The ConDec Jira plug-in tries to motivate developers to document decision knowledge and to use the documentation using nudging mechanisms.
ConDec shows a just-in-time prompt to the developers when they change the state of a Jira issue, e.g., when they start or finish a requirement. The just-in-time prompt covers recommendations regarding the following smart features for rationale management:
- Definition of done checking to support high quality of the knowledge documentation
- Automatic text classification to identify decision knowledge in natural language text
- Recommendation of solution options from external knowledge sources
- Link recommendation and duplicate recognition
Just-in-time prompt
The rationale manager can activate or deactivate the events for that just-in-time prompts are shown. The events are activated per default for opt-out nudging.
Configuration view for the events that trigger a just-in-time prompt
ConDec offers ambient feedback nudging mechanisms to indicate that there are recommendations regarding rationale management.
ConDec colors menu items according to the number of recommendations that have not been accepted or discarded by the developers: If there are many recommendations, menu items are colored in red (i.e. action is needed by the developers, this can also be seen as a way to create friction). If there are a few recommendations, menu items are colored in orange. If there are no recommendations, e.g. if the definition of done is fulfilled or all recommendations were accepted or discarded by the developers, menu items are colored in green.
Coloring of menu items to indicate whether action is needed
Besides, the knowledge elements that violate the definition of done are highlighted with a red text color within the knowledge graph views to indicate quality problems. Tooltips explain which definition of done criteria are violated. This should nudge the developers to improve the quality.
Overview of decision problems with quality highlighting
The Java code for the nudging configuration can be found here:
The UI code for the knowledge export feature can be found here: