diff --git a/queries/sudoswap_v2_collections_summar___2615781.sql b/queries/sudoswap_v2_collections_summar___2615781.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index a2c2aa3..0000000
--- a/queries/sudoswap_v2_collections_summar___2615781.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
--- part of a query repo
--- query name: Sudoswap V2 Collections Summary
--- query link: https://dune.com/queries/2615781
- pairs_created as (
- *
- FROM query_2615780
- ),
- --we also need to get token balance of each pair currently
- erc721_balances as (
- contract_address as nft_contract_address
- -- , array_agg(tokenId) as tokenids_held
- , count(*) as tokens_held
- FROM (
- row_number() OVER (partition by contract_address, tokenId order by evt_block_number desc, evt_index desc) as last_held
- , *
- FROM erc721_ethereum.evt_Transfer tr
- where tr.contract_address IN (select distinct nft_contract_address from pairs_created) --get last holders for all nft contracts (need to include erc1155 later)
- ) a
- WHERE last_held = 1
- AND a.to IN (SELECT pool_address FROM pairs_created) --keep only tokens held by pairs
- ),
- erc1155_balances as (
- with t_in as (
- to as pool
- , contract_address
- , token_id
- , sum(amount) as transferred_in
- FROM nft.transfers
- WHERE blockchain = 'ethereum'
- and token_standard = 'erc1155'
- and to IN (SELECT pool_address FROM pairs_created)
- group by 1,2,3
- )
- , t_out as (
- "from" as pool
- , contract_address
- , token_id
- , sum(amount) as transferred_out
- FROM nft.transfers
- WHERE blockchain = 'ethereum'
- and token_standard = 'erc1155'
- and "from" IN (SELECT pool_address FROM pairs_created)
- group by 1,2,3
- )
- pc.nft_contract_address
- , sum(t_in.transferred_in - COALESCE(t_out.transferred_out,cast(0 as uint256))) as tokens_held
- FROM t_in
- LEFT JOIN t_out ON t_in.pool = t_out.pool AND t_in.contract_address = t_out.contract_address AND t_in.token_id = t_out.token_id
- JOIN pairs_created pc ON pc.pool_address = t_in.pool
- group by 1
- ),
- --we need eth_balances for liquidity tracking purposes
- eth_balances as (
- WITH eth_in as (
- tr.to as holder_address
- , SUM(tr.value/1e18) as eth_funded
- FROM ethereum.traces tr
- WHERE tr.block_time > timestamp '2022-04-23'
- AND tr.success=true
- AND tr.type='call'
- AND (tr.call_type NOT IN ('delegatecall', 'callcode', 'staticcall') OR tr.call_type IS null)
- AND tr.to IN (SELECT pool_address FROM pairs_created)
- ),
- eth_out as (
- tr."from" as holder_address
- , SUM(tr.value/1e18) as eth_spent
- FROM ethereum.traces tr
- WHERE tr.block_time > timestamp '2022-04-23'
- AND tr.success=true
- AND tr.type='call'
- AND (tr.call_type NOT IN ('delegatecall', 'callcode', 'staticcall') OR tr.call_type IS null)
- AND tr."from" IN (SELECT pool_address FROM pairs_created)
- )
- pc.nft_contract_address
- , SUM(COALESCE(eth_funded,0) - COALESCE(eth_spent, 0)) as eth_balance
- FROM eth_in
- LEFT JOIN eth_out ON eth_in.holder_address = eth_out.holder_address
- JOIN pairs_created pc ON pc.pool_address = eth_in.holder_address
- WHERE COALESCE(eth_funded,0) - COALESCE(eth_spent, 0) > 0 --for some reason some balances are calculated negative.
- ),
- erc20_balances as (
- WITH erc20_in as (
- tr.to as holder
- , contract_address
- , SUM(cast(tr.value as double)) as token_funded
- FROM erc20_ethereum.evt_Transfer tr
- WHERE tr.to IN (SELECT pool_address FROM pairs_created)
- -- AND contract_address IN (SELECT address FROM valid_tokens)
- GROUP BY 1,2
- ),
- erc20_out as (
- tr."from" as holder
- , contract_address
- , SUM(cast(tr.value as double)) as token_spent
- FROM erc20_ethereum.evt_Transfer tr
- WHERE tr."from" IN (SELECT pool_address FROM pairs_created)
- -- AND contract_address IN (SELECT address FROM valid_tokens)
- GROUP BY 1,2
- )
- , contract_balance_sum as (
- pc.nft_contract_address
- , tk.symbol as symbol
- , erc20_in.contract_address
- , sum(token_funded/pow(10,COALESCE(tk.decimals,18)) - COALESCE(token_spent, 0)/pow(10,COALESCE(tk.decimals,18))) as tokens_held
- FROM erc20_in
- LEFT JOIN erc20_out ON erc20_in.holder = erc20_out.holder
- LEFT JOIN tokens.erc20 tk ON tk.contract_address = erc20_in.contract_address
- JOIN pairs_created pc ON pc.pool_address = erc20_in.holder
- WHERE COALESCE(token_funded,0) - COALESCE(token_spent, 0) > 0 --due to overflow, some balances are calculated negative.
