should add up to 42 seconds elapsed",
- timer_id: 1
- },
- %{
- stop: ~N[2022-07-17 11:19:42.000000],
- id: 1,
- start: ~N[2022-07-17 11:19:11.000000],
- text: "Item with 3 complete timers that should add up to 42 seconds elapsed",
- timer_id: 5
- }
- ]
- # The *interesting* timer is the *active* one (started seven_seconds_ago) ...
- # The "hard" part to test in accumulating timers are the *active* ones ...
- acc = Item.accumulate_item_timers(items_with_timers)
- item_map = Map.new(acc, fn item -> {item.id, item} end)
- item1 = Map.get(item_map, 1)
- item2 = Map.get(item_map, 2)
- item3 = Map.get(item_map, 3)
- # It's easy to calculate time elapsed for timers that have an stop:
- assert NaiveDateTime.diff(item1.stop, item1.start) == 42
- # This is the fun one that we need to be 17 seconds:
- assert NaiveDateTime.diff(NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), item2.start) == 17
- # The diff will always be 17 seconds because we control the start in the test data above.
- # But we still get the function to calculate it so we know it works.
- # The 3rd item doesn't have any timers, it's the control:
- assert item3.start == nil
- end
- end
-This is a large test but most of it is the test data (`items_with_timers`) in the format we will be returning from
-`items_with_timers/1` in the next section.
-With that test in place, we can write the function.
-## 5.2 Implement the `accummulate_item_timers/1` function
-Open the
-file and add the following function:
-@doc """
- `accumulate_item_timers/1` aggregates the elapsed time
- for all the timers associated with an item
- and then subtracs that time from the start value of the *current* active timer.
- This is done to create the appearance that a single timer is being started/stopped
- when in fact there are multiple timers in the backend.
- For MVP we *could* have just had a single timer ...
- and given the "ugliness" of this code, I wish I had done that!!
- But the "USP" of our product [IMO] is that
- we can track the completion of a task across multiple work sessions.
- And having multiple timers is the *only* way to achieve that.
- If you can think of a better way of achieving the same result,
- please share: https://github.com/dwyl/app-mvp-phoenix/issues/103
- This function *relies* on the list of items being ordered by timer_id ASC
- because it "pops" the last timer and ignores it to avoid double-counting.
- """
- def accumulate_item_timers(items_with_timers) do
- # e.g: %{0 => 0, 1 => 6, 2 => 5, 3 => 24, 4 => 7}
- timer_id_diff_map = map_timer_diff(items_with_timers)
- # e.g: %{1 => [2, 1], 2 => [4, 3], 3 => []}
- item_id_timer_id_map = Map.new(items_with_timers, fn i ->
- { i.id, Enum.map(items_with_timers, fn it ->
- if i.id == it.id, do: it.timer_id, else: nil
- end)
- # stackoverflow.com/questions/46339815/remove-nil-from-list
- |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1)
- }
- end)
- # this one is "wasteful" but I can't think of how to simplify it ...
- item_id_timer_diff_map = Map.new(items_with_timers, fn item ->
- timer_id_list = Map.get(item_id_timer_id_map, item.id, [0])
- # Remove last item from list before summing to avoid double-counting
- {_, timer_id_list} = List.pop_at(timer_id_list, -1)
- { item.id, Enum.reduce(timer_id_list, 0, fn timer_id, acc ->
- Map.get(timer_id_diff_map, timer_id) + acc
- end)
- }
- end)
- # creates a nested map: %{ item.id: %{id: 1, text: "my item", etc.}}
- Map.new(items_with_timers, fn item ->
- time_elapsed = Map.get(item_id_timer_diff_map, item.id)
- start = if is_nil(item.start), do: nil,
- else: NaiveDateTime.add(item.start, -time_elapsed)
- { item.id, %{item | start: start}}
- end)
- # Return the list of items without duplicates and only the last/active timer:
- |> Map.values()
- # Sort list by item.id descending (ordered by timer_id ASC above) so newest item first:
- |> Enum.sort_by(fn(i) -> i.id end, :desc)
- end
-There's no getting around this,
-the function is huge and not very pretty.
-But hopefully the comments clarify it.
-If anything is unclear, we're very happy to expand/explain.
-We're also _very_ happy for anyone `else` to refactor it!
-[Please open an issue](https://github.com/dwyl/app-mvp/issues/)
-so we can discuss. π
-## 5.3 Test for `items_with_timers/1`
-Open the
-file and the following test to the bottom:
- test "Item.items_with_timers/1 returns a list of items with timers" do
- {:ok, item1} = Item.create_item(@valid_attrs)
- {:ok, item2} = Item.create_item(@valid_attrs)
- assert Item.get_item!(item1.id).text == item1.text
- started = NaiveDateTime.utc_now()
- {:ok, timer1} =
- Timer.start(%{item_id: item1.id, person_id: 1, start: started})
- {:ok, _timer2} =
- Timer.start(%{item_id: item2.id, person_id: 1, start: started})
- assert NaiveDateTime.diff(timer1.start, started) == 0
- # list items with timers:
- item_timers = Item.items_with_timers(1)
- assert length(item_timers) > 0
- end
-## 5.4 Implement `items_with_timers/1`
-Open the
-file and add the following code to the bottom:
-@doc """
- `items_with_timers/1` Returns a List of items with the latest associated timers.
