Releases: corona-warn-app/cwa-app-android
New Scan Confirmation Texts Change (EXPOSUREAPP-2427) (#1008)
New Strings for Risikobegegnung mit niedrigem Risiko (EXPOSUREAPP-2462) (#1106)
Remove Cache Clearing to reduce CDN load on failing devices (EXPOSUREAPP-2405) (#1108)
Feature: Update low risk string (EXPOSUREAPP-1971) (#1125)
Improve Explanation for "Risikobegegnung mit niedrigem Risiko" (EXPOSUREAPP-1971) (#1112)
[INTERNAL] Translation delivery: commit by LX Lab (#1132)
Throw Exception in case we have a failed entry to ensure Abortion of the Transaction (EXPOSUREAPP-2405) (#1134)
Version bump to 1.3.1
[INTERNAL] Translation delivery: commit by LX Lab (#1039)
Fixes 9002 error caused by test fragment risk reset (related to EXPOSUREAPP-1851) (#1037)
Fix the submission with zero keys (EXPOSUREAPP-1742, EXPOSUREAPP-2194) (#990)
Changed texts for QR code and test deletion (EXPOSUREAPP-2093) (#1036)
Added string to open app daily (EXPOSUREAPP-2005) (#1035)
Added tess relay string (EXPOSUREAPP-1765) #1034
Active tracing days count can be negative (EXPOSUREAPP-1844) (#828) (#1029)
Alternative contact possiblity (EXPOSUREAPP-1654) (#1013)
Onboarding easy language (EXPOSUREAPP-1988, EXPOSUREAPP-2095) (#1028)
Plausible Deniability Config Update (EXPOSUREAPP-2214) (#1022)
moved status code to initial error message dialog (#1007)
Show correct text for non increased risk levels on risk details screen (EXPOSUREAPP-2171) (#1004)
Hotfixes translation updates (#1009)
change Mundschutz to Mund-Nasen-Schutz (#1008)
Version code bump for RC3 1.3.0 (#1010)
append google apiexception statuscode to detailsTitle (EXPOSUREAPP-2081) (#996)
[INTERNAL] Translation delivery: commit by LX Lab (#994)
Check if ENF is enabled before getting the exposure summary (EXPOSUREAPP-2080) (#992)
Added support for new TestResult and DeviceUIState based on (EXPOSUREAPP-1743) (#989)
Fix: use the exposure summary directly from Google instead of the local db entry (EXPOSUREAPP-1837)
plausible deniability (EXPOSUREAPP-941) (#946)
Text: Background Activity (EXPOSUREAPP-1884) (#1052)
Text: Fix string Datenverarbeitung (EXPOSUREAPP-2272) (#1058)
Text: Fix string for qr code error message (EXPOSUREAPP-2287) (#1059)
Text: Missing Comma (EXPOSUREAPP-2003) (#1054)
Fix: Replaced brackets with leading # to match website faq structure (EXPOSUREAPP-2261) (#1074)
App usages over 16 years (EXPOSUREAPP-1781) (#1048)
Fix: Grammar error in data privacy (EXPOSUREAPP-2251) (#1075)
No Location Services needed for Android 11 (EXPOSUREAPP-2025) (#1057)
Include test result retrieval in playbook for initial registration (EXPOSUREAPP-2314) (#1073)
Active tracing days no longer negative (EXPOSUREAPP-2366) (#1082)
Update german & english eula (EXPOSUREAPP-1781) (#1083)
Fix: alternate contact possibility (EXPOSUREAPP-2297, EXPOSUREAPP-2308) (#1055)
Fix: Consolidate all number of retrieve diagnosis keys into one (EXPOSUREAPP-2405) (#1088)
Prevent UI scopes from canceling transactions (EXPOSUREAPP-2312) (#1093)
Voice assist double tap on link fix (EXPOSUREAPP-2288) (#1094)
New Scan Confirmation Texts Change (EXPOSUREAPP-2427) (#1097)
Remove blanket internet connection status (EXPOSUREAPP-1572) (#1096)
Single point of resposibility for background activity prioritization (EXPOSUREAPP-2271) (#1098)
Translation Delivery (#1077)
Translation delivery (#1105)
Missing Hyphen between "App Nutzung" (EXPOSUREAPP-2453) (#1104)
New Strings for Risikobegegnung mit niedrigem Risiko (EXPOSUREAPP-2462) (#1106)
Ship a common codeStyle that matches KLint. (#1070)
Automatically enable coroutine debugging in DEBUG and test builds. (Spawned by EXPOSUREAPP-2267) (#1060)
Introduce dagger 2, first risk level unit tests (EXPOSUREAPP-2207) (#1069)
Storage check with optional allocation (EXPOSUREAPP-2259) (#1076)
Improve transaction logging (Spawned by EXPOSUREAPP-2267) (#1061)
Let tests be run for all flavors (#1080)
Use File extension functions to make code more concise. (#1042)
Version bump to 1.4.0 (#1109)
[INTERNAL] Translation delivery: commit by LX Lab (#1039)
Fixes 9002 error caused by test fragment risk reset (related to EXPOSUREAPP-1851) (#1037)
Fix the submission with zero keys (EXPOSUREAPP-1742, EXPOSUREAPP-2194) (#990)
Changed texts for QR code and test deletion (EXPOSUREAPP-2093) (#1036)
Added string to open app daily (EXPOSUREAPP-2005) (#1035)
Added tess relay string (EXPOSUREAPP-1765) #1034
Active tracing days count can be negative (EXPOSUREAPP-1844) (#828) (#1029)
Alternative contact possiblity (EXPOSUREAPP-1654) (#1013)
Onboarding easy language (EXPOSUREAPP-1988, EXPOSUREAPP-2095) (#1028)
Plausible Deniability Config Update (EXPOSUREAPP-2214) (#1022)
moved status code to initial error message dialog (#1007)
Show correct text for non increased risk levels on risk details screen (EXPOSUREAPP-2171) (#1004)
Hotfixes translation updates (#1009)
change Mundschutz to Mund-Nasen-Schutz (#1008)
Version code bump for RC3 1.3.0 (#1010)
append google apiexception statuscode to detailsTitle (EXPOSUREAPP-2081) (#996)
[INTERNAL] Translation delivery: commit by LX Lab (#994)
Check if ENF is enabled before getting the exposure summary (EXPOSUREAPP-2080) (#992)
Added support for new TestResult and DeