To run the build, you'll need to install some node modules. Run the following in the top-level directory of the project:
npm install
grunt requires that you install grunt-cli globally to be able to use grunt from the command line. To install grunt-cli do:
npm install -g grunt-cli
You should then install the client-side dependencies into app/lib/:
npm install -g bower bower install
Note that if you want to install the application to a Tizen device as a wgt file, you will also need to install the sdb tool first. This is available for various platforms from
Configure your package manager to use the appropriate repo from the ones available and install sdb, e.g. for Fedora 17:
$ sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo $REPO
$ sudo yum install sdb
There are a few options for running the application:
Open app/index.html in a browser (there's no requirement to run a build before you can run the app).
Serve the app from a standard web server. First, run:
grunt dist
Then copy the content of the build/app/ directory to a web folder for your server (e.g. an Apache htdocs directory).
Run the app using the built-in local server:
grunt server
This builds the dist version of the app and runs it on a server accessible at http://localhost:30303/. This is useful for testing the app in a mobile device: just navigate to the server hosting the app, using the phone's browser.
Install/reinstall to an attached Tizen device via sdb by running:
grunt wgt-install
This installs an optimised version of the app (minified HTML, minified and concatenated CSS and JS).
Install an SDK-specific version of the app (no minification or concatenation) with:
grunt sdk-install
Build the files for the Chrome extension with:
grunt crx
then load the build/crx directory as an unpacked extension in Chrome developer mode. (The build can't currently make full .crx packages.)
The application can be packaged into a wgt (zip) file using the grunt command:
grunt wgt
This will generate a package in the build/ directory.
It can also be packaged into an SDK wgt file (with uncompressed JS, CSS, and HTML) using:
grunt sdk
Note that in both cases, the files comprising the packages are first copied into the build/wgt and build/sdk directories respectively.
To create packages for Android use the 'apk' target:
grunt apk
This will first build an 'xpk' target and then package two apks in
build/ named AppName_{x86,arm}.apk.
You can then install the appropriate one to your device as usual -
for example, adb install -r build/AppName_x86.apk
There are also targets to create packages just for a single architecture. They require the 'xpk' target to be build previously :
grunt xpk
grunt crosswalk:x86
or :
grunt xpk
grunt crosswalk:arm
Packaging for Android requires some set up - please see crosswalk-apk-generator
Here are some steps to help people wishing to generate code for use in the Tizen IDE on Microsoft Windows.
- install git
- get admin shell
- click start
- in ‘search’ type ‘command’ - don’t hit return/enter
- ‘command prompt’ appears under ‘programs’ - right click on it and select ‘run as administrator’ - click ‘yes’ if it asks for confirmation
- install grunt - type ‘npm install -g grunt’
- install bower - type ‘npm install -g bower’
- close admin shell
- right click on desktop and select ‘git bash’
- change directory to where you want your projects to go (or don’t, if Desktop is ok)
- clone the repository, eg ‘git clone’
- cd webapps-annex
- npm install
- bower install
- grunt sdk
- the project is now built in build/sdk and can be imported into the IDE
- launch Tizen IDE
- File->New->Tizen Web Project
- select all the files in the project and delete them
- File->Import…->General->File System Next
- “From directory” <- the build/sdk directory
- “Into folder” <- the project you created in the IDE
- Finish