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cbft + couchbase Integration Design Document (cbftint)

Status: DRAFT-06

This design document focuses on the integration of cbft into Couchbase Server; a.k.a. "cbftint". Extra emphasis is given to clustering related features such as rebalance, failover, etc.

Brief summary:

  • ns-server will spawn and babysit cbft.

  • cbft will store its configuration metadata into ns-server's metakv system.

  • For rebalancing, ns-server will finish all its existing rebalancing work (VBucket and view/GSI rebalancing), and then request a new cbft subsystem called Master, Central Planner (MCP) to perform rebalancing of cbft's index partitions.


Related documents:

Of note, ns-server team's "TCMP" document seems to be an as-yet unimplemented and "defunct" design proposal (circa 2015/07). Our proposed approach is instead to add more direct ns-server code changes that integrate calls to cbft.

cbft Design Recap

For those needing a quick recap of cbft's main design concepts...

  • Multiple cbft nodes can be configured together as a cluster when they share the same configuration (or Cfg) backend database. For the cbftint project, we plan to use ns-server's metakv configuration system as the Cfg backend.

  • An index in cbft is split or partitioned into multiple index partitions, known as PIndexes.

  • Roughly speaking, a PIndex on a cbft node has a 1-to-1 relationship with a bleve full-text index (although cbgt was designed to support different types of indexes).

  • To process a query request, cbft will distribute or scatter the request to the multiple PIndexes and gather responses before sending a final, merged result back to the client.

  • This partitioning of indexes into PIndexes happens at index creation time (i.e., index definition time). To keep things simple for now, we assume for now that there's no repartitioning or splitting/merging of PIndexes (although we've left room where that can become a future feature).

  • As the cbft cluster topology changes, however, the assignment of which cbft nodes are responsible for which PIndexes can change, due to reassignments from a cbft subsystem called the planner.

  • At index definition time, a PIndex is also configured with a source of data (like a couchbase bucket). That data source will have one or more data source partitions (i.e., VBuckets). For example, the beer-sample bucket has 1024 VBuckets. There's an assignment of VBuckets to PIndexes, controlled via a maxPartitionsPerPIndex configuration parameter. So, we could say something like...

    "PIndex ac923" is assigned to cover VBuckets 0 through 499; "PIndex bdf11" is assigned to cover VBuckets 500 through 999; and so on with more PIndexes to cover up to VBucket 1023.

  • An index can also be configured to be replicated. In that case, the planner merely assigns a PIndex to more than one cbft node.

  • Each PIndex replica or instance will be independently built up from from direct DCP streams from KV engines. That is, cbft uses star topology for PIndex replication instead of chain topology. So, we could say something like...

    PIndex 543aa, which is assigned by the planner to cover VBuckets 1000 through 1023, is assigned to cbft nodes A and C. When cbft node C is removed from the cbft cluster, then PIndex 543aa is reassigned by the planner to cbft nodes A and B.

A diagram:

                                                 cbft nodes:
Cfg -----------------------------------------------+--+--+
  \                                                |  |  |
   \                                               |  |  |
   index "beer-sample-fts"                         |  |  |
    | (maxPartitionsPerPIndex == 500)              A  B  C
    |                                             ---------
    |--- PIndex ac923 (covers VBuckets 0-499)      1  2
    |--- PIndex bdf11 (covers VBuckets 500-999)       1  2
    |--- PIndex 543aa (covers VBuckets 1000-1023)  2     1

Above we can see the information stored in the Cfg. First off, there are 3 cbft nodes. Then, a cbft index "beer-sample-fts" was defined, which was then partitioned by the cbft planner into 3 PIndexes (due to the user-defined maxPartitionsPerPIndex parameter). PIndex ac923, for example, covers the data from VBuckets 0 through 499. Also, replication has been enabled, so cbft's planner has assigned PIndex ac923 to exist on multiple cbft nodes: A and B. The cbft janitor running on node A can read the Cfg and see that PIndexes ac923 and 543aa must be created and maintained on node A.

For more information, please see cbgt's design document (GT), as most of the clustering and partitioning logic comes from the generic, reusable cbgt library.

cbftint Design

In this section, we'll describe the proposal of how ns-server will spawn cbft nodes and orchestrate those cbft nodes along with KV nodes (memcached/ep-engine). And, we'll describe scenarios of increasing, step-by-step complexity and how they'll be handled.

Single CB Node, With Full-Text Service Disabled

In a single node couchbase cluster, or a so-called "cluster of one", the simplest case is when the user hasn't enabled the cbft (or full-text) service type.

In this simple situation, we expect ns-server's babysitter to not spawn any cbft processes.

NOTE: We don't expect the user to be able to dynammically change the enabled service types for an existing, already initialized couchbase node. Instead, to change the service types for a node, the user must rebalance the node out and in again, and/or reinstall their single node.

Single CB Node, With Full-Text Service Enabled

If the full-text service type is enabled for a node, we expect ns-server's babysitter to spawn a cbft process, roughly something like...

CBAUTH=some-secret \
./bin/cbft \
  -cfg=metakv \
  -tags=feed,janitor,pindex,queryer \
  -dataDir=/mnt/cb-data/data/@cbft \
  -server= \
  -bindHttp= \

Command-line Parameters

Next, we briefly describe the command-line arguments that ns-server provides to cbft:


This cbauth related environment variable(s) allows ns-server to pass secret credentials to cbft. This allows cbft to use the cbauth/metakv golang libraries in order to...

  • allow cbft to use metakv as distributed configuration (Cfg) store, such as for storing cbft's metadata like full-text index definitions, cbft cluster memberships, etc.

  • allow cbft to access any couchbase bucket as a data-source (even if the bucket is password protected or when the passwords are changed by administrators); that is, cbft will be able to retrieve cluster VBucket maps and create DCP streams for any couchbase bucket.

  • allow cbft to authorize and protect its REST API, where cbft can perform auth checks on incoming REST API requests such as for queries, index definition changes, and stats/monitoring requests.


