This updated module can be installed using the updatecenter module:
See release history:
Example trigger to add to your system schedule: /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/YOUR_USERNAME/public_html/modules/core/cron.php
In any module add the function subscribe_crontab(). Eg.
class xCustom_Module{
protected function createModuleInfo (){
return new Core_ModuleInfo(
'Example for you',
'The dude');
public function subscribe_crontab(){
return array(
'update_products' => array('method'=>'update_products', 'interval'=>1440), // Every 24 hours
public function update_products(){
traceLog('I've been hit by cron interval');
public static function background_task($param1,$param2){
traceLog('I've been hit by cron job');
Add a job to a que so that it is processed in the background cron job process without delaying the currently executing script.
Anywhere in your code you can que a task and it will be executed as soon as possible.
Core_Cron::queue_job('xCustom_Module::background_task',array($param1, $param2 ));