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321 lines (266 loc) · 12.7 KB

@title Advanced I/O with Polyphony

Advanced I/O with Polyphony

Using splice for moving data between files and sockets

Splice is linux-specific API that lets you move data between two file descriptors without copying data between kernel-space and user-space. This is not only useful for copying data between two files, but also for implementing things such as web servers, where you might need to serve files of an arbitrary size. Using splice, you can avoid the cost of having to load a file's content into memory, in order to send it to a TCP connection.

In order to use splice, at least one of the file descriptors involved needs to be a pipe. This is because in Linux, pipes are actually kernel buffers. The idea is that you first move data from a source fd into a kernel buffer, then you move data from the kernel buffer to the destination fd. In some cases, this lets the Linux kernel completely avoid having to copy data in order to move it from the source to the destination. So the normal way of using splice is that first you splice data from the source fd to the pipe (to its write fd), and then you splice data from the pipe (from its read fd) to the destination fd.

Here's how you can use splice with Polyphony:

def send_file_using_splice(src, dest)
  # create a pipe. Polyphony::Pipe encapsulates a kernel pipe in a single
  # IO-like object, but we can also use the stock IO.pipe method call that
  # returns two separate pipe fds.
  pipe =
  loop do
    # splices data from src to the pipe
    bytes_available = IO.splice(src, pipe, 2**14)
    break if bytes_available == 0 # EOF

    # splices data from the pipe to the dest
    while (bytes_avilable > 0)
      written = IO.splice(pipe, dest, bytes_avilable)
      bytes_avilable -= written

Let's examine the code above. First of all, we have a loop that repeatedly splices data in chunks of 16KB, using the IO.splice API provided by Polyphony. We break from the loop once EOF is encountered. Secondly, for moving data from the pipe to the destination, we need to make sure all data made avilable on the pipe has been spliced to the destination, since the call to IO.splice can actually write fewer bytes than specified. So, we need to repeatedly perform two splice operations, one after the other, and we need to make sure all data is spliced to the destination. Would there be a better way to do this?

Fortunately, with Polyphony there is! Firstly, we can tell Polyphony to splice data repeatedly until EOF is encountered by passing a negative max size:

IO.splice(src, pipe, -2**14)

Secondly, we can perform the two splice operations concurrently, by spinning up a separate fiber that performs one of the splice operations, which gives us the following:

def send_file_using_splice(src, dest)
  pipe =
  spin do
    IO.splice(src, pipe, -2**14)
    # We need to close the pipe in order to signal EOF for the 2nd splice call.
  IO.splice(pipe, dest, -2**14)

# +----+  IO.splice()  +------+  IO.splice()  +--------+
# | io |-------------->| pipe |-------------->| socket |
# +----+               +------+               +--------+

There are a few things to notice here: While we have two concurrent operations running in two separate fibers, they are still inter-dependent in their progress, as one is filling a kernel buffer, and the other is flushing it, and thus the progress of the whole will be bound by the slowest operation.

Take an HTTP server that serves a large file to a slow client, or a client with a bad network connection. The web server is perfectly capable of reading the file from its disk very fast, but sending data to the HTTP client can be much much slower. The second splice operation, splicing from the pipe to the destination, will flush the kernel buffer much more slowly that it is being filled. At a certain point, the buffer is full, and the first splice operation from the source to the pipe cannot continue. It will need to wait for the other splice operation to progress, in order to continue filling the buffer. This is called back-pressure propagation, it's a good thing, and we get it automatically.

Let's now look at all the things we didn't need to do: we didn't need to read data into a Ruby string (which is costly in CPU time, in memory, and eventually in GC pressure), we didn't need to manage a buffer and take care of synchronizing access to the buffer. We got to move data from the source to the destination concurrently, and we got back-pressure propagation for free. Can we do any better than that?

Actually, we can! Polyphony also provides an API that does all of the above in a single method call:

def send_file_using_splice(src, dest)
  IO.double_splice(src, dest)

The IO.double_splice creates a pipe and repeatedly splices data concurrently from the source to the pipe and from the pipe to the destination until the source is exhausted. All this, without needing to instantiate a Polyphony::Pipe object, and without needing to spin up a second fiber, further minimizing memory use and GC pressure.

Compressing and decompressing in-flight data

You might be familiar with Ruby's zlib gem (docs here), which can be used to compress and uncompress data using the popular gzip format. Imagine we want to implement an HTTP server that can serve files compressed using gzip:

def serve_compressed_file(socket, file)
  # we leave aside sending the HTTP headers and dealing with transfer encoding
  compressed = Zlib.gzip(
  socket << compressed

In the above example, we read the file contents into a Ruby string, then pass the contents to Zlib.gzip, which returns the compressed contents in another Ruby string, then write the compressed data to the socket. We can see how this can lead to lots of memory allocations (especially if the file is large), and more pressure on the Ruby GC. How can we improve this?

One way would be to utilise Zlib's GzipWriter class:

def serve_compressed_file(socket, file)
  # we leave aside sending the HTTP headers and dealing with transfer encoding
  compressor =
  while (data =**14))
    compressor << data

In the above code, we instantiate a Zlib::GzipWriter, which we then feed with data from the file, with the compressor object writing the compressed data to the socket. Notice how we still need to read the file contents into a Ruby string and then pass it to the compressor. Could we avoid this? With Polyphony the answer is yes we can!