This command-line parameter tells cbft to use metakv as the Cfg storage provider.


The tags parameter tells cbft to run only some subset of internal cbft related services. Of note, cbft's "planner" is explicitly not listed in the -tags list, as this design proposal aims to leverage ns-server's master facilities (ns-server's ability to dynamically determine a single master node in a cluster) to more directly control invocations of cbft's planner.

Using ns-server's master facilities will be a more reliable approach than using cbft's basic behavior of having all cbft nodes concurrently race each other in order to run their own competing planners; it will also be less wasteful than having competing planners throw away work when they lose any concurrent re-planning races.

NOTE: we do not currently support dynamically changing the "-tags" list for a cbft node. In particular, changing the "pindex" tag (even with a cbft process restart) will have complex rebalance-like implications of needing PIndex movement; instead, users can rebalance-out a node and rebalance it back in with a different set of service types.

Related: this design also doesn't support the scenario of adding unmanaged, standalone cbft instances to a cbft cluster that's ns-server managed (such as by downloading cbft manually, and manually trying to join it to a cbftint cluster via direct Cfg access). That is, each cbft instance in this design must be ns-server managed.


This is the data directory where cbft can store its node-specific index data and metadata.


By default, ns-server must clear the dataDir directory tree on a brand new couchbase node before starting the cbft process, especially the dataDir/cbft.uuid file. (But not always; see later regarding delta node recovery (DNR)).

NOTE: the dataDir is not planned to be dynamically changable at runtime. That is, if ns-server mistakenly restarts cbft with a brand new, empty, different dataDir, the restarted cbft node will try to join the cbft cluster like a brand new additional cbft node (since it has a different cbft.uuid file), but the old cbft node (with the same bindHttp but old cbft.uuid file) will still be registered and prevent the restarted cbft node from joining. To repair this undesirable situation, the old node (with the old cbft.uuid) must be unregistered from the Cfg (such as by manually using the UNREG_CBFT_NODE tool, to be described later in this document).

On the other hand, if a future version of ns-server instead carefully arranges to stop cbft, move/copy/symlink the dataDir contents to a new location, and restart cbft pointed at the new dataDir, the cbft node will resume with the same cluster membership identity as expected (assuming there was no file data corruption). This will work because the restarted cbft node will have the same dataDir/cbft.uuid file contents.


This is the ADDR:PORT of the REST API of the couchbase ns-server that cbft will use by default for its data source (i.e., the default container of buckets).


This is the ADDR:PORT that cbft process will listen to in order to provide the cbft REST API. The bindHttp ADDR:PORT must be unique in the cluster. (NOTE: We'll talk about changing IP addresses in a later section.)


This is additional JSON information that ns-server wishes to associate with this cbft process. For example...


In particular, ns-server will want to repeatedly poll the cbft process for cbft's latest stats metrics and counters. The REST response expected by ns-server includes ns-server's REST address (for proper stats aggregation), and the extras JSON command-line parameter is a way for ns-server to pass down its REST address and other (future) information to cbft.

Underneath the hood: the cbgt library treats this extra per-node JSON as an opaque string that's just stored as opaque metadata and passed along. Then, in this design, only the REST stats handling code in cbft that supports ns-server integration parses and uses this opaque extra info.

Other Parameters

cbft supports other command-line parameters to allow for rack/zone awareness (generic, multi-level containment can be specified), and node weighting (not yet supported by ns-server), but these don't have any difficult design issues.

NOTE: a future issue would be if ns-server wants to dynamically change these extra parameters (e.g., admin allocates more RAM or CPU to a node and suddenly the machine is more powerful, or the rack/zone for the node is changed). Right now, the design does not support this case, but in the fturue, it'd be fruitful to examine whether a restart of the cbft process with the modified parameters should suffice, although with possible rebalance-like implications. For now, the user should rebalance the node out and back in with changed parameters.

cbft Node Registers Into The Cfg

At this point, as the cbft process starts up, the cbft process will add its cbft node definition (there's just a single cbft node so far) into the Cfg (metakv) system as a known and wanted cbft node.

That way, other clients of the Cfg system can discover the cbft nodes in the cbft cluster.

In particular, clients/SDK's might be relying on the information published in the Cfg to discover the cbft cluster topology (i.e., where are all the PIndexes), and this will perhaps be intermediated by a (to be specified) server-side REST implementation.

cbft Is Ready For Index Creations (INDEX-DDL)

At this point, full-text indexes can be defined using cbft's REST API. The cbft node will save any created index definitions into its Cfg (metakv) system.

Other clients of the Cfg system, then, can now discover the index definitions of the cbft clsuter.

A Managed, Central Planner (MCP)

The Cfg system has a subscription feature, so Cfg clients can be notified when data in the distributed Cfg changes.

We'll use this Cfg subscription feature and introduce a new, separate, standalone planner-like program, called the "Managed, Central Planner" (MCP) which will be used as a cluster-wide singleton that subscribes to Cfg changes.

We propose that ns-server's master facilities will spawn and babysit this single, cluster-wide instance of this new MCP process.

An Approximate, Placeholder MCP

A simple, initial version of the MCP is roughly equivalent to this existing cbft command-line option...

cbft -tags=planner ...

That is, basically, a cbft that only runs the planner.

Racing MCP's

There's a possibility that ns-server's master facilities might have more than one master running with potential races between concurrent masters. That's suboptimal but survivable, as cbft's planner (and MCP) will use CAS-like features in the Cfg to determine Cfg update race winners.

MCP Updates The Plan (UP0)

The MCP is awoken due to its subscription to Cfg changes (from the INDEX-DDL step from above) and splits the index definitions into one or more PIndexes.

The MCP then assigns the PIndexes to cbft nodes (there's only one cbft node so far, so this is easy; in any case, cbft's planner already is able to assign PIndexes across multiple cbft nodes in a balanced way. See the reusable, generic "blance" library for more details:

The MCP then stores this updated cbft plan into the Cfg.

What Is A cbft Plan?

