!Important! Before you do anything in this doc please follow the setup instructions for the oncall.
- Setting the version of the Helm Chart utilized by .com can be accomplished by following the instructions for Setting Chart Version
- Most services are handled via Auto-Deploy. Some are not, reference DEPLOYMENT.md
Creating a new node pool will be necessary if we need to change the instance sizes of our nodes or any setting that requires nodes to be stopped. It is possible to create a new pool without any service interruption by migrating workloads. The following outlines the procedure, note that when doing this in production you should create a change issue, see https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/production/issues/1192 as an example.
Note: When creating a new node pool to replace an existing node pool, be sure to use the same type
for pod scheduling.
OLD_NODE_POOL=<name of old pool>
NEW_NODE_POOL=<name of new pool>
- Add the new node pool to Terraform by creating a new entry in the relevant TF environment, for example for staging you'd add an entry here.
- Apply the change and confirm the new node pool is created
- Cordon the existing node pool
for node in $(kubectl get nodes -l cloud.google.com/gke-nodepool=$OLD_NODE_POOL -o=name); do \
kubectl cordon "$node"; \
read -p "Node $node cordoned, enter to continue ..."; \
- Evict pods from the old node pool
for node in $(kubectl get nodes -l cloud.google.com/gke-nodepool=$OLD_NODE_POOL -o=name); do \
kubectl drain --force --ignore-daemonsets --delete-local-data --grace-period=10 "$node"; \
read -p "Node $node drained, enter to continue ..."; \
- Delete the old node pool manually (in GCP console or on the command line)
- Remove all node pools from the Terraform state
tf state rm module.gitlab-gke.google_container_node_pool.node_pool[0]
tf state rm module.gitlab-gke.google_container_node_pool.node_pool[1]
- Import the new node pool into Terraform
tf import module.gitlab-gke.google_container_node_pool.node_pool[0] gitlab-production/us-east1/gprd-gitlab-gke/$NEW_NODE_POOL
- Update Terraform so that the new node pool is the only one in the list
In times of emergency, whether it be a security issue, identified abuse, and/or an incident where there's great pressure in our infrastructure, it may be necessary to manually set the scale of a Deployment. When a Deployment is setup with a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), and we need to manually scale, be aware that the HPA will fail to autoscale if we scale down to 0 Pods. Also keep in mind that an HPA will process metrics on a regular cadence, if you scale w/i the window of the HPA configuration, the manual override will quickly be taken over by the HPA.
To scale a deployment, run the following example command:
kubectl scale <DEPLOYMENT_NAME> --replicas=<X>
Example, scale Deployment gitlab-sidekiq-memory-bound-v1
to 0 Pods:
kubectl scale deployments/gitlab-sidekiq-memory-bound-v1 --replicas=0
represents the Deployment associated and managing the Pods
that are running. X
represents the desired number of Pods you wish to run.
After an event is over, the HPA will need at least 1 Pod running in order to perform its task of autoscaling the Deployment. For this, we can rerun a similar command above, using the below as an example:
kubectl scale deployments/gitlab-sidekiq-memory-bound-v1 --replicas=1
Refer to existing Kubernetes documentation for reference and further details:
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale/
- https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/design-proposals/autoscaling/horizontal-pod-autoscaler.md
In some cases there might be a need to rotate all pods for a workload (e.g. feature flags that require an app restart).
This can be triggered by using kubectl rollout restart
kubectl -n gitlab rollout restart deployment/gitlab-gitlab-shell
Status of the deployment rotation can be checked with:
kubectl rollout status -n gitlab deployment/gitlab-gitlab-shell
Kubernetes keeps replicasets objects for a limited number of revisions of deployments. Kubernetes events are not created for a replicaset creation/deletion. Only for pods creation/deletion within a replicaset. Similarly, there are no events created for changes to Deployments.
The most complete source of information about changes in kubernetes clusters is the audit log that in GKE is enabled by default. To access audit log, go to Logs Explorer (Stackdriver) in the relevant project in the GCP console.
