diff --git a/app/mf-resources.qrc b/app/mf-resources.qrc
index 75907a22..2358eb23 100644
--- a/app/mf-resources.qrc
+++ b/app/mf-resources.qrc
@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@
+ resources/icons/github.png
+ resources/icons/bard.png
+ resources/icons/python.png
+ resources/icons/cpp.png
diff --git a/app/resources/icons/bard.png b/app/resources/icons/bard.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9250331
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/resources/icons/bard.png differ
diff --git a/app/resources/icons/cpp.png b/app/resources/icons/cpp.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d736e194
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/resources/icons/cpp.png differ
diff --git a/app/resources/icons/github.png b/app/resources/icons/github.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bfbc541
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/resources/icons/github.png differ
diff --git a/app/resources/icons/python.png b/app/resources/icons/python.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c48d3af7
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/resources/icons/python.png differ
diff --git a/app/src/qt/dialogs/run_tool_dialog.cpp b/app/src/qt/dialogs/run_tool_dialog.cpp
index 729b1b1f..7d44a308 100644
--- a/app/src/qt/dialogs/run_tool_dialog.cpp
+++ b/app/src/qt/dialogs/run_tool_dialog.cpp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ RunToolDialog::RunToolDialog(QWidget* parent)
@@ -113,6 +113,14 @@ QString RunToolDialog::getTemplateTextForToolName(string selectedTool) const
return templateText;
} else if(selectedTool == TOOL_DEEPL) {
return QString{"https://www.deepl.com/en/translator"};
+ } else if(selectedTool == TOOL_DOC_PYTHON) {
+ QString templateText{"https://docs.python.org/3.10/search.html?q="};
+ templateText.append(TOOL_PHRASE);
+ return templateText;
+ } else if(selectedTool == TOOL_DOC_CPP) {
+ QString templateText{"https://duckduckgo.com/?sites=cppreference.com&ia=web&q="};
+ templateText.append(TOOL_PHRASE);
+ return templateText;
} else if(selectedTool == TOOL_STACK_OVERFLOW) {
QString templateText{"https://stackoverflow.com/search?q="};
@@ -126,7 +134,7 @@ QString RunToolDialog::getTemplateTextForToolName(string selectedTool) const
QString templateText{"https://www.github.com/search?q="};
return templateText;
- } else if(selectedTool == TOOL_GH_PROJECTS) {
+ } else if(selectedTool == TOOL_GH_REPOS) {
// TODO fix search URL
QString templateText{"https://www.github.com/search?q="};
diff --git a/app/src/qt/left_toolbar_view.cpp b/app/src/qt/left_toolbar_view.cpp
index 5a56fbeb..5f693407 100644
--- a/app/src/qt/left_toolbar_view.cpp
+++ b/app/src/qt/left_toolbar_view.cpp
@@ -30,27 +30,38 @@ LeftToolbarView::LeftToolbarView(MainWindowView* mainWindowView)
actionLeftToolbarWikipedia = addAction(
- "Open Wikipedia and find entry related to the current context... (Alt-2)");
+ "Open Wikipedia and find entries related to the current context... (Alt-2)");
actionLeftToolbarStackOverflow = addAction(
- "Open StackOverflow and find entry related to the current context... (Alt-3)");
+ "Open StackOverflow and find entries related to the current context... (Alt-3)");
actionLeftToolbarH2oGpt= addAction(
- "Open h2oGPT and chat about entry related to the current context... (Alt-4)");
+ "Open h2oGPT and chat about the current context... (Alt-4)");
actionLeftToolbarDuckDuckGo = addAction(
- "Open DuckDuckGo and find entry related to the current context... (Alt-5)");
+ "Open DuckDuckGo and find entries related to the current context... (Alt-5)");
- // TODO "Open DuckDuckGo and search web for the selected entity..."
+ actionLeftToolbarGitHub = addAction(
+ QIcon(":/icons/github.png"),
+ "Open GitHub and find entries related to the current context... (Alt-6)");
- // TODO "Let chatGPT to explaine in simple terms..."
- // TODO "Use Gramarly to check to grammar..."
- // TODO "Use Pandoc to convert MindForger's Markdown documents..."
- // TODO "Build your web with MindForger's Markdown documents and Docusaurus..."
+ actionLeftToolbarBard = addAction(
+ QIcon(":/icons/bard.png"),
+ "Open Bard and chat about the current context... (Alt-7)");
+ actionLeftToolbarPython = addAction(
+ QIcon(":/icons/python.png"),
+ "Open Python documentation and find entries related to the current context... (Alt-8)");
+ actionLeftToolbarCpp = addAction(
+ QIcon(":/icons/cpp.png"),
+ "Open C++ documentation and find entries related to the current context... (Alt-9)");
+ // TODO "Let chatGPT to explaine in simple terms..."
