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  • Monte Carlo unidirectional integrator
  • Accelerators (BVH, KD-tree)
  • BSDF presets:
    • Diffuse (importance sampled cosine weighted)
    • Microfacet layered CT glossy (importance sampled)
    • Glass (RR reflection/refraction)
    • Easy to add custom
  • Texturing and HDR environment mapping
  • Multiple importance sampling (direct light sampling)
  • Russian Roulette for path termination
  • Antialiasing via random sub-pixel jittering
  • Multithread ready (see Satellite viewer)
  • Incremental rendering
  • Multiple (local) tonemapping operators (Linear, Reinhard, Filmic & Uncharted2)

Sample Renderings

Stanford dragon ~300k triangles (BSDF: Glass)


Disclamer 8 worker threads are used in addition to the main thread, this is not an optimal scenario. Machine: Intel Core i7-2600 @ 3.40GHz - Windows 10 Pro x64 Worker threads: 8 (1 per virtual core)

  • terra_trace() ~4.2 ns
  • Total Throughput ~ 1'670'000 spp

PBR Wood log (Textures: albedo/roughness/metalness) ~16k triangles (BSDF: Diffuse + Microfacet Specular)

Stanford bunny ~70k triangles (BSDF: Diffuse + Microfacet Specular)