SFTPGo allows to share a single directory on demand using the portable
sftpgo portable --help
To serve the current working directory with auto generated credentials simply
$ sftpgo portable
Please take a look at the usage below to customize the serving parameters
sftpgo portable [flags]
--allowed-patterns stringArray Allowed file patterns case insensitive.
The format is:
For example: "/somedir::*.jpg,a*b?.png"
--az-access-tier string Leave empty to use the default
container setting
--az-account-key string
--az-account-name string
--az-container string
--az-download-concurrency int How many parts are downloaded in
parallel (default 5)
--az-download-part-size int The buffer size for multipart downloads
(MB) (default 5)
--az-endpoint string Leave empty to use the default:
--az-key-prefix string Allows to restrict access to the
virtual folder identified by this
prefix and its contents
--az-sas-url string Shared access signature URL
--az-upload-concurrency int How many parts are uploaded in
parallel (default 5)
--az-upload-part-size int The buffer size for multipart uploads
(MB) (default 5)
-c, --config-dir string Location of the config dir. This directory
is used as the base for files with a relative
path, e.g. the private keys for the SFTP
server or the database file if you use a
file-based data provider.
The configuration file, if not explicitly set,
is looked for in this dir. We support reading
from JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, envfile and Java
properties config files. The default config
file name is "sftpgo" and therefore
"sftpgo.json", "sftpgo.yaml" and so on are
This flag can be set using SFTPGO_CONFIG_DIR
env var too. (default ".")
--config-file string Path to SFTPGo configuration file.
This flag explicitly defines the path, name
and extension of the config file. If must be
an absolute path or a path relative to the
configuration directory. The specified file
name must have a supported extension (JSON,
YAML, TOML, HCL or Java properties).
This flag can be set using SFTPGO_CONFIG_FILE
env var too.
--crypto-passphrase string Passphrase for encryption/decryption
--denied-patterns stringArray Denied file patterns case insensitive.
The format is:
For example: "/somedir::*.jpg,a*b?.png"
-d, --directory string Path to the directory to serve.
This can be an absolute path or a path
relative to the current directory
(default ".")
-f, --fs-provider string osfs => local filesystem (legacy value: 0)
s3fs => AWS S3 compatible (legacy: 1)
gcsfs => Google Cloud Storage (legacy: 2)
azblobfs => Azure Blob Storage (legacy: 3)
cryptfs => Encrypted local filesystem (legacy: 4)
sftpfs => SFTP (legacy: 5) (default "osfs")
--ftpd-cert string Path to the certificate file for FTPS
--ftpd-key string Path to the key file for FTPS
--ftpd-port int 0 means a random unprivileged port,
< 0 disabled (default -1)
--gcs-automatic-credentials int 0 means explicit credentials using
a JSON credentials file, 1 automatic
(default 1)
--gcs-bucket string
--gcs-credentials-file string Google Cloud Storage JSON credentials
--gcs-key-prefix string Allows to restrict access to the
virtual folder identified by this
prefix and its contents
--gcs-storage-class string
--grace-time int This grace time defines the number of
seconds allowed for existing transfers
to get completed before shutting down.
A graceful shutdown is triggered by an
interrupt signal.
-h, --help help for portable
--httpd-cert string Path to the certificate file for WebClient
over HTTPS
--httpd-key string Path to the key file for WebClient over
--httpd-port int 0 means a random unprivileged port,
< 0 disabled (default -1)
-l, --log-file-path string Leave empty to disable logging
--log-level string Set the log level.
Supported values:
debug, info, warn, error.
(default "debug")
--log-utc-time Use UTC time for logging
-p, --password string Leave empty to use an auto generated
--password-file string Read the password from the specified
file path. Leave empty to use an auto
generated value
-g, --permissions strings User's permissions. "*" means any
permission (default [list,download])
-k, --public-key strings
--s3-access-key string
--s3-access-secret string
--s3-acl string
--s3-bucket string
--s3-endpoint string
--s3-force-path-style Force path style bucket URL
--s3-key-prefix string Allows to restrict access to the
virtual folder identified by this
prefix and its contents
--s3-region string
--s3-role-arn string
--s3-skip-tls-verify If enabled the S3 client accepts any TLS
certificate presented by the server and
any host name in that certificate.
In this mode, TLS is susceptible to
man-in-the-middle attacks.
This should be used only for testing.
--s3-storage-class string
--s3-upload-concurrency int How many parts are uploaded in
parallel (default 2)
--s3-upload-part-size int The buffer size for multipart uploads
(MB) (default 5)
--sftp-buffer-size int The size of the buffer (in MB) to use
for transfers. By enabling buffering,
the reads and writes, from/to the
remote SFTP server, are split in
multiple concurrent requests and this
allows data to be transferred at a
faster rate, over high latency networks,
by overlapping round-trip times
--sftp-disable-concurrent-reads Concurrent reads are safe to use and
disabling them will degrade performance.
Disable for read once servers
--sftp-endpoint string SFTP endpoint as host:port for SFTP
--sftp-fingerprints strings SFTP fingerprints to verify remote host
key for SFTP provider
--sftp-key-path string SFTP private key path for SFTP provider
--sftp-password string SFTP password for SFTP provider
--sftp-prefix string SFTP prefix allows restrict all
operations to a given path within the
remote SFTP server
--sftp-username string SFTP user for SFTP provider
-s, --sftpd-port int 0 means a random unprivileged port,
< 0 disabled
--ssh-commands strings SSH commands to enable.
"*" means any supported SSH command
including scp
(default [md5sum,sha1sum,sha256sum,cd,pwd,scp])
--start-directory string Alternate start directory.
This is a virtual path not a filesystem
path (default "/")
-u, --username string Leave empty to use an auto generated
--webdav-cert string Path to the certificate file for WebDAV
over HTTPS
--webdav-key string Path to the key file for WebDAV over
--webdav-port int 0 means a random unprivileged port,
< 0 disabled (default -1)
In portable mode you can apply further customizations using a configuration file/environment variables as for the service mode. SFTP, FTP, HTTP and WebDAV settings configured using the CLI flags are applied to the first binding, any additional bindings will not be affected.