+ // TODO "Use Gramarly to check to grammar..." > bard/chatGPT can check grammar
diff --git a/app/src/qt/left_toolbar_view.h b/app/src/qt/left_toolbar_view.h
index 82a44445..e1d69d86 100644
--- a/app/src/qt/left_toolbar_view.h
+++ b/app/src/qt/left_toolbar_view.h
@@ -39,6 +39,10 @@ class LeftToolbarView : public QToolBar
QAction* actionLeftToolbarStackOverflow;
QAction* actionLeftToolbarH2oGpt;
QAction* actionLeftToolbarDuckDuckGo;
+ QAction* actionLeftToolbarGitHub;
+ QAction* actionLeftToolbarBard;
+ QAction* actionLeftToolbarPython;
+ QAction* actionLeftToolbarCpp;
// IMPORTANT: hide event hidden as it was causing undesired configuration
// changes and toolbar hiding on Qt's spontaneous hide/show events. Citation
diff --git a/app/src/qt/main_window_presenter.cpp b/app/src/qt/main_window_presenter.cpp
index 09cbe135..523a22bc 100644
--- a/app/src/qt/main_window_presenter.cpp
+++ b/app/src/qt/main_window_presenter.cpp
@@ -211,6 +211,38 @@ MainWindowPresenter::MainWindowPresenter(MainWindowView& view)
view.getLeftToolBar()->actionLeftToolbarDuckDuckGo, SIGNAL(triggered()),
this, SLOT(doActionDuckDuckGoToolbar())
+ QObject::connect(
+ new QShortcut(QKeySequence("Alt+6"), view.getOrloj()), SIGNAL(activated()),
+ this, SLOT(doActionGitHubToolbar())
+ );
+ QObject::connect(
+ view.getLeftToolBar()->actionLeftToolbarGitHub, SIGNAL(triggered()),
+ this, SLOT(doActionGitHubToolbar())
+ );
+ QObject::connect(
+ new QShortcut(QKeySequence("Alt+7"), view.getOrloj()), SIGNAL(activated()),
+ this, SLOT(doActionBardToolbar())
+ );
+ QObject::connect(
+ view.getLeftToolBar()->actionLeftToolbarBard, SIGNAL(triggered()),
+ this, SLOT(doActionBardToolbar())
+ );
+ QObject::connect(
+ new QShortcut(QKeySequence("Alt+8"), view.getOrloj()), SIGNAL(activated()),
+ this, SLOT(doActionPythonToolbar())
+ );
+ QObject::connect(
+ view.getLeftToolBar()->actionLeftToolbarPython, SIGNAL(triggered()),
+ this, SLOT(doActionPythonToolbar())
+ );
+ QObject::connect(
+ new QShortcut(QKeySequence("Alt+9"), view.getOrloj()), SIGNAL(activated()),
+ this, SLOT(doActionCppToolbar())
+ );
+ QObject::connect(
+ view.getLeftToolBar()->actionLeftToolbarCpp, SIGNAL(triggered()),
+ this, SLOT(doActionCppToolbar())
+ );
// wire TOP toolbar signals
view.getToolBar()->actionNewOutlineOrNote, SIGNAL(triggered()),
@@ -2120,6 +2152,26 @@ void MainWindowPresenter::doActionDuckDuckGoToolbar()
+void MainWindowPresenter::doActionGitHubToolbar()
+ handleLeftToolbarAction(TOOL_GH_REPOS);
+void MainWindowPresenter::doActionBardToolbar()
+ handleLeftToolbarAction(TOOL_GOOGLE_BARD);
+void MainWindowPresenter::doActionPythonToolbar()
+ handleLeftToolbarAction(TOOL_DOC_PYTHON);
+void MainWindowPresenter::doActionCppToolbar()
+ handleLeftToolbarAction(TOOL_DOC_CPP);
void MainWindowPresenter::handleLeftToolbarAction(string selectedTool)
// get PHRASE from the active context:
diff --git a/app/src/qt/main_window_presenter.h b/app/src/qt/main_window_presenter.h
index 5efd84c1..b798eeea 100644
--- a/app/src/qt/main_window_presenter.h
+++ b/app/src/qt/main_window_presenter.h
@@ -376,6 +376,10 @@ public slots:
void doActionStackOverflowToolbar();
void doActionH2oGptToolbar();
void doActionDuckDuckGoToolbar();
+ void doActionGitHubToolbar();
+ void doActionBardToolbar();
+ void doActionPythonToolbar();
+ void doActionCppToolbar();
// help
void doActionHelpDocumentation();
void doActionHelpWeb();
diff --git a/lib/src/config/configuration.h b/lib/src/config/configuration.h
index 5f3ed689..35bbdd58 100644
--- a/lib/src/config/configuration.h
+++ b/lib/src/config/configuration.h
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ constexpr const auto TOOL_ARXIV = "arXiv";
constexpr const auto TOOL_DUCKDUCKGO = "DuckDuckGo";
constexpr const auto TOOL_DEEPL = "DeepL web";
constexpr const auto TOOL_STACK_OVERFLOW = "StackOverflow";
-constexpr const auto TOOL_GH_PROJECTS = "GitHub projects";
+constexpr const auto TOOL_GH_REPOS = "GitHub repositories";
constexpr const auto TOOL_GH_TOPICS = "GitHub topics";
constexpr const auto TOOL_GOOGLE_BARD = "Google Bard";
constexpr const auto TOOL_GOOGLE_SEARCH = "Google Search";
@@ -113,6 +113,8 @@ constexpr const auto TOOL_H2O_GPT_WEB = "h2oGPT web";
constexpr const auto TOOL_H2O_GPT_API = "h2oGPT API";
constexpr const auto TOOL_CHAT_GPT_WEB = "OpenAI chatGPT web";
constexpr const auto TOOL_WIKIPEDIA = "Wikipedia";
+constexpr const auto TOOL_DOC_PYTHON = "Python documentation";
+constexpr const auto TOOL_DOC_CPP = "C++ documentation";
// improve platform/language specific
constexpr const auto DEFAULT_NEW_OUTLINE = "# New Markdown File\n\nThis is a new Markdown file created by MindForger.\n\n#Section 1\nThe first section.\n\n";