A small application that deletes indexes in AWS Elasticsearch service.
The purpose of this application to be a workaround of using curator with AWS Elasticsearch service, at the moment of writing there is an issue deleting indexes using curator
Application is packed as a single binary, just download and run.
The help section explains everything:
Delete ELK incidents on AWS ES 5.1
delete-aws-es-incidents [flags]
delete-aws-es-incidents [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
version Display version
-e, --es-url string Elasticsearch URL, eg. https://path-to-es.aws.com/
-h, --help help for delete-aws-es-incidents
-d, --older-than-in-days int delete incidents older then in days (default 14)
-p, --prefixes string comma separated list of prefixes for indexs, index date must be in format YYYY.MM.DD. eg. 'logstash-2017.09.28'. default is 'logstash-' (default "logstash-")
Use "delete-aws-es-incidents [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Easiest way to deploy is via the docker image
Example usage deploying the docker image:
docker run -d joshdvir/delete-aws-es-incidents -e https://path-to-es-server/ -d 30
Or you can always download a release compatible to your OS and run the application.
- Golang
- Cobra - CLI framework for Go.
- Elasticsearch Go Client
- Cron - A cron library for Go
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details