An example of how you can get a diff between different deployment versions using rollout history (revisions have to exist in the cluster)
kubectl -n gitlab rollout history deployment/gitlab-gitlab-shell # get all deployment revisions
kubectl -n gitlab rollout history deployment/gitlab-gitlab-shell --revision 22 > ~/deployment_rev22 # get deployment yaml at rev 22
kubectl -n gitlab rollout history deployment/gitlab-gitlab-shell --revision 21 > ~/deployment_rev21 # get deployment yaml at rev 21
You can also find the diff in the body of the patch request sent to the apiserver. These are logged in the audit logs. You can find these events with this search:
Check our deployment pipelines on the ops instance, in the projects holding kubernetes config.
If the ReplicaSet objects still exist, you can look at their creation timestamp in their definition.
Audit log also contains a lot of useful information. For example, deployment patching events (e.g. on image update):
Replicaset creation (e.g. on image update):
Keep in mind that the below steps are operating on a production node and production container which may be servicing customer traffic. Some troubleshooting may incur performance penalties or expose you and tooling to Red classified data. Consider removing the Pod after your work is complete.
We just need the following information:
- target Pod
- container we want to exploit
- node it's running on
Firstly, figure out what node/zone a Pod is running:
kubectl get pods -n gitlab -o wide # get the node name
zone=$(gcloud compute instances list --filter name=$node_name --format="value(zone)") # get the zone
We now need to figure out the container ID:
kubectl get pod $pod_name -o json | jq .status.containerStatuses
In the output, if there's multiple containers, find the one you want, followed
by that objects' containerID
. This is a very long ID, and we may need it
later. Note that down, we'll need it later.
SSH into the node:
gcloud compute ssh $node_name --zone=$zone --tunnel-through-iap
Get the container ID:
crictl ps | grep 'websockets-57dbbcdcbd-crv2p'
If the container contains all the tools you need, you can simply exec into it:
crictl exec -it 7aa3c4ad2775c /bin/bash
Where 7aa3c4ad2775c
is the container id that you have already found. If it doesn't have /bin/bash
, try /bin/sh
or just exec
ing ls
to find what binaries are available.
At this point we can install some tooling necessary and interrogate the best we can. Remember that the container could be shutdown at any time by Kubernetes, and any changes are very transient.
If you need higher permissions or more tooling in the container, examples include needing a root shell or perhaps a tool you need does not exist on the image, you can attach another container to the same network/pid namespaces when running.
runc --root /run/containerd/runc/k8s.io/ \
exec \
-t \
-u 0 \
$container_id \
Or use whatever shell you know is readily available. Note you need the entire
container ID that you had found earlier, runc
will toss you an error that the
container does not exist if a shortened ID is utilized. Note we are using runc
here, as crictl
does not provide us this capability. runc
is the underlying
runtime, containerd
is how Kubernetes interfaces with it.
GKE nodes by design have a very limited subset of tools. If you need to conduct troubleshooting directly on the host, consider using toolbox. Toolbox is a container that is started with the host's root filesystem mounted under /media/root/
The toolbox's file system is available on the host at /var/lib/toolbox/
You can specify which container image you want to use, for example you can use coreos/toolbox
or build and publish your own image.
There can only be one toolbox running on a host at any given time.
For more details see: https://cloud.google.com/container-optimized-os/docs/how-to/toolbox
Quite often you'll find yourself working with containers created from very small images that are stripped of any tooling. Installation of tools inside of those containers might be impossible or not recommended. Changing the definition of the pod (to add a debug container) will result in recreation of the pod and likely rescheduling of the pod on a different node.
One way to workaround it is to investigate the container from the host. Below are a few ideas to get you started.