A cbft plan then has two major parts:

  • a splitting of logical index definitions into PIndexes;
  • and, an assignment of PIndexes to cbft nodes.

cbft Janitors Wake Up To Clean Up The Mess

Individual cbft janitors on the cbft nodes (there's just one cbft node so far in this simple case) are subscribing to Cfg changes and will next wake up (due to the previous step UP0).

When a cbft janitor wakes up, it will create or shutdown any process-local PIndex instances as appropriate.

That is, a cbft janitor will try to make process-local runtime changes on its cbft node to reflect the latest plan, including starting and stopping any PIndexes on the local cbft node.

DCP Streams Are Started

A PIndex includes enough information for the cbft system to start DCP feeds or streams, using the VBucket cluster map from the ns-server in order to start DCP connections to the appropriate KV-engines.

Since the plan includes the assignment of source partitions (or VBuckets) to every PIndex, the DCP streams that are created will have the appropriate subset of VBucket ID's.

NOTE: It might be helpful for diagnostics for ns-server to pass name information to the cbft (perhaps as a command-line parameter (-extra) or environment variable) that helps cbft construct useful DCP stream names.

Simple Rebalances, Failovers, Restarts

At this point, assuming our first cbft process isn't moving (i.e., the first ns-server always stays in the couchbase cluster), and assuming our first cbft process is the only cbft instance in the cluster, then a whole series of KV Engine related scenarios are handled automatically by cbft. These include...

  • KV engine restarts
  • ns-server restarts
  • babysitter restarts
  • wobbly, lost connection to KV engine
  • wobbly, lost connection to ns-server
  • rebalance
  • failover
  • add-back's & delta node recovery
  • VBucket cluster map changes

Most of this functionality is due to cbft's usage of the cbdatasource library:

The cbdatasource library has exponential backoff-retry logic when either a REST connection to ns-server (for VBucket maps) or a DCP streaming connection fails.

Documentation on cbdatasource's backoff/retry options (such as timeouts) are here:

cbdatasource also handles when VBuckets are moving or rebalancing, including handling NOT_MY_VBUCKET messages.

cbdatasource also handles when the cbft node restarts, and is able to reconnect DCP streams from where the previous DCP stream last left off.

A Worked Example

In our example, we start with our first node...

cb-00 - cbft enabled

Then, when we add more nodes, as long as those other nodes have cbft disabled and cb-00 stays in the cluster, then everything "should just work" at this point in the story, even if there are more rebalances, failovers, delta-node-recoveries, etc:

cb-00 - cbft enabled
cb-01 - cbft disabled
cb-02 - cbft disabled

We're still essentially running just a cbft "cluster" of a single cbft node, even though there are multiple KV nodes with their VBuckets moving all around the place.

The simplification here is that cbft doesn't look much different from any other "external" application that happens to be using DCP.

A Swap Rebalance Case From Tech Support

One scenario raised by technical support engineering (James Mauss) is when you have a cluster with nodes A, B, C, D, with service types enabled like...

       A B C D
KV   : y y y
cbft :       y

That is, node D is a cbft-only node.

Then, there's a swap rebalance of nodes A, B, C for nodes E, F, G, leaving node D in the cluster...

       D E F G
KV   :   y y y
cbft : y

This case should work because cbft only contacts its local ns-server on to get the cluster map. Even if ns-server's master node changed, that is, we're depending on cbft's local ns-server to have the correct, eventually-propagated information.

Handling IP Address Changes


One issue: as soon as the second node cb-01 was added, the IP address of cb-00 might change (if not already explicitly specified to ns-server during cb-00's initialization web UI/REST screens). This is because ns-server has a feature that supports late-bound IP-address discovery, where IP-addresses can be (re-)assigned once a 2nd node appears in a couchbase cluster.

To handle an IP address change, we propose that ns-server restart cbft with the appropriate -bindHttp command-line parameter. Ideally, this restart should happen ideally before any actual node joining or rebalancing occurs.

Without a restart of cbft that uses the correct -bindHttp parameter, where cbft continues to use its old -bindHttp values, distributed queries of clustered cbft nodes will not work correctly.

Underneath the hood, cbft tracks in the Cfg the mapping of cbft node UUID's to -bindHTTP host:port network addresses. This change of bindHttp will not cause a replanning of the PIndex layout plans.

Adding More Than One cbft Node

At this point in the design, now that IP addresses are being rewritten and handled correctly, more couchbase nodes can now be added into the cluster with the cbft service type enabled.

As each new cbft process is started on new nodes, those cbft processes register themselves into the Cfg (metakv) system as known and wanted cbft nodes.

Whenever the cbft cluster membership information changes, the MCP will notice (since the MCP is subscribing to Cfg changes), and the MCP will re-plan any assignments of PIndexes to the newly added cbft nodes.

The cbft janitors running on the existing and new cbft nodes will then see that the plan has changed and stop-&-start PIndexes as needed, automatically stopping/starting any related DCP feeds as necessary.

This means adding more than one cbft node is now supported; for example, the design now supports simple, homogeneous topologies:

cb-00 - cbft enabled
cb-01 - cbft enabled
cb-02 - cbft enabled
cb-03 - cbft enabled

And the design also support heterogeneous "multi-dimensional scaling" (MDS) topologies:

cb-00 - cbft enabled
cb-01 - cbft disabled
cb-02 - cbft disabled
cb-03 - cbft enabled

Related: one edge case to consider for testing would be trying to add and rebalance a couchbase node X to an existing couchbase cluster, when that node X isn't a clean, newly-installed node, but instead already has a FTS index on it.

Rebalance Out A cbft Node

When a couchbase node is removed from the cluster, if the couchbase node has the cbft service type enabled, here are the proposed steps to handle rebalancing out a cbft node:

  • (RO-10) ns-server invokes a (to be written) command-line program (UNREG_CBFT_NODE) that unregisters a cbft node from the Cfg.

  • (RO-20) ns-server shuts down the cbft process on the to-be-removed couchbase node.

