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databricks_instance_pool Resource

This resource allows you to manage instance pools to reduce cluster start and auto-scaling times by maintaining a set of idle, ready-to-use instances. An instance pool reduces cluster start and auto-scaling times by maintaining a set of idle, ready-to-use cloud instances. When a cluster attached to a pool needs an instance, it first attempts to allocate one of the pool’s idle instances. If the pool has no idle instances, it expands by allocating a new instance from the instance provider in order to accommodate the cluster’s request. When a cluster releases an instance, it returns to the pool and is free for another cluster to use. Only clusters attached to a pool can use that pool’s idle instances.

-> It is important to know that different cloud service providers have different node_type_id, disk_specs and potentially other configurations.

Example Usage

data "databricks_node_type" "smallest" {

resource "databricks_instance_pool" "smallest_nodes" {
  instance_pool_name = "Smallest Nodes"
  min_idle_instances = 0
  max_capacity       = 300
  node_type_id       =
  aws_attributes {
    availability           = "ON_DEMAND"
    zone_id                = "us-east-1a"
    spot_bid_price_percent = "100"
  idle_instance_autotermination_minutes = 10
  disk_spec {
    disk_type {
      ebs_volume_type = "GENERAL_PURPOSE_SSD"
    disk_size  = 80
    disk_count = 1

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • instance_pool_name - (Required) (String) The name of the instance pool. This is required for create and edit operations. It must be unique, non-empty, and less than 100 characters.
  • min_idle_instances - (Optional) (Integer) The minimum number of idle instances maintained by the pool. This is in addition to any instances in use by active clusters.
  • max_capacity - (Optional) (Integer) The maximum number of instances the pool can contain, including both idle instances and ones in use by clusters. Once the maximum capacity is reached, you cannot create new clusters from the pool and existing clusters cannot autoscale up until some instances are made idle in the pool via cluster termination or down-scaling. There is no default limit, but as a best practice, this should be set based on anticipated usage.
  • idle_instance_autotermination_minutes - (Required) (Integer) The number of minutes that idle instances in excess of the min_idle_instances are maintained by the pool before being terminated. If not specified, excess idle instances are terminated automatically after a default timeout period. If specified, the time must be between 0 and 10000 minutes. If you specify 0, excess idle instances are removed as soon as possible.
  • node_type_id - (Required) (String) The node type for the instances in the pool. All clusters attached to the pool inherit this node type and the pool’s idle instances are allocated based on this type. You can retrieve a list of available node types by using the List Node Types API call.
  • custom_tags - (Optional) (Map) Additional tags for instance pool resources. Databricks tags all pool resources (e.g. AWS & Azure instances and Disk volumes). The tags of the instance pool will propagate to the clusters using the pool (see the official documentation). Attempting to set the same tags in both cluster and instance pool will raise an error. Databricks allows at most 43 custom tags.
  • enable_elastic_disk - (Optional) (Bool) Autoscaling Local Storage: when enabled, the instances in the pool dynamically acquire additional disk space when they are running low on disk space.
  • preloaded_spark_versions - (Optional) (List) A list with at most one runtime version the pool installs on each instance. Pool clusters that use a preloaded runtime version start faster as they do not have to wait for the image to download. You can retrieve them via databricks_spark_version data source or via Runtime Versions API call.

aws_attributes Configuration Block

The following options are available:

  • zone_id - (Optional) (String) Identifier for the availability zone/datacenter in which the instance pool resides. This string is of the form like "us-west-2a". The provided availability zone must be in the same region as the Databricks deployment. For example, "us-west-2a" is not a valid zone ID if the Databricks deployment resides in the "us-east-1" region. If not specified, a default zone is used. You can find the list of available zones as well as the default value by using the List Zones API.
  • spot_bid_price_percent - (Optional) (Integer) The max price for AWS spot instances, as a percentage of the corresponding instance type’s on-demand price. For example, if this field is set to 50, and the instance pool needs a new i3.xlarge spot instance, then the max price is half of the price of on-demand i3.xlarge instances. Similarly, if this field is set to 200, the max price is twice the price of on-demand i3.xlarge instances. If not specified, the default value is 100. When spot instances are requested for this instance pool, only spot instances whose max price percentage matches this field are considered. For safety, this field cannot be greater than 10000.
  • availability - (Optional) (String) Availability type used for all instances in the pool. Only ON_DEMAND and SPOT are supported.

azure_attributes Configuration Block

azure_attributes optional configuration block contains attributes related to instance pools on Azure.

