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Conf App Boilerplate

Boilerplate of mobile application to help people who want to organize conferences/events and don't have time enough to create an app with information about the event.

How it works?

The main technology behind this project is Ionic, which is a framework for developing hybrid mobile apps. We also use a bunch of other great technologies to help us, like the Jade Template Engine, the Sass preprocessor, Typescript for logic, Gulp for tasks automation and many others.

By default, we have the following sections:

  • About - to describe what's the main goal of your event.
  • Location - to show where it's going to happen through Google Maps.
  • Speakers - to list information about speakers.
  • Schedule - to show the agenda.
  • Photos - to show a gallery of photos based on the event's hashtag.
  • Sponsors - to show the brand of your sponsors.
  • Partners - to show the brand of your partners.

Getting Started

  1. Make sure you have Git and NodeJS.

  2. Clone this repository:

$ git clone git:// my_event
  1. Install all dependencies:
$ cd my_event
$ npm install
$ bower install
  1. And finally run:
# Via Gulp + BrowserSync
$ gulp

# Via Gulp + Ionic CLI
$ ionic serve

# Via Gulp + Ionic CLI (Using Ionic Lab to test the app on multiple platforms
$ ionic serve --lab

Now you can see the website running in:

  • localhost:3000 if you're using BrowserSync
  • localhost:8100 if you're using Ionic CLI
  • localhost:8100/ionic-lab if you're using Ionic CLI + Ionic Lab


The basic structure of the project is given in the following way:

|-- gulp/
|-- src/
|   |-- app/
|       |-- about/
|       |-- components/
|       |-- menu/
|       |-- partners/
|       |-- photos/
|       |-- schedule/
|       |-- speakers/
|       |-- sponsors/
|       |-- app.ts
|       |-- general.scss
|       |-- index.jade
|       |-- styles.scss
|   |-- typings/
|-- www/
|-- .bowerrc
|-- bower.json
|-- config.xml
|-- gulpfile.js
|-- ionic.project
|-- package.json
|-- tsconfig.json
|-- tsd.json

Now let's find out what each one of those files and folders mean.

P.S.: Some very commom files - or less important - are shown here, such as the .md ones - README, LICENSE CONTRIBUTING -, the CIs tracking files like .codeclimate.yml or .travis.yml and others.


The easiest way to create mobile apps for conference/events.







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