  • (RO-30) ns-server deletes or cleans out the dataDir subdirectory tree that was being used by cbft, especially the dataDir/cbft.uuid file.


This UNREG_CBFT_NODE command-line program (final name is TBD), when run on the to-be-removed node, roughly looks like the following existing cbft command-line option...

./cbft -register=unknown ...

Additional straightforward development will be needed to create an actual UNREG_CBFT_NODE program or command-line tool than can be run on any node in the cluster, to allow ns-server to unregister any cbft node from the Cfg. Especially, we would want ns-server to be able to run UNREG_CBFT_NODE on its master ns-server node.

The above steps and invocation of UNREG_CBFT_NODE can happen at the end of ns-server's rebalance-out steps for a node, which is an approach that favors keeping cbft mostly stable during rebalance.

That means hitting "Stop Rebalance" would leave cbft's indexes mostly as-is on a node-by-node basis.

Swap Rebalance Of cbft Nodes

The blance library used by cbgt to calculate balanced partition maps was designed to handle swap rebalance as just an edge case that's handled "for free".

In other words, this design depends on blance to get swap rebalance right, with no extra special codepaths needed.

Unable To Meet Replica Counts

Removing a cbft node (and, not having enough cbft nodes in the first place) can mean that the MCP is not able to meet replication requirements for its PIndexes.

For example, the user asks for replica count of 2 for an index, but there's only 1 cbft node in the cbft cluster.

cbft needs to provide a REST API (perhaps, as part of stats monitoring REST responses) that allows ns-server to detect this situation of "not enough cbft nodes" and display it in ns-server's UI appropriately.

Of note, cbft should be able to report the difference between...

  • not enough cbft nodes to meet index replication constraints.
  • not enough PIndex replicas have been assigned to meet replication constraints (i.e., there was a failover where there are still enough cbft nodes remaining in the cluster to meet replication constraints, but there hasn't yet been a rebalance).

Hard Failover

The proposal to handle hard failover is that ns-server's master node should invoke the UNREG_CBFT_NODE program (same as from step RO-10 above).

The UNREG_CBFT_NODE must remove the following from the Cfg:

  • remove the node from the nodes-wanted and nodes-known sections.
  • remove the node from the planned PIndexes.
  • promote any replica PIndexes, if any, to active or primary position.

Importantly, during a hard failover, the MCP should not be invoked to re-plan and assign PIndexes to remaining cbft nodes in order to meet replication constraints. Instead, creating new replica PIndexes on remaining nodes should happen only later when the user starts a rebalance operation.

The ns-server needs a to-be-specified way, then, of telling MCP to not to re-plan, where the MCP should instead treat the existing post-failover plan as acceptable.

Graceful Failover and Cooling Down

Graceful failover is feature that concerns the KV engine, since the KV engine has the primary data of the system that must be gracefully kept safe. As a first step, then, we might choose to do nothing to support graceful failover.

As an advanced step, though, a proposal to handle graceful failover would be similar to handling hard failover, but additionally, ns-server's master node should invoke REST API's on the to-be-failovered cbft node at the start of the graceful failover in order to pause cbft's index ingest and to pause cbft's query-ability on the to-be-failovered cbft node.

See the current management REST API's of cbft here:

Of note: those cbft REST API's need to be improved to allow ns-server to limit the scope of index pausing and query pausing to just a particular node.

Note that we don't expect to support cancellation of graceful failover, but if that's needed, ns-server can invoke cbft's REST API to resume index ingest and querying.

Finally, we might consider having cbft keep its dataDir PIndex subdirectories intact and untouched instead of deleting them. The dataDir/cbft.uuid file, however, should be deleted during a graceful failover.

Major Gaps In The Simple Design So Far

Although we now support adding, removing and failover'ing multiple cbft nodes in the cluster at this point in the design, this simple design approach is actually expected to be quite resource intensive (lots of backfills) and has availability issues.

Backfill Overload

For example, if we started out with just a single node cb-00 and then added nodes cb-01, cb-02 & cb-03 into the cluster at the same time, then the cbft janitors on the three newly added nodes will awake at nearly the same time and all start their DCP streams at nearly the same time. This would lead to a huge, undesirable load on the KV system due to lots of concurrent KV backfills across many VBuckets.

Ideally, we would like there to be throttling of concurrent KV backfills to avoid overloading the system.

Index Unavailability

Continuing with the same example scenario, at the nearly same time, the cbft janitor on cb-00 will awaken and stop 3/4th's of its PIndexes (the ones that have been reassigned to the new cbft nodes on cb-01/02/03).

So, any new queries at this time will see a significant lack of search hits (assuming the PIndexes are slow to build on the new cbft nodes).

Ideally, we would like there to be little or no impact to cbft queries and index availability during a rebalance.

Addressing Backfill Overload And Index Unavailability

To address these major gaps, we have a fork in the road of design paths:

  • A. We could attempt to fit into ns-server's rebalance flow and orchestration; that is, interleave some KV VBucket moves and view/GSI re-indexing with PIndex moves, taking care fit into ns-server's throttling phases.
  • B. Instead of interleaving, ns-server could move all KV VBuckets and view/GSI indexes first, and then hand-off full PIndex rebalancing control to the MCP.

Pathway B is easier to implement, so we'll use that pathway, while still trying to design the MCP with external pausability/resumability to allow us to potentially grow to a future pathway A implementation.

ns-server's Rebalance Flow

Let's recap ns-server's rebalance flow, so we understand the benefits it provides.

During rebalance, ns-server provides some advanced concurrency scheduling maneuvers to increase efficiency, availability and safety. We recap those maneuvers here, but please see ns-server's rebalance-flow.txt document for more details.

  • ns-server rebalances only one bucket at a time.
  • ns-server prioritizes VBucket moves to try to keep the number of active VBuckets "level" throughout KV nodes in the cluster.
  • ns-server also limits concurrent KV backfills to 1 per node.
  • ns-server disables compactions during VBucket moves and view indexing, to increase efficiency/throughput at the cost of using more storage space.
  • after 64 VBucket moves (by default, this is actually configurable in ns-server), ns-server kicks off a phase of compactions across the cluster.
  • ns-server pauses indexing during some sub-phases of the rebalance moves to implement "consistent view queries under rebalance".

