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Contribute |
Here are the best ways you can contribute to the project.
You just fork the Admingenerator project on github and then provide Pull Requests and /or submit issues.
The ticketing system hosted on Github:
- AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle:
- AdmingeneratorIpsum:
The best way to submit a patch is to make a Pull Request on Github. First, create a new branch from master
and then from your local project type:
{% highlight bash %}
git checkout -b master fix-my-patch {% endhighlight %}
Now make your changes in this branch. Important: Please provide unit tests with your patch. This will expedite the Pull request to prove that the patch actually fixes the bug.
Then when you are done, you need to rebase your branch to provide a clean and safe Pull Request.
{% highlight bash %}
git checkout master git pull --ff-only upstream master git checkout fix-my-patch git rebase master {% endhighlight %}
In this example, the upstream
remote is the official repository.
Once done, you can submit the Pull Request by pushing your branch to your fork:
{% highlight bash %}
git push origin fix-my-patch {% endhighlight %}
Go to the and press the Pull Request button. Add a short description to this Pull Request and submit it.
We use PHPUnit to test the build and runtime frameworks.
You can find the unit test classes and support files in the Tests
In order to run the tests, you must install PHPUnit:
{% highlight bash %}
pear channel-discover pear install phpunit/PHPUnit {% endhighlight %}
We are starting to build behat tests, which you can run on the AdmingeneratorIpsum project with your fork as vendor
{% highlight bash %} app/console -e=test behat --init @AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle {% endhighlight %}