Polyphony provides a number of APIs for compressing and decompressing data on the fly between two file descriptors (i.e. IO instances), namely: IO.gzip, IO.gunzip, IO.deflate and IO.inflate. Let's see how this can be used to serve gzipped data to an HTTP client:

def serve_compressed_file(socket, file)
  IO.gzip(file, socket) # and that's it!

Using the IO.gzip API provided by Polyphony, we completely avoid instantiating Ruby strings into which data is read, and in fact we avoid allocating any buffers on the heap (apart from what zlib might be doing). And we get to move data and compress it between the given file and the socket using a single method call!

Feeding data from a file descriptor to a parser

Some times we want to process data from a given file or socket by passing through some object that parses the data, or otherwise manipulates it. Normally, we would write a loop that repeatedly reads the data from the source, then passes it to the parser object. Imagine we have data transmitted using the MessagePack format that we need to convert back into its original form. We might do something like the folowing:

def with_message_pack_data_from_io(io, &block)
  unpacker =
  while (data =**14))
    unpacker.feed_each(data, &block)

# Which we can use as follows:
with_message_pack_data_from_io(socket) do |o|
  puts "got: #{o.inspect}"

Polyphony provides some APIs that help us write less code, and even optimize the performance of our code. Let's look at the IO#read_loop (or IO#recv_loop for sockets) API:

def with_message_pack_data_from_io(io, &block)
  unpacker =
  io.read_loop do |data|
    unpacker.feed_each(data, &block)

In the above code, we replaced our while loop with a call to IO#read_loop, which yields read data to the block given to it. In the block, we pass the data to the MessagePack unpacker. While this does not like much different than the previous implementation, the IO#read_loop API implements a tight loop at the C-extension level, that provides slightly better performance.

But Polyphony goes even further than that and provides a IO#feed_loop API that lets us feed read data to a given parser or processor object. Here's how we can use it:

def with_message_pack_data_from_io(io, &block)
  unpacker =
  io.feed_loop(unpacker, :feed_each, &block)

With IO#feed_loop we get to write even less code, and as with IO#read_loop, IO#feed_loop is implemented at the C-extension level using a tight loop that maximizes performance.

Fast and easy chunked transfer-encoding in HTTP/1

Chunked transfer encoding is a great way to serve HTTP responses of arbitrary size, because we don't need to know their size in advance, which means we don't necessarily need to hold them in memory, or perform expensive fstat calls to get file metadata. Sending HTTP responses in chunked transfer encoding is simple enough:

def send_chunked_response_from_io(socket, io)
  while true
    chunk =
    socket << "#{chunk.bytesize.to_s(16)}\r\n#{chunk}\r\n"
    break if chunk.empty?

Note how we read the chunk into memory and then send it on to the client. Would it be possible to splice the data instead? Let's see how that would look:

def send_chunked_response_from_io(socket, io)
  pipe =
  while true
    bytes_spliced = IO.splice(io, pipe, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE)
    socket << "#{bytes_spliced.to_s(16)}\r\n"
    IO.splice(pipe, socket, bytes_spliced) if bytes_spliced > 0
    socket << "\r\n"
    break if bytes_spliced == 0

In the code above, while we avoid having to read chunks of the source data into Ruby strings, we now perform 3 I/O operations for each chunk: writing the chunk size, splicing the data from the pipe (the kernel buffer), and finally writing the "\r\n" delimiter. We can probably write some more complex logic to reduce this to 2 operations (coalescing the two write operations into one), but still this implementation involves a lot of back and forth between our code, the Polyphony I/O backend, and the operating system.

Fortunately, Polyphony provides a special API for sending HTTP chunked responses:

def send_chunked_response_from_io(socket, io)
  IO.http1_splice_chunked(io, socket, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE)

A single method call replaces the whole mechanism we devised above, and in addition Polyphony makes sure to perform it with the minimum possible number of I/O operations!

Sending compressed data using chunked transfer encoding

We can now combine the different APIs discussed above to create even more complex behaviour. Let's see how we can send an HTTP response using compressed content encoding and chunked transfer encoding:

def send_compressed_chunked_response_from_io(socket, io)
  pipe =
  spin { IO.gzip(io, pipe) }
  IO.http1_splice_chunked(pipe, socket, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE)

# +----+  IO.gzip()  +------+  IO.http1_splice_chunked()  +--------+
# | io |------------>| pipe |---------------------------->| socket |
# +----+             +------+                             +--------+

The code above looks simple enough, but it actually packs a lot of power in just 3 lines of code: we create a pipe, then spin up a fiber that compresses data from io into the pipe. We then splice data from the pipe to the socket using chunked transfer encoding. As discussed above, we do this without actually allocating any Ruby strings for holding the data, we take maximum advantage of kernel buffers (a.k.a. pipes) and we perform the two operations - compressing the data and sending it to the client - concurrently.


In this article we have looked at some of the advanced I/O functionality provided by Polyphony, which lets us write less code, have it run faster, have it run concurrently, and minimize memory allocations and pressure on the Ruby GC. Feel free to browse the IO examples included in Polyphony.