- Find the PID of any process running inside the pod, you can use the pause process for that (network namespace is shared by all processes/containers in a pod). There are many, many ways to get the PID, here are a few ideas:
Get PID of a process running in a container:- List containers and get container ID:
crictl ps -a
- Get pid of a process in a container with a given ID:
crictl inspect <containerID>
search forinfo.pid
- List containers and get container ID:
- Run a command with the network namespace
- Entire toolbox started with the given namespace:
toolbox --network-namespace-path=/proc/<container_pid>/ns/net
- Alternatively, you can use nsenter on the GKE host (note: it might not be available, toolbox is a safer approach):
nsenter -target <PID> -mount -uts -ipc -net -pid
- Entire toolbox started with the given namespace:
An existing volume can be attached to toolbox for debugging using --bind=
or --bind-ro=
(read only).
toolbox --bind=/var/lib/kubelet/pods/<containerID>/volume-subpaths/<pvc_id>/...
This adds a new container inside the pod sharing the same process namespace.
kubectl debug -it mypod --image=busybox --target=mypod
- Node auto-scaling: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/cluster-autoscaler
Node auto-scaling is part of GKE's cluster auto-scaler, new nodes will be added to the cluster if there is not enough capacity to run pods.
The maximum node count is set as part of the cluster configuration for the node pool in Terraform
- Pod auto-scaling: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/scaling-apps
Pods are configured to scale by CPU utilization, targeted at 75%
kubectl get hpa -n gitlab
gitlab-registry Deployment/gitlab-registry 47%/75% 2 100 21 11d
It is possible to scale pods based on custom metric but this is currently not used in the cluster.
There is a dashboard for monitoring the workload quota for production that shows the memory quota.
The memory threshold is configures in the kubernetes config for Registry
If a large number of pods are being evicted it's possible that increasing the requests will help as it will ask Kubernetes to provision new nodes if capacity is limited.
Kubernetes Resource Management: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-compute-resources-container/
kubectl -n pubsubbeat get po pubsubbeat-pubsub-sidekiq-inf-gstg-669679fcbd-hhb2m -o json | jq .status.containerStatuses # All containers returned, save ID of the one you are interested in
NODE_NAME=$(kubectl -n pubsubbeat get po pubsubbeat-pubsub-sidekiq-inf-gstg-669679fcbd-hhb2m -o json | jq -r .spec.nodeName) # Get node name
ZONE=$(gcloud compute instances list --filter name=$node_name --format="value(zone)") # get the zone
gcloud compute ssh --zone $ZONE $NODE_NAME --project "gitlab-production" # ssh to the GKE node
toolbox apt install -y jq file
$ CONTAINER_ID=3e97fd097b8eb9c2d71fdf9641dfa1cba189f4b110a57c939de59292912b5afd # Set the value taken from previous `kubectl get po` command.
$ crictl exec -it $CONTAINER_ID top -c # list processes in the container and find the path of the binary
root 2932207 2932188 0 14:28 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh -c /bin/pubsubbeat -c /etc/configmap/pubsubbeat.yml -e 2>&1 | /usr/bin/rotatelogs -e /volumes/emptydir/pubsubbeat.log 50M
root 2932237 2932207 99 14:28 ? 03:05:29 /bin/pubsubbeat -c /etc/configmap/pubsubbeat.yml -e
root 2932238 2932207 0 14:28 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/rotatelogs -e /volumes/emptydir/pubsubbeat.log 50M
$ CONTAINER_ROOTFS="$(sudo cat /run/containerd/runc/k8s.io/$CONTAINER_ID/state.json | toolbox -q jq -r .config.rootfs)" # find the path to the root fs of the container
$ toolbox -q file "/media/root$CONTAINER_ROOTFS/bin/pubsubbeat" # check if the binary contains symbols, the last column should say: "not stripped"
/media/root/run/containerd/io.containerd.runtime.v2.task/k8s.io/6c2efcce756520ee87d44fcef240e784bc1fb19c67ea1b27a5a6e198620f0651/rootfs/bin/pubsubbeat: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, Go BuildID=mocZaRlBkbCciCWvbae0/jd2tWQJoTiGknHio9Lgw/8XHiDaWStpC9onSk_TwM/82Iaw_TMpLExCoau_B1N, not stripped
sudo perf record -a -g -e cpu-cycles --freq 99 -- sleep 60
If the binary running in the container doesn't contain symbols, the data you collect will include empty function names (will not provide a lot of value).