Pictorially, here is a diagram on concurrency during rebalance (from rebalance-flow.txt) on a single couchbase node, circa 2.2.x...

     VBucket Move Scheduling On A Single KV Node
  |  /------------\
  |  | Backfill 0 |                  Backfills cannot happen
  |  \------------/                  concurrently on a KV node.
  |        |         /------------\
  |  +------------+  | Backfill 1 |
  |  | View Index |  \------------/
  |  | File 0     |        |
  |  |            |  +------------+  However, view indexing _can_
  |  |            |  | View Index |  happen concurrently with KV
  |  |            |  | File 1     |  backfills and other
  |  +------------+  |            |  view indexing.
  |        |         |            |
  |        |         +------------+
  |        |              |
  |         \------+-----/
  |                |
  |  /----------------------------\  Compaction for a set of vbucket
  |  | Compact both src & dest.   |  moves cannot happen concurrently
  v  \----------------------------/  with another set of vbucket moves.

Limiting Concurrent cbft Backfills

When a PIndex is assigned to a cbft node, that cbft node will start DCP streams on the data source KV nodes based on the VBucket's covered by the PIndex. Those DCP streams mean backfills on the KV nodes.

MCP can provide KV backfill throttling by limiting the number of concurrent PIndex reassigments. A simple policy for MCP would be that MCP can ensure that a cbft node only concurrently builds up a max of N new PIndexes, where N could have a default of 1.

From the KV engine's point of view, that simple policy could still mean more than 1 backfill at a time, though, so if tighter throttling is needed, then perhaps MCP can additionally limit the concurrent PIndex reassignments to a max of M per cluster. M configured to be 1 would have the most throttling, but perhaps inefficiently leave some KV nodes underutilized during rebalancing, when the currently "moving" PIndex doesn't have any VBuckets from some KV nodes.

An even more advanced MCP might try to dynamically tune the M and N concurrency parameters to maximize throughput, such as by examining the VBuckets for each PIndex and cross-correlating those VBuckets to their current KV nodes.

By the way, if MCP dies, then ns-server should stop the rebalance with an error message.

Increasing Availability of PIndexes

The proposed design is that the MCP should only unassign or remove an old PIndex instance from a cbft node only after some new PIndex instance has been built up on some other cbft node.

The MCP can do this by computing a new plan but not publishing it yet to all the janitors. Instead, MCP roughly treats the new plan similar to how ns-server computes a fast-forward VBucket map.

The MCP can then repeatedly choose some subset of the fast-forward-plan to publish in throttled steps to the janitors (via Cfg updates), so that subscribing janitors will make throttled progress.

In other words, we propose that the MCP will roughly use the Cfg as a persistent, distributed message blackboard, where the MCP performs recurring, episodic writes to the janitor-visible plan in the Cfg to move the distributed cbft janitors closer and closer to the final, fast-forward plan.

The core throttling, reassignment orchestration algorithm will be implemented as a reusable, generic feature of the blance library. See:

Heuristics To Ordering PIndex Reassignments

In the orchestration algorithm, choosing which reassignments to perform next is expected to be similar to a sorting problem, albeit complicated by the issue that it's heuristically driven (not provably optimal).

For example, here might be some heuristics to consider:

  • First, favor easy promotions (e.g., a secondary replica graduating to 0'th replica) so that queries can have more coverage across all PIndexes. This is the equivalent of a VBucket changing state from replica to master.

  • Next, favor assignments of PIndexes that have no replicas assigned anywhere, where we want to get to that first PIndex instance or replica as soon as possible. Once we have that first replica for a PIndex, though, we should consider favoring other kinds of moves over building even more replicas of that PIndex.

  • Next, favor reassignments that utilize capacity on newly added cbft nodes, as the new nodes may be able to help with existing, overtaxed nodes. But be aware: starting off more KV backfills may push existing nodes running at the limit over the edge.

  • Next, favor reassignments that help get PIndexes off of nodes that are leaving the cluster. The idea is to allow ns-server to remove couchbase nodes (which may need servicing) sooner.

  • Next, favor removals of PIndexes that are over-replicated. For example, there might be too many replicas of a PIndex remaining on new/existing nodes.

  • Lastly, favor reassignments that move PIndexes amongst cbft nodes than are neither joining nor leaving the cluster. In this case, MCP may need to shuffle PIndexes to achieve better balance or meet replication constraints.

Other, more advanced factors to consider in the heuristics, which may be addressed in future releases, but would just be additions to the ordering/sorting algorithm.

  • some cbft nodes might be slower, less powerful and more impacted than others.

  • some PIndexes might be way behind compared to others.

  • some PIndexes might be much larger than others.

  • some data source KV engines might more under pressure than others and less able to handle yet another a DCP backfill.

  • TODO: consider how about some randomness?

Some Example PIndex Moves

For example, imagine we have five PIndexes (00 through 04), and four nodes: a, b, c and d. We might have to have the following "before" rebalance and "after" rebalance states, along with these moves to get from the before state to the after state...


[PIndex 00]
before:  a    |
         a +b |           00.1 - add b as master
        -a  b |           00.2 - del a
after:      b |

[PIndex 01]
before:  a    | b  c
         a +b |-b  c      01.1 - promote b from replica to master
        -a  b |    c      01.2 - del a
            b |    c +d   01.3 - add d as replica
after:      b |    c  d

[PIndex 02]
before:  a    |    b
         a +b |   -b      02.1 - promote b from replica to master
        -a  b |+a         02.2 - demote a from master to replica
after:      b | a

[PIndex 03]
before:  a    |    b
         a +c |    b
        -a  c |+a  b
            c | a -b
after:      c | a

[PIndex 04]
before:  a    | b
         a +c | b
        -a  c | b
            c | b +d
            c |-b  d
after:      c |    d

The lines in between the "before" and "after" lines are the proposed moves that need to be made, along with comments/notes (like "01.1") that describe each move.

