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File metadata and controls

184 lines (152 loc) · 7.34 KB

tidyterra 0.6.1

  • Add new scales:
    • grass_db and scale_fill_grass_c() family. This is an implementation of terra::map.pal(), that is the default palette for terra::plot() (> 1.7.78).
    • autoplot.SpatRaster() now uses also grass_db as the default palette.
    • Add scale_fill_princess_c() scale family.
  • Fix tests.

tidyterra 0.6.0

  • Requires ggplot2 (>= 3.5.0).
  • New methods for SpatVector objects:
    • pivot_longer.SpatVector() and pivot_wider.SpatVector().
    • fill.SpatVector().
  • New geom geom_spatraster_contour_text() implemented on top of isoband::isolines_grob() Experimental.
  • glimpse.SpatRaster() and glimpse.SpatVector() now displays information using ?tibble::print.tbl_df approach for the header and the footer. The body is still displayed transposed as of dplyr::glimpse(). See pillar::tbl_format_header() and pillar::tbl_format_footer() for examples.
  • as_sf() converts a SpatVector to a sf object with an additional tbl_df class for pretty printing.
  • fortify.SpatRaster() gains a new argument pivot that allows better integration with other ggplot2 geoms when pivoting. This is a wrapper of tidyr::pivot_longer().
  • Tidy documentation.
  • metR added to Suggests.

tidyterra 0.5.2

  • Adapt tests to ggplot2 3.5.0 (#129) @teunbrand.
  • Reduce package size, specially relevant in the external raster asia.tif.

tidyterra 0.5.1

  • Adjust tests for as_sf() (#124).

tidyterra 0.5.0

tidyterra has been accepted on JOSS. Please use the result of citation("tidyterra") or the following string:

Hernangómez, D. (2023). "Using the tidyverse with terra objects: the tidyterra package." Journal of Open Source Software, 8(91), 5751. ISSN 2475-9066,

Other changes on this version:

  • Support for SpatRaster objects with a color table
    • autoplot.SpatRaster() can detect now SpatRaster objects with color tables.
    • geom_spatraster() can detect now SpatRaster objects with color tables.
    • New scales for plotting SpatRaster objects with color tables: scale_fill_coltab() and rest of family scales (colour).
    • tidyverse verbs keeps the associated coltab of a SpatRaster.
  • By default all the discrete scales of tidyterra now have the following setup: na.translate = FALSE.
  • By default, all the non-discrete (e.g. continuous or breaks) scales of tidyterra have now na.value = "transparent" (#120).
  • Enhanced glimpse.Spat() with meta-information on type of geometry, crs, etc.
  • New messaging interface thanks to cli package.

tidyterra 0.4.1

  • Release for JOSS paper. No relevant changes.

tidyterra 0.4.0

  • This release focuses heavily on SpatVector objects. The improvements have been:
    • New methods for SpatVector:
      • glimpse.SpatVector()
      • arrange.SpatVector()
      • distinct.SpatVector()
      • inner_join.SpatVector(), left_join.SpatVector(), right_join.SpatVector() and full_join.SpatVector()
      • semi_join.SpatVector() and anti_join.SpatVector()
      • summarise.SpatVector()
      • rowwise.SpatVector()
      • group_by.SpatVector(),ungroup.SpatVector()
      • count.SpatVector(), tally.SpatVector()
      • bind_spat_cols(), bind_spat_rows()
    • Already implemented methods now works with dplyr::group_by().
    • Internal review of code. Now the methods does not rely on sf::st_as_sf() coercion. In fact coercion between object classes is avoided as much as possible.
  • New glimpse.SpatRaster() method for SpatRaster.
  • Other coercing and helper functions:
    • as_spatvector()
    • as_sf()
    • is_grouped_spatvector()

tidyterra 0.3.2

  • Fix a bug on pull_crs() that returned "NA" on sf objects with any field equal to NA (#74).
  • Improve docs on scales_* (#73) .
  • Remove dependency on crayon package (superseded) in favor of cli.
  • Remove tidyverse from Suggests.

tidyterra 0.3.1

  • New ggplot2 methods added:
    • Methods for autoplot.SpatVector(), autoplot.SpatRaster().
      • autoplot.SpatRaster() now is smarter on identifying the type of plot to produce. Can still be overridden with parameters.
    • Methods for fortifying SpatRaster and SpatVector objects: fortify.SpatRaster(), fortify.SpatVector().
  • Three additional palettes are included on hypso.colors(): "artic", "meyers" and "nordisk-familjebok".
  • Added colour scales to all palettes: scale_colour_*.
  • Remove use of ggplot2::aes_string().
  • Adapt geom_spatraster_contour() and geom_spatraster_contour_filled() to the changes introduced in ggplot2 (3.4.0), most notably the adoption of linewidth = .2, by default.

tidyterra 0.3.0

  • Package back to CRAN.
  • Libraries dplyr, tidyr, tibble are not attached by default. Needed functions are reexported instead.
  • Improvements on geom_spatraster():
    • Now in geom_spatraster() is possible to avoid the default fill of the layer using geom_spatraster(fill = NA) or geom_spatraster(aes(fill = NULL)).
    • aes(fill = ggplot2::after_stat()) now works on geom_spatraster().
    • Internal: Better handling of aes() and layers
  • Add new function stat_spatraster().
  • Reduce the size of external files.

tidyterra 0.2.2

  • Changes on how dplyr, tibble and tidyr are attached. Now these packages are listed on 'Depends' and are attached before tidyterra when library or require is called. Messages on load can be suppressed with suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(tidyterra)).

tidyterra 0.2.1

  • Now geom_spatraster_rgb() works with facet_wrap() (#35)
  • Improve faceting when the plot facets are created using non-Spat* layers.
  • Precompute vignettes.

tidyterra 0.2.0

  • Recreate extdata/volcano2.tif using official DEM information from New Zealand. Source: Auckland LiDAR 1m DEM (2013).
  • Add volcano2 dataset.
  • Fix errors on slice_min() and slice_max() for SpatRaster objects (#20). Also add a new parameter na.rm.
  • Add new gradient scales for use on hypsometry:
    • scale_fill_hypso_c()
    • scale_fill_whitebox_c()
    • scale_fill_wiki_c()
    • scale_fill_cross_blended_c()
  • Add new asia.tif file on extdata.

tidyterra 0.1.0

  • Add DOI.
  • CRAN release.

tidyterra 0.0.1

  • Improvements on performance:
    • Conversion to tibble is avoided as much as possible.
    • Internally use data.tables instead of tibbles.
    • The package is compatible with dtplyr.
  • as_spatraster() handles tibbles with characters and factors.
  • Simplification and tests for geom_spatraster() and geom_spatraster_rgb().
  • New methods:
    • pull()
    • transmute()
    • rename()
  • New geoms:
    • geom_spatraster_contour() family.