CONTAINER_ID=$(crictl ps -q --name pubsubbeat_pubsubbeat-pubsub-rails) # Find the ContainerID of the container you want to profile
CONTAINER_CGROUP=$(crictl inspect $CONTAINER_ID | toolbox -q jq -r .info.runtimeSpec.linux.cgroupsPath) # Find the cgroup of the container
sudo perf record -a -g -e cpu-cycles --freq 99 --cgroup $CONTAINER_CGROUP -- sleep 60
sudo perf script --header | gzip > stacks.$(hostname).$(date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S_%Z').gz
So that we avoid installing additional tooling on the GKE node.
On your localhost:
gcloud compute scp --zone "us-east1-c" "gke-gprd-gitlab-gke-sidekiq-urgent-ot-9be5be8a-o05q:stacks.gke-gprd-gitlab-gke-sidekiq-urgent-ot-9be5be8a-o05q.2021-03-05_173617.gz" --project "gitlab-production" .
gunzip stacks.gke-gprd-gitlab-gke-sidekiq-urgent-ot-9be5be8a-o05q.2021-03-05_173617.gz
docker run -d --rm -v $(pwd):/profiles:ro -p 5000:5000 igorwgitlab/flamescope # open your browser and go to
cat stacks.gke-gprd-gitlab-gke-sidekiq-urgent-ot-9be5be8a-o05q.2021-03-05_173617 | stackcollapse-perf.pl --kernel | flamegraph.pl > flamegraph.$(hostname).$(date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%Z').svg
The following is a psuedo procedure that must be completed via a Change Request.
The end result after following this procedure is that a single zonal cluster
will no longer be accepting any user traffic and thus should be safe to do
whatever maintenance necessary. This procedure is written in a way that
prevents any maintenance from negatively interfering with Auto-Deployment and
configuration change spawned from the k8s-workloads/gitlab-com
- Identify the target cluster to be turned down
- Identify when deployments/configuration changes may occur on the target
- This is to ensure that we work with Release Management to prevent blocking deployments as well as catching a cluster back up to the same running version of the components after maintenance is completed if necessary.
- This is to ensure that we work with Infrastructure team members to ensure that configuration changes are propagated as desired, and later we catch the cluster up if changes were made while the cluster was offline.
- Gather all HAProxy backend names associated with the cluster
- We lack consistency in the naming of the backends in HAProxy, thus let's document the precise commands required to remove traffic to the cluster.
- Set environment variable to skip deployments/configurations to the target
cluster. Refer to:
- Remove traffic going to canary from the same zone the HAProxy nodes are
located in.
- If this is missed, we risk overloading Canary with traffic on a cluster that may not be capable of handling the load.
- This can be achieved by something similar to:
./bin/set-server-state -z b -s 60 gstg maint gke-cny-ssh
- The above command will ask all HAProxies located in zone b to set their
state to
, waiting 60 seconds between each HAProxy node to be modified.
- Remove traffic from going to this cluster
- This can be achieved by something similar to
./bin/set-server-state -z b -s 60 gstg maint shell-gke-us-east1-b
- The above command will ask all HAProxies located in zone b to set their
state to
, waiting 60 seconds between each HAProxy node to be modified. - We wait 60 seconds in this example as a way to avoid overloading the clusters that remain from becoming overloaded or being unable to scale up quickly enough as the load shifts.
- This can be achieved by something similar to
- Validate via metrics that the cluster is receiving the least amount of
traffic possible
- Normally the RPS value for a given workload on a target cluster SHOULD be 0, or the metric will disappear. For most workloads we exclude healthchecks and metrics gathering from displaying as part of our dashboards.
Cluster upgrade operations can be viewed using gcloud
gcloud --project XXXX container operations list
We have a handy list of k8s clusters with their Google project in ../../kubernetes/clusters.json
so if you want to view the container operations for all k8s clusters in all projects, you can
do the following:
for project in $(jq -r '.[] | .project' < ../../kubernetes/clusters.json | sort | uniq)
echo "### ${project}"
gcloud --project $project container operations list
You can also view container operations in Google Cloud's operations suite (formerly Stackdriver):