The algorithm to compute the moves to get from "before" to "after" is pretty short:

for state in [master, replica]:
  handle demotions of superiorTo(state) to state;
  handle promotions of inferiorTo(state) to state;
  handle clean additions of state;
  handle clean removals of state;

Additionally, you can look at the above PIndex move tables in another way... for example, by just focusing on the "a" columns, you can just focus in on all the moves related to node a.

However, some moves for node "a" have dependencies. For example, for PIndex 00, you can't do move 00.2 until move 00.1 ("add b as master") regarding node b is done first.

Controlled Compactions of PIndexes

cbft will need to provide REST API's to disable/enable compactions (or temporarily change compaction timeouts?) to enable outside orchestration (i.e., from ns-server).

These compaction timeouts should likely be ephemeral (a cbft process restart means compaction configurations come back to normal, non-rebalance defaults).

Delta Node Recovery (DNR)

Delta node recovery allows a node that's added back to the cluster to reuse existing data and index files, if any, for a speedier cluster recovery.

If the ns-server determines that an added-back node is meant to be delta-node-recovered, then ns-server should not clean out the dataDir directory tree before starting the cbft process on the added-back node (see step DDIR-RM above), but ns-server should only delete the dataDir/cbft.uuid file. That is, any PIndex files and subdirectories in the dataDir should remain untouched, as the cbft process might be able to reuse them instead of having to rebuild PIndexes from scratch.

MCP doesn't have any memory of the previous cluster configuration, and of which PIndexes were assigned to which previous (recovered) cbft nodes and in what states (i.e., master vs. replica). Without this memory, MCP won't be able to handle delta node recovery very well, and could likely reassign an inefficient set of PIndexes to the recovered node. The design proposal to address this issue is that in a delta-node-recovery situation, ns-server will invoke an extra tool/program (to be spec'ed; DNRFTS) that will list into the Cfg any PIndexes that are found on the recovered cbft node. This will give the MCP the information it needs to plan a recovery more efficiently (i.e., increase the chance that MCP will reuse the PIndexes that already exist on the recovered cbft node).

Of note, we should take care that there might be a race here to consider, where the janitor on the recovered cbft process wakes up, discovers a whole bunch of old, seemingly unnecessary PIndex subdirectories and starts removing them, before the MCP has a chance to update the plans and assign those PIndexes to the recovered node. The DNRFTS step proposed above needs to address this potential race.

Bucket Deletion


If a bucket is deleted, any full-text indexes based on that bucket should be, by default, automatically deleted.

The proposal is ns-server invoke a synchronous command-line tool or REST API that can list and/or delete the cbft indexes that have a data source from a given bucket.

The listing operation allows ns-server to potentially display UI warnings to the user who's about to perform a bucket deletion.

This command-line tool would also allow administrators to perform the same listing and "cascading delete" operation manually.

TODO: What about cascade delete (or listing) of index aliases that (transitively) point to an index (or to a bucket datasource)?

Requirements Review

NOTE: We're currently missing a formal product requirements document (PRD), so these requirements are based on anticipated PRD requirements.

In this section, we cover the list of requirements and describe how the design meets the requirements.

(NOTE / TODO: at this point this list is just a grab bag of things we've heard of that we know we must address.)

Requirements with the "GT-" prefix originally come from the cbgt design document.

GT-CS1 - Consistent queries during stable topology.

Clients should be able query for results where the indexes have incorporated at least up to a given set of {vbucket to seq-num} pairings.

This is covered by cbft's optional "at_plus" consistency vectors during queries.

GT-CR1 - Consistent queries under datasource rebalance.

Queries should be consistent even as data source KV nodes are added and removed in a clean rebalance.

This is covered by cbft's optional "at_plus" consistency vectors during queries.

GT-CR2 - Consistent queries under cbgt topology change.

Queries should be consistent even as full-text nodes are added and removed in a clean takeover fashion.

This is covered by cbft's optional "at_plus" consistency vectors during queries.

GT-OC1 - Support optional looser "best effort" options.

The options might be along a spectrum from stale=ok to totally consistent. The "best effort" option should probably have lower latency than a totally consistent GT-CR1 query.

For example, perhaps the client may want to just ask for consistency around just a subset of vbucket-seqnum's.

This can be supported in cbft, but requires new feature development, including needing additional, optional flags/parameters in cbft's REST query API's.

GT-IA1 - Index aliases.

This is a level of indirection to help split data across multiple indexes, but also not change your app all the time. Example: the client wants to query from 'last-quarter-sales', but that means a search limited to only the most recent quarter index of 'sales-2014Q3'. Later, an administrator can dynamically remap the 'last-quarter-sales' alias to the the newest 'sales-2014Q4' index without any client-side application changes.

This is be supported in cbft / bleve via their index aliases feature.

GT-MQ1 - Multi-index query for a single bucket.

This is the ability to query multiple indexes in one request for a single bucket, such as the "comments-fti" index and the "description-fti" index.

This is supported in cbft / bleve via index aliases.

GT-MQ2 - Multi-index query across multiple buckets.

Example: "find any docs from the customer, employee, vendor buckets who have an address or comment about 'dallas'".

This is supported in cbft / bleve via index aliases.

GT-NI1 - Resilient to data source KV node down scenarios.

cbft instances should try to automatically reconnect to a recovered KV data source node and resume indexing from where they left off.

This is supported by the cbdatasource library.

GT-E1 - The user should be able to see error conditions.

For example yellow or red coloring on node down and other error conditions.

Question: how to distinguish between I'm behind (as normal) versus I'm REALLY behind on indexing. Example: in 2i project, it can detect that "I'm sooo far REALLY behind that I might as well start from zero instead of trying catch up with all these mutation deltas that will be throwaway work".

In ES, note the frustrating bouncing between yellow, green, red; ns-server example, not enough CPU & timeouts leads to status bounce-iness.

This is a general requirement where error conditions and health must be exposed (any changes to-be-spec'ed) via cbft's REST API.