- AND blockchain = 'ethereum'
- group by 1,2,3
- )
- nft_contract_address
- , array_agg(json_object('token':COALESCE(symbol,cast(contract_address as varchar)), 'balance': round(tokens_held,4))) as tokens_held
- FROM contract_balance_sum
- group by 1
- ),
- trading_totals as (
- nft_contract_address
- , nft_name
- , sum(amount_usd) as usd_volume
- -- get 7 day volume
- , sum(number_of_items) as nfts_traded
- , sum(trade_fee_amount_usd) as trade_fee_amount_usd
- , sum(case when block_time >= now() - interval '7' day then amount_usd else 0 end) as last_7_days
- , sum(case when block_time >= now() - interval '7' day then trade_fee_amount_usd else 0 end) as last_7_days_fees
- , sum(protocol_fee_amount_usd) as protocol_fee_amount_usd
- FROM dune.dune.result_sudoswap_v_2_trades
- GROUP BY 1,2
- ),
- last_price as (
- nft_contract_address
- , amount_usd
- FROM (
- *
- , row_number() OVER (partition by nft_contract_address order by block_time desc) as rn
- FROM dune.dune.result_sudoswap_v_2_trades
- WHERE amount_usd is not null
- ) a
- WHERE rn = 1
- ),
- all_collections_cleaned as (
- pc.*
- , nft.name as nft_name
- , COALESCE(bal_721.tokens_held,0) as nfts_721 --buyable liquidity
- , COALESCE(bal_1155.tokens_held,cast(0 as uint256)) as nfts_1155 --buyable liquidity
- , COALESCE(bal_20.tokens_held,array['0']) as erc20_balances --fix logic using transform agg later
- , COALESCE(eth_bal.eth_balance,0) as eth_liq --sellable liquidity
- FROM (
- nft_contract_address
- , count(distinct pool_address) as num_pairs
- FROM pairs_created
- ) pc
- LEFT JOIN erc721_balances bal_721 ON bal_721.nft_contract_address = pc.nft_contract_address
- LEFT JOIN erc1155_balances bal_1155 ON bal_1155.nft_contract_address = pc.nft_contract_address
- LEFT JOIN erc20_balances bal_20 ON bal_20.nft_contract_address = pc.nft_contract_address
- LEFT JOIN eth_balances eth_bal ON eth_bal.nft_contract_address = pc.nft_contract_address
- LEFT JOIN tokens.nft nft ON nft.blockchain = 'ethereum' and nft.contract_address = pc.nft_contract_address
- )
- CONCAT(' swap now! ') as s_link
- , CONCAT('',COALESCE(acc.nft_name, cast(acc.nft_contract_address as varchar),'')) as collection
- , num_pairs
- , '||' as split
- , spot.amount_usd as last_spot
- , COALESCE(trade.last_7_days, 0) as last_7_days
- , COALESCE(trade.usd_volume, 0) as usd_volume
- , COALESCE(trade.nfts_traded, cast(0 as uint256)) as nfts_traded
- , COALESCE(trade.trade_fee_amount_usd, 0) as trade_fee_amount_usd
- , COALESCE(trade.protocol_fee_amount_usd, 0) as protocol_fee_amount_usd
- , '||' as split_2
- , nfts_721
- , nfts_1155
- , erc20_balances
- , eth_liq
-FROM all_collections_cleaned acc
-LEFT JOIN trading_totals trade ON trade.nft_contract_address = acc.nft_contract_address
-LEFT JOIN last_price spot ON spot.nft_contract_address = acc.nft_contract_address
-ORDER BY last_7_days DESC
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/queries/sudoswap_v2_trends___2615782.sql b/queries/sudoswap_v2_trends___2615782.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 97bab6f..0000000
--- a/queries/sudoswap_v2_trends___2615782.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
--- part of a query repo
--- query name: Sudoswap V2 Trends
--- query link: https://dune.com/queries/2615782
-date_trunc('week', block_time) as week
-, pool_type as col
-, count(*) as trades
-, sum(amount_usd) as usd_volume
-, count(distinct tx_from) as traders
-, sum(protocol_fee_amount_usd + trade_fee_amount_usd + royalty_fee_amount_usd) as all_fees
-FROM dune.dune.result_sudoswap_v_2_trades
-group by 1,2
\ No newline at end of file