- ## Examples
- iex> items_with_timers()
- [
- %{text: "hello", person_id: 1, status: 2, start: 2022-07-14 09:35:18},
- %{text: "world", person_id: 2, status: 7, start: 2022-07-15 04:20:42}
- ]
- """
- #
- def items_with_timers(person_id \\ 0) do
- sql = """
- SELECT i.id, i.text, i.status, i.person_id, t.start, t.stop, t.id as timer_id FROM items i
- FULL JOIN timers as t ON t.item_id = i.id
- WHERE i.person_id = $1 AND i.status IS NOT NULL AND i.status != 6
- ORDER BY timer_id ASC;
- """
- Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!(Repo, sql, [person_id])
- |> map_columns_to_values()
- |> accumulate_item_timers()
- end
- @doc """
- `map_columns_to_values/1` takes an Ecto SQL query result
- which has the List of columns and rows separate
- and returns a List of Maps where the keys are the column names and values the data.
- Sadly, Ecto returns rows without column keys so we have to map them manually:
- ref: https://groups.google.com/g/elixir-ecto/c/0cubhSd3QS0/m/DLdQsFrcBAAJ
- """
- def map_columns_to_values(res) do
- Enum.map(res.rows, fn(row) ->
- Enum.zip(res.columns, row)
- |> Map.new |> AtomicMap.convert()
- end)
- end
- @doc """
- `map_timer_diff/1` transforms a list of items_with_timers
- into a flat map where the key is the timer_id and the value is the difference
- between timer.stop and timer.start
- If there is no active timer return {0, 0}.
- If there is no timer.stop return Now - timer.start
- ## Examples
- iex> list = [
- %{ stop: nil, id: 3, start: nil, timer_id: nil },
- %{ stop: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:24], id: 1, start: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:18], timer_id: 1 },
- %{ stop: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:31], id: 1, start: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:26], timer_id: 2 },
- %{ stop: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:24], id: 2, start: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:00], timer_id: 3 },
- %{ stop: nil, id: 2, start: seven_seconds_ago, timer_id: 4 }
- ]
- iex> map_timer_diff(list)
- %{0 => 0, 1 => 6, 2 => 5, 3 => 24, 4 => 7}
- """
- def map_timer_diff(list) do
- Map.new(list, fn item ->
- if is_nil(item.timer_id) do
- # item without any active timer
- { 0, 0}
- else
- { item.timer_id, timer_diff(item)}
- end
- end)
- end
- @doc """
- `timer_diff/1` calculates the difference between timer.stop and timer.start
- If there is no active timer OR timer has not ended return 0.
- The reasoning is: an *active* timer (no end) does not have to
- be subtracted from the timer.start in the UI ...
- Again, DRAGONS!
- """
- def timer_diff(timer) do
- # ignore timers that have not ended (current timer is factored in the UI!)
- if is_nil(timer.stop) do
- 0
- else
- NaiveDateTime.diff(timer.stop, timer.start)
- end
- end
-Once again, there is quite a lot going on here.
-We have broken down the functions into chunks
-and added inline comments to clarify the code.
-But again, if anything is unclear please let us know!!
-# 6. Add Authentication
+# X. Add Authentication
This section borrows heavily from:
-## 6.1 Add `auth_plug` to `deps`
+## X.1 Add `auth_plug` to `deps`
Open the `mix.exs` file and add `auth_plug` to the `deps` section:
@@ -1399,14 +902,14 @@ run:
mix deps.get
-## 6.2 Get your `AUTH_API_KEY`
+## X.2 Get your `AUTH_API_KEY`
Follow the steps in the
to get your `AUTH_API_KEY` environment variable. (1 minute)
-## 6.2 Create Auth Controller
+## X.3 Create Auth Controller
Create a new file with the path:
@@ -1450,7 +953,7 @@ defmodule AppWeb.AuthController do
-# 7. Create `LiveView` Functions
+# Y. Create `LiveView` Functions
_Finally_ we have all the "CRUD" functions we're going to need
we can focus on the `LiveView` code that will be the actual UI/UX!
@@ -1458,7 +961,7 @@ we can focus on the `LiveView` code that will be the actual UI/UX!
## 7.1 Write `LiveView` Tests
Opent the
file and replace the contents with the following test code:
diff --git a/lib/app/github.ex b/lib/app/github.ex
index 33072d6..5f607a3 100644
--- a/lib/app/github.ex
+++ b/lib/app/github.ex
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ defmodule App.GitHub do
@doc """
- Returns the GitHub user profile data.
+ Returns the GitHub repository data.
def repository(owner, reponame) do
Logger.info "Fetching repository #{owner}/#{reponame}"
@@ -26,6 +26,5 @@ defmodule App.GitHub do
Logger.info "Fetching user #{username}"
{_status, data, _res} = Tentacat.Users.find @client, username
data |> Useful.atomize_map_keys()