GT-NQ1 - Querying still possible if data source node goes down.

Querying of a cbgt cluster should be able to continue even if some data source KV nodes are down.

This is supported as cbft's processes are separate from the KV processes and can proceed independently.

GT-PI1 - Ability to pause/resume indexing.

This is supported via cbft's index management REST API.

R-IPADDR - IP Address Changes.

IP address discovery is "late bound", when couchbase server nodes initially joins to a cluster. A "cluster of one", in particular, only has an erlang node address of "[email protected]".

ns-server also has feature where node names might also be manually assigned.

Please see the IPADDR design proposal above.

R-BUCKETD - Bucket Deletion Cascades to Full-Text Indexes.

If a bucket is deleted, any full-text indexes based on that bucket should be also automatically deleted.

There should be user visible UI warnings on these "cascading deletes" of cbft indexes.

Please see the BUCKETD design proposal above.

BUCKETDA - Bucket Deletion & Index Aliases

(What about cascade delete (or listing) of index aliases that (transitively) point to an index (or to a bucket datasource)?)


BUCKETR - Bucket Deletion & Recreation with the same name.

This is supported as cbft relies on bucket names and bucket UUID's to uniquely identify a bucket to handle this case.

BUCKETF - Bucket Flush.


This will likely need (to-be-spec'ed) improvements to the cbdatasource library and API.

RIO - Rebalance Nodes In/Out.

Please see the rebalance related design proposal above.

RP - Rebalance progress estimates/indicator.

The design proposal is that MCP's REST API will need to support progress estimates.

RS - Swap Rebalance.

Please see the swap rebalance related design proposal above, which relies on the blance library.

FOH - Hard Failover.

Please see the hard failover design proposal above.

FOG - Graceful Failover.

Graceful failover means rejecting any new requests and wait for any inflight requests to finish before failover.

Please see the hard failover design proposal above.

AB - Add Back Rebalance

Please see the rebalance design proposal above.

DNR - Delta Node Recovery.

This involves leveraging cbft's old index files.

Please see the delta node recovery design proposal above.

RP1 - NS-SERVER's Rebalance Phase 1 - VBucket Replication Phase.

RP2 - NS-SERVER's Rebalance Phase 2 - View Indexing Phase.

RP2 - NS-SERVER's Rebalance Phase 3 - VBucket Takeover Phase.

Please see the rebalance design proposal above, where we propose to not integrate into ns-server's rebalance cycles, but instead have a brand new phase at the end of ns-server's existing rebalance work.

RSTOP - Ability to Stop Rebalance.

A.k.a, "put the pencils down".

MCP will need a REST API to support this.

MDS-FT - Multidimensional Scaling For Full Text

Ability to rebalance cbft resources indpendent of other services.

Please see the "MDS" related design proposal above.

CIUR - Consistent Indexes Under Rebalance.

This is the equivalent of "consistent view index queries under rebalance".

We propose not to support this feature by default, but instead will rely on the application to provide an optional "at-plus" consistency vector during cbft queries.

QUERYR - Querying Replicas.

This is not yet implemented in cbft, and needs more requirements gathering.

QUERYLB - Query Load Balancing To Replicas.

This is not yet implemented in cbft, and needs more requirements gathering.

QUERYLB-EE - Query Load Balancing To Replicas, Enterprise Edition

Perhaps EE needs to be more featureful than simple round-robin or random load-balancing, but targets the most up-to-date replica.

Or the least-busy replica.

This is not yet implemented in cbft, and needs more requirements gathering.

ODS - Out of Disk Space.

Out of disk space conditions are handled gracefully (not segfaulting).

This should become a unit test to ensure right behavior in cbft.

ODSR - Out of Disk Space Repaired.

After an administrator fixes the disk space issue (adds more disks; frees more space) then full-text indexing should be able to automatically continue successfully.

This should become a unit test to ensure right behavior in cbft.

KP - Killed Processes (linux OOM, etc).

RSN - Return of the Shunned Node.

The design relies on ns-server to properly a return of a shunned node, and barring that relies on ns-sever to manage the deletion of dataDir/cbft.uuid files appropriately, as a backstop.

DLC - Disk Level Copy/Restore of Node.

This is the scenario when a user "clones" a node via disk/storage level maneuvers, such as usage of EBS snapshot features or tar'ing up a whole dataDir.

The issue is that old cbft.uuid files might still (incorrectly) be copied.

We propose not to handle this case in cbftint Watson timeframe.

UI - Full-Text tab in Couchbase's web admin UI.

The design proposal, in a handwave, is to handle this via a REST/HTTP proxy in ns-server, which will forward REST/HTTP traffic for (to-be-specified) URL path prefixes to cbft, in order to overcome same-origin issues.

More handwave also is used to ellide the challenges of javascript/HTML/CSS angularjs/cells integration (namespace collisions, etc).

STATS - Stats Integration into Couchbase's web admin UI.

We propose that ns-server poll cbft for stats using a REST API. (Marty has demo of the ns-server doing this.)

AUTHI - Auth integration with Couchbase for indexing.

cbft should be able to access any bucket for full-text indexing.

The design will rely on cbauth for this.

AUTHM - Auth integration with Couchbase for admin/management.

cbft's administration should be protected.

The design will rely on cbauth for this.

AUTHQ - Auth integration with Couchbase for queries.

cbft's queryability should be protected.

The design will rely on cbauth for this.

AUTHPW - Auth credentials/pswd can change (or is reset).

The design will rely on cbauth for this, where any admin password changes should have no affect on cbft and its usage of cbauth/metakv.

TLS - TLS/SSL support.

In an SSL situation, cbft may need to go through a local SSL proxy (provided by n-sserver) in order contact other nodes (such as for queries).

TODO. The SSL support may be on a per-index basis, or perhaps on a per-cluster basis. More research needed.

SSL Enabling/Disabling

One feature to consider is the ability for the user to dynamically enable/disable SSL.

