Disqus for Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a fast-loading, optimized Disqus experience for Google AMP compatible pages. AMP is a way to build web pages for static content that renders quickly, especially on mobile devices. The Disqus Universal Code can be implemented on an AMP compatible page.
- If you haven't done so already, you'll want to familiarize yourself with Google's What Is AMP? and Create Your First AMP Page.
- Make sure you've registered your site with Disqus. Read the Quickstart Guide for more information.
- If you have an existing site on Disqus, you can find your “shortname” in Admin > Settings > General.
- Make sure you can host the installation code on two different domains.
Create and host the following Universal Code file on a different domain than where you intend to load Disqus for AMP. This will be the URL that you will provide to the
attribute in step 3 below. Make sure to replace the EXAMPLE insides.src
with the name of your own forum.<div id="disqus_thread"></div> <script> window.addEventListener('message', receiveMessage, false); function receiveMessage(event) { if (event.data) { var msg; try { msg = JSON.parse(event.data); } catch (err) { // Do nothing } if (!msg) return false; if ((msg.name === 'resize' || msg.name === 'rendered') && msg.data.height >= 100) { window.parent.postMessage({ sentinel: 'amp', type: 'embed-size', height: msg.data.height }, '*'); } } } </script> <script> /** * RECOMMENDED CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: EDIT AND UNCOMMENT THE SECTION BELOW TO INSERT DYNAMIC VALUES FROM YOUR PLATFORM OR CMS. * LEARN WHY DEFINING THESE VARIABLES IS IMPORTANT: https://disqus.com/admin/universalcode/#configuration-variables */ var disqus_config = function () { this.page.url = window.location; // Replace PAGE_URL with your page's canonical URL variable this.page.identifier = window.location.hash; // Replace PAGE_IDENTIFIER with your page's unique identifier variable }; (function() { // DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE var d = document, s = d.createElement('script'); s.src = '//EXAMPLE.disqus.com/embed.js'; s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date()); (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s); })(); </script>
Refer to the
documentation and add the requiredamp-iframe
script to your document's<head>
. :<script async custom-element="amp-iframe" src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-iframe-0.1.js"></script>
Place the following
element anywhere within the<body>
of your AMP page. It will likely make sense to place it at the end of your article content, where ever your audience should engage further after reading.<amp-iframe width=600 height=140 layout="responsive" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-modals allow-popups allow-forms" resizable src="https://example.com/amp#hash" > <div overflow tabindex=0 role=button aria-label="Load more" style="display:block;font-size:12px;font-weight:500;font-family:Helvetica Neue, arial, sans-serif;text-align:center;line-height:1.1;padding:12px 16px;border-radius:4px;background:rgba(29,47,58,0.6);color:rgb(255,255,255)" > Load more </div> </amp-iframe>
with a unique identifier that represents the page where you’d like a specific thread to display. If you are loading the<amp-iframe>
element on multiple pages, generate thehash
dynamically for each page. The hash you provide will be used in theidentifier
variable in step 1. Learn more about identifiers. -
Add the new domain as a Trusted Domain in your Admin > Settings > Advanced.
Continue to the getting started guide.
Place the following scripts to the
of your AMP page. This will allow you to use<amp-list>
elements to fetch comment counts andamp-mustache
templates to dynamically add the comment counts to your site.<script async custom-element="amp-list" src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-list-0.1.js"></script> <script async custom-template="amp-mustache" src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-mustache-0.2.js"></script>
Add an
to the<body>
of your AMP page containing a call to EXAMPLE.disqus.com/count-data.json and the template that will be used to display the comment counts. You can follow this example:
<template type="amp-mustache">
<a href="{{url}}">{{comments}} comments</a>
Make sure to replace EXAMPLE
with your forum shortname and YOUR_URL
with the url for the thread that you'd like to get comment count data for. A thread's identifier
can also be passed as a parameter to count-data.json
. Multiple urls and identifiers can be passed in a single call to count-data.json
. For example, using //EXAMPLE.disqus.com/count-data.json?url=FIRST_URL&url=SECOND_URL&identifier=THIRD_IDENTIFIER&identifier=FOURTH_IDENTIFIER
in the src
of the <amp-list>
element will fetch comment counts for four threads. Note that passing both the url
and identifier
for a single thread will cause the thread to be returned twice.
The endpoint will return a JSON object containing a key called items
, which contains the requested thread objects. Each thread object will contain url
, identifier
, and comments
(the number of comments on the thread). The contents of the template can be customized as needed.
Adding standalone recommendations is very similar to adding a comment thread to an AMP page. Recommendations can be added to any page, with or without comments on the same page.
Create and host the following Universal Code file on a different domain than where you intend to load Disqus Recommendations for AMP. This will be the URL that you will provide to the
attribute in step 3 below. Make sure to replace the EXAMPLE insides.src
with the name of your own forum.<div id="disqus_recommendations"></div> <script> window.addEventListener('message', receiveMessage, false); function receiveMessage(event) { if (event.data) { var msg; try { msg = JSON.parse(event.data); } catch (err) { // Do nothing } if (!msg) return false; if ((msg.name === 'resize' || msg.name === 'rendered') && msg.data.height >= 100) { window.parent.postMessage({ sentinel: 'amp', type: 'embed-size', height: msg.data.height }, '*'); } } } </script> <script> /** * RECOMMENDED CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: EDIT AND UNCOMMENT THE SECTION BELOW TO INSERT DYNAMIC VALUES FROM YOUR PLATFORM OR CMS. * THIS STEP IS OPTIONAL, BUT WILL HELP PREVENT ANY DISCUSSIONS ON THE CURRENT PAGE FROM BEING INCLUDED IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS. * LEARN WHY DEFINING THESE VARIABLES IS IMPORTANT: https://disqus.com/admin/universalcode/#configuration-variables */ var disqus_recommendations_config = function () { this.page.url = window.location; // Replace PAGE_URL with your page's canonical URL variable this.page.identifier = window.location.hash; // Replace PAGE_IDENTIFIER with your page's unique identifier variable }; (function() { // DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE var d = document, s = d.createElement('script'); s.src = '//EXAMPLE.disqus.com/recommendations.js'; s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date()); (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s); })(); </script>
Skip this step if you already have comments on the same page loading recommendations. Refer to the
documentation and add the requiredamp-iframe
script to your document's<head>
. :<script async custom-element="amp-iframe" src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-iframe-0.1.js"></script>
Place the following
element anywhere within the<body>
of your AMP page.<amp-iframe width=600 height=140 layout="responsive" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-modals allow-popups allow-forms" resizable src="https://example.com/amp"> <div overflow tabindex=0 role=button aria-label="Show recommendations">Show recommendations</div> </amp-iframe>
Add the new domain as a Trusted Domain in your Admin > Settings > Advanced.
Change your recommendations settings to only load in the standalone position in your Admin > Settings > Recommendations.