Item 27: Use async Functions Instead of Callbacks to Improve Type Flow
Prefer Promises to callbacks for better composability and type flow.
Prefer async
and await
to raw Promises when possible. They produce more concise, straightforward code and eliminate whole classes of errors.
If a function returns a Promise, declare it async
declare function fetchURL (
url : string , callback : ( response : string ) => void
) : void ;
fetchURL ( url1 , function ( response1 ) {
fetchURL ( url2 , function ( response2 ) {
fetchURL ( url3 , function ( response3 ) {
// ...
console . log ( 1 ) ;
} ) ;
console . log ( 2 ) ;
} ) ;
console . log ( 3 ) ;
} ) ;
console . log ( 4 ) ;
// Logs:
// 4
// 3
// 2
// 1
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const page1Promise = fetch ( url1 ) ;
page1Promise . then ( response1 => {
return fetch ( url2 ) ;
} ) . then ( response2 => {
return fetch ( url3 ) ;
} ) . then ( response3 => {
// ...
} ) . catch ( error => {
// ...
} ) ;
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async function fetchPages ( ) {
const response1 = await fetch ( url1 ) ;
const response2 = await fetch ( url2 ) ;
const response3 = await fetch ( url3 ) ;
// ...
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async function fetchPages ( ) {
try {
const response1 = await fetch ( url1 ) ;
const response2 = await fetch ( url2 ) ;
const response3 = await fetch ( url3 ) ;
// ...
} catch ( e ) {
// ...
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async function fetchPages ( ) {
const [ response1 , response2 , response3 ] = await Promise . all ( [
fetch ( url1 ) , fetch ( url2 ) , fetch ( url3 )
] ) ;
// ...
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function fetchPagesWithCallbacks ( ) {
let numDone = 0 ;
const responses : string [ ] = [ ] ;
const done = ( ) => {
const [ response1 , response2 , response3 ] = responses ;
// ...
} ;
const urls = [ url1 , url2 , url3 ] ;
urls . forEach ( ( url , i ) => {
fetchURL ( url , r => {
responses [ i ] = url ;
numDone ++ ;
if ( numDone === urls . length ) done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
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function timeout ( timeoutMs : number ) : Promise < never > {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
setTimeout ( ( ) => reject ( 'timeout' ) , timeoutMs ) ;
} ) ;
async function fetchWithTimeout ( url : string , timeoutMs : number ) {
return Promise . race ( [ fetch ( url ) , timeout ( timeoutMs ) ] ) ;
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async function getNumber ( ) { return 42 ; }
// ^? function getNumber(): Promise<number>
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const getNumber = async ( ) => 42 ;
// ^? const getNumber: () => Promise<number>
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const getNumber = ( ) => Promise . resolve ( 42 ) ;
// ^? const getNumber: () => Promise<number>
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// Don't do this!
const _cache : { [ url : string ] : string } = { } ;
function fetchWithCache ( url : string , callback : ( text : string ) => void ) {
if ( url in _cache ) {
callback ( _cache [ url ] ) ;
} else {
fetchURL ( url , text => {
_cache [ url ] = text ;
callback ( text ) ;
} ) ;
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let requestStatus : 'loading' | 'success' | 'error' ;
function getUser ( userId : string ) {
fetchWithCache ( `/user/${ userId } ` , profile => {
requestStatus = 'success' ;
} ) ;
requestStatus = 'loading' ;
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const _cache : { [ url : string ] : string } = { } ;
async function fetchWithCache ( url : string ) {
if ( url in _cache ) {
return _cache [ url ] ;
const response = await fetch ( url ) ;
const text = await response . text ( ) ;
_cache [ url ] = text ;
return text ;
let requestStatus : 'loading' | 'success' | 'error' ;
async function getUser ( userId : string ) {
requestStatus = 'loading' ;
const profile = await fetchWithCache ( `/user/${ userId } ` ) ;
requestStatus = 'success' ;
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async function getJSON ( url : string ) {
const response = await fetch ( url ) ;
const jsonPromise = response . json ( ) ;
return jsonPromise ;
// ^? const jsonPromise: Promise<any>
// ^? function getJSON(url: string): Promise<any>
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