TODO. The proposed design is that ns-server restart cbft with the correct bindHTTP or SSL related parameters on any changes.

HC - Health Checks.

The design proposal is that ns-server will piggyback health checks on cbft on its regular polling of REST stats metrics from cbft.

QUOTAM - Memory Quota per node.

TODO. Need to examine GSI's and cbq's approaches to memory quotas (for golang processes) and see if we can copy their approaches.

QUOTAD - Disk Quota per node.

We propose to not to attempt disk quotas for cbft for Watson.

BFLIMIT - Limit Backfills.

ns_single_vbucket_mover has a policy feature that limits the number of backfills to "1 backfill during rebalance in or out of any node" (see rebalance-flow.txt)

Please see the above design proposal on limiting concurrenty PIndex moves per cbft node.

RCOMPACT - Index Compactions Controlled Under Rebalance.

During rebalance, ns_server pauses view index compactions until a configurable number of vbucket moves have occurred for efficiency (see rebalance-flow.txt).

This might prevent huge disk space blowup on rebalance (MB-6799?).

TODO. MCP may have to have similar index compaction pause/resume logic as ns-server?

RPMOVE - PIndex Moves Controlled Under Rebalance.

During rebalance, ns_server limits outgoing moves to a single vbucket per node for efficiency (see rebalance-flow.txt). Same should be the case for PIndex reassignments.

Please see the above design proposal on limiting concurrenty PIndex moves per cbft node.

RSPREAD - Rebalance Active VBucket Spreading.

ns_server prioritizes VBuckets moves that equalize the spread of active VBuckets across nodes and also tries to keep indexers busy across all nodes. PIndex moves should have some equivalent optimization.

Please see the above design proposal on prioritizing PIndex moves, which is not an exact equivalent to what ns-server is doing with VBuckets, but somewhat related.

COMPACTF - Ability for force compaction right now.

We propose that cbft introduce an additional REST API to control compactions.

COMPACTO - Ability to compact files offline (while service down).

Might be useful to recover from out-of-disk space scenarios.

We propose not to handle this requirement in Watson timeframe.

COMPACTP - Ability to pause/resume automated compactions.

We propose that cbft introduce an additional REST API to control automated compactions.

COMPACTC - Ability to reconfigure automated compaction policy.

We propose that cbft introduce an additional REST API to control automated compaction configuration.

TOOLBR - Tools - Backup/Restore.

We propose that backup/restore only backup and restore cbft (logical) index definitions, but not the actual index dataDir files or physcial indexing data.

TOOLCI - Tools - cbcollectinfo.

We propose that cbcollectinfo be improved to gather cbft's REST /api/diag JSON output, which contains a lot of cbft diagnostic information.

TOOLM - Tools - mortimer.

The mortimer tool will need to be improved, if not during Watson, then soon after, to include cbft-related stats.

TOOLN - Tools - nutshell.

The nutshell tool will need to be improved, if not during Watson, then soon after, to include cbft-related stats.

TOOLDUMP - Tools - couch_dbdump like tools.

TODO. To be specified.

UPGRADESW - Handles upgrades of sherlock-to-watson.

We plan to rely on ns-server to handle sherlock-to-watson upgrades, such as by ns-server not allowing cbft to used until all nodes are running Watson.

UPGRADE - Future readiness for watson-to-future upgrades.

TODO. To be specified. cbft already includes some PIndex metadata that may be helpful for future upgrades, but a design review is needed to consider whether it's enough.

UTEST - Unit Testable.

QTEST - QE Testable / Instrumentable.

TODO. To be specified.

REQTRACE - Ability to trace a request down through the layers.


REQPILL - Ability to send a fake request "pill" down through the layers.


REQTIME - Ability to track "where is the time going".

This should ideally be on a per-request, individual request basis.


REQTHRT - Request Throttling

ns-server REST & CAPI support a "restRequestLimit" configuration.

TODO. Needs more research on what ns-server is doing with restRequestLimit.

DCPNAME - DCP stream naming or prefix

Allow for DCP stream prefix to allow for easier diagnosability & correlation (e.g., these DCP streams in KV-engine come from cbft due to these indexes from these nodes).


TIMEREW - Handle NTP backward time jumps gracefully

cbft doesn't rely directly on time. However, underlying dependencies (maybe metakv? CAS generation in KV) might be sensitive to backward time jumps (needs research).

RZA - Handle Rack/Zone Awareness & Server Groups

Please see above for rack/zone awareness proposal.

CBM - Works with cbmirror

This should considered just "nice to have", but may be useful as a pathway to more unit/integration testing.

CORRUPT - Corrupted Files

Ability to gracefully respond to and report errors due to file corruptions.

There are several different kinds of files to address:

  • metadata files: ** dataDir/cbft.uuid file. ** PIndex metadata files.
  • PIndex index files (e.g., bleve's files).

This requires the ability for cbft to propagate errors due to file errors. And, requires cbft to be able to support the forced removal of PIndex instances even if critical files are corrupted or have disappeared. And, have cbft be able to be removed and/or restarted even if its critical files are corrupted or have disappeared.

Random notes / TODO's / section for miscellaneous ideas

best effort queries

  • vs return error
  • keep old index entries even if index definition changes
  • vs rebuild everything

Add command-line param where ns-server can force a default node UUID, for better cross-correlation/debuggability of log events?

More feedback from James Mauss (and, testing ideas?):

  • rebalance with node ports are blocked (aws security zone).
    • i.e., cbft can't talk to KV port 11210
  • fill up disk space and repair/recover
    • e.g., to test, create a big file (like via dd)
    • have a valid error msg
    • then heal by deleting the big file
  • handle temporarily running out of file handles
    • and, decent error msg
  • hostname doesn't resolve
    • i.e., orchestrator can see new node but not the other way at botht eh ns-server and memcached level
  • windows: something has a file lock on your file
    • that something is antivirus, or whatever opens file in readonly
    • ask patrick varley, who has tool to do that
  • compaction getting stuck and/or not actually compacting or compacting fast enough
  • want valid error msgs in all these cases