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111 lines (89 loc) · 3.85 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
111 lines (89 loc) · 3.85 KB


Service to provide simple RESTful API for small business, MVPs or prototypes...



Often all you need from API is just common CRUD operations and with getREST it's easy to get such API even without programming


getREST supports CRUD operations listed below:

Action HTTP Verb Description
Create POST /<resource> Create resource entity from JSON payload
Read GET /<resource> Get all entities from the resource
Read GET /<resource>/<id> Get one resource entity by id
Update PUT /<resource>/<id> Replace existing resource entitiy JSON payload
Update PATCH /<resource>/<id> Partial update for existing resource entitiy with JSON payload
Delete DELETE /<resource>/<id> Delete resource entity


# Get personal API endpoint
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:7777/api'
# => {"api_token":"4be8973a-5991-44f0-ba2a-1c968a5a7168"}

# Get entities list for given resource
curl 'http://localhost:7777/api/4be8973a-5991-44f0-ba2a-1c968a5a7168/cats'
# => []

# Create new entity for given resource
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:7777/api/4be8973a-5991-44f0-ba2a-1c968a5a7168/cats' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"name": "Felix", "color": "black"}'
# => {"name":"Felix","color":"black","_id":"0f002a06-a6a3-4ada-9653-d017c87155d1"}

# Get all available resources
curl 'http://localhost:7777/api/4be8973a-5991-44f0-ba2a-1c968a5a7168'
# => ["cats"]

# Get entities list for given resource
curl 'http://localhost:7777/api/4be8973a-5991-44f0-ba2a-1c968a5a7168/cats'
# => [{"name":"Felix","color":"black","_id":"0f002a06-a6a3-4ada-9653-d017c87155d1"}]

# Replace given entitiy
curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:7777/api/4be8973a-5991-44f0-ba2a-1c968a5a7168/cats/0f002a06-a6a3-4ada-9653-d017c87155d1' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"name": "Felix"}'
# => {"name":"Felix","_id":"0f002a06-a6a3-4ada-9653-d017c87155d1"}

# Partial update given entity
curl -X PATCH 'http://localhost:7777/api/4be8973a-5991-44f0-ba2a-1c968a5a7168/cats/0f002a06-a6a3-4ada-9653-d017c87155d1' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"color": "black"}'
# => {"name":"Felix","color":"black","_id":"0f002a06-a6a3-4ada-9653-d017c87155d1"}

# Delete given entity
curl -X DELETE 'http://localhost:7777/api/4be8973a-5991-44f0-ba2a-1c968a5a7168/cats/0f002a06-a6a3-4ada-9653-d017c87155d1'
# => true

# Get entities list for given resource
curl 'http://localhost:7777/api/4be8973a-5991-44f0-ba2a-1c968a5a7168/cats'
# => []


git clone
cd getREST
make build run  # Will build docker image and run it on port 7777


  • Generate token API
  • Endpoint for GET resource
  • Endpoint for POST resource
  • Endpoint for DELETE
  • Endpoint for PUT
  • Endpoint for PATCH
  • Add tests for CRUD
  • Add persistent storage (montydb)
  • Docker image
  • Configure from .env
  • Add tests for errors
  • User Dashboard for token
  • Admin dashboard for tokens
  • Token (custom) TTL
  • Protected API
  • Versioning?
  • Nested resources?
  • Field filters? ?fields=id,name,author
  • API callbacks or redirrects?
  • Idempotency?
  • Custom IDs?
  • Landing page?
  • Custom rate limits
  • Custom endpoints caching POST /api/123/cats/config/cache?
  • Custom storage size limits POST /api/123/cats/config/size?
  • Admin basic auth
  • Custom API auth? POST /api/123/cats/config/auth?
  • HTTPS?
  • Auto OpenApi docs?
  • XML responses?
  • CSV responses?
  • Pagination
  • Validation? POST /api/123/cats/config/validator?
