the zookeeper client tool in docker container
docker run -it duffqiu/zookeeper-cli -server <zookeeper ip>:2181
note: if you run the zookeeper server under the same docker, it seems we can't user for the . we need to use the docker0 ip.
# docker0_ip=$(/usr/bin/ip -o -4 addr list docker0 | grep global | awk '{print $4}'| cut -d/ -f1)
# docker run -it --rm duffqiu/zookeeper-cli -server $docker0_ip:2181
- note: you also can use the eth0's ip
- need to add
--dns=<dns server name>
and--dns-search=<domain name>
when run the contianer - for example: docker run -it --rm --dns= --dns-search duffqiu/zookeeper-cli -server zookeeper-1:2181,zookeeper-2:2181,zookeeper-3:2181