The following options are available:

  • availability - (Optional) Availability type used for all nodes. Valid values are SPOT_AZURE and ON_DEMAND_AZURE.
  • spot_bid_max_price - (Optional) The max bid price used for Azure spot instances. You can set this to greater than or equal to the current spot price. You can also set this to -1, which specifies that the instance cannot be evicted on the basis of price. The price for the instance will be the current price for spot instances or the price for a standard instance.

gcp_attributes Configuration Block

gcp_attributes optional configuration block contains attributes related to instance pools on GCP.

The following options are available:

  • gcp_availability - (Optional) Availability type used for all nodes. Valid values are PREEMPTIBLE_GCP, PREEMPTIBLE_WITH_FALLBACK_GCP and ON_DEMAND_GCP, default: ON_DEMAND_GCP.
  • local_ssd_count (Optional, Int) Number of local SSD disks (each is 375GB in size) that will be attached to each node of the cluster.
  • zone_id - (Optional) Identifier for the availability zone/datacenter in which the cluster resides. This string will be of a form like us-central1-a. The provided availability zone must be in the same region as the Databricks workspace.

disk_spec Configuration Block

For disk_spec make sure to use ebs_volume_type only on AWS deployment of Databricks and azure_disk_volume_type only on a Azure deployment of Databricks.

  • disk_count - (Optional) (Integer) The number of disks to attach to each instance. This feature is only enabled for supported node types. Users can choose up to the limit of the disks supported by the node type. For node types with no local disk, at least one disk needs to be specified.
  • disk_size - (Optional) (Integer) The size of each disk (in GiB) to attach.

disk_type sub-block

ebs_volume_type - (Optional) (String) The EBS volume type to use. Options are: GENERAL_PURPOSE_SSD (Provision extra storage using AWS gp2 EBS volumes) or THROUGHPUT_OPTIMIZED_HDD (Provision extra storage using AWS st1 volumes)

  • General Purpose SSD: 100 - 4096 GiB
  • Throughput Optimized HDD: 500 - 4096 GiB

azure_disk_volume_type - (Optional) (String) The type of Azure disk to use. Options are: PREMIUM_LRS (Premium storage tier, backed by SSDs) or "STANDARD_LRS" (Standard storage tier, backed by HDDs)

  • Premium LRS (SSD): 1 - 1023 GiB
  • Standard LRS (HDD): 1- 1023 GiB

preloaded_docker_image sub_block

Databricks Container Services lets you specify a Docker image when you create a cluster. You need to enable Container Services in Admin Console / Advanced page in the user interface. By enabling this feature, you acknowledge and agree that your usage of this feature is subject to the applicable additional terms. You can instruct the instance pool to pre-download the Docker image onto the instances so when node is acquired for a cluster that requires a custom Docker image the setup process will be faster.

preloaded_docker_image configuration block has the following attributes:

  • url - URL for the Docker image
  • basic_auth - (Optional) basic_auth.username and basic_auth.password for Docker repository. Docker registry credentials are encrypted when they are stored in Databricks internal storage and when they are passed to a registry upon fetching Docker images at cluster launch. However, other authenticated and authorized API users of this workspace can access the username and password.

Example usage with azurerm_container_registry and docker_registry_image, that you can adapt to your specific use-case:

resource "docker_registry_image" "this" {
  name = "${azurerm_container_registry.this.login_server}/sample:latest"
  build {
    # ...

resource "databricks_instance_pool" "this" {
  # ...
  preloaded_docker_image {
    url =
    basic_auth {
      username = azurerm_container_registry.this.admin_username
      password = azurerm_container_registry.this.admin_password

Attribute Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - Canonical unique identifier for the instance pool.

Access Control


The resource instance pool can be imported using it's id:

terraform import databricks_instance_pool.this <instance-pool-id>