- [Providers] Added support for a different voice in VoiceRSS. (#25)
- [Providers] Ensure the local filename is unique per text/language. (#23)
- [Support] Added support for PHP 8.2, and 8.3.
- [Support] Added support for PHP 8.0, and 8.1.
- [Support] Dropped support for PHP 7.2.
- [Support] Added support for Guzzle 7.
- [Providers] Use duncan3dc/exec in the Picotts provider for shell commands.
- [Support] Dropped support for PHP 7.1.
- [Support] Added support for PHP 7.3.
- [Support] Dropped support for PHP 7.0.
- [Support] Added support for Symfony 3.
- [Providers] AmazonPolly provider.
- [Providers] ResponsiveVoice provider.
- [TextToSpeech] Added a TextToSpeechInterface.
- [Support] Added support for PHP 7.
- [Support] Dropped support for PHP 5.
- [Support] Dropped support for HHVM.
- [Providers] Dropped the Voxygen provider as the service is no longer available.
- [Providers] All providers are now immutable.
- [Exceptions] All exceptions thrown are now library specific.
- [Providers] Improve the error message for a pico unknown language.
- [Providers] Don't use a forward slash in the client name.
- [Providers] Use symfony/process within the Picotts provider for shell commands.
- [Providers] Fixed a bug with setLanguage() for the Picotts provider.
- [TextToSpeech] Made generateFilename() public.
- [Providers] Picotts provider.
- [Support] Drop support for php5.5
- [Google] Added the new "client" parameter
- [Providers] Acapela provider.
- [Dependencies] Added PHPUnit to the dev dependencies.
- [Dependencies] Use Guzzle 6.
- [Support] Drop support for php5.4
- [TextToSpeech] getFile() method to cache webservice calls.
- [TextToSpeech] save() method to store the audio on the local filesystem.
- [Providers] Google provider.
- [Providers] Voxygen provider.
- [Providers] Voice RSS provider.