Table of Contents
Search keywords: attachments, files
Uploads in production are stored in a GCS bucket:
Here's an example of an upload URL:<full/project/path>/uploads/<secret>/image.png
Upload objects in rails are defined here: ./gitlab-ce/app/models/upload.rb
At the moment of writing there is no UI for managing uploads:
Using the console, you can find the upload object in the rails application:
upload = Upload.find_by_secret('<secret>')
NOTE: This operation will likely time out in production since its search scope is the entirety of the user uploads table.
Do this instead:
full_path = 'full/project/path'
project_or_group = Project.find_by_full_path(full_path) || Group.find_by_full_path(full_path)
Project is for uploads attached to issues, Group is for uploads attached to epics.
And now that the search scope has been narrowed down to a single project or group:
upload = project_or_group.uploads.find_by_secret('<secret>')
its path in GCS (the storage path consists of two hashes: storage hash and upload's secret):
and delete the upload together with the file on GCS:
or rename it:
> upload.secret = "<new GUID>"
> upload.path # this path consists of a hash and the upload's secret, it will be used in the next command
> upload.path = "<path from previous command with upload's secret replaced with the newly generated secret>"
# move file in object storage manually to new path
URL of an upload that needs to be removed:
- Get the upload's path on GCS:
> project = Project.find_by_full_path('4dface/4dface-sdk')
> upload = project.uploads.find_by_secret("f7a123bb72bfa73a2d0cf9c12cab99e1")
> upload.path
Check in GCS that the file is present
Remove the file from the rails app and GCS:
- Check again on GCS that the file is gone
- Rename files in an issue:
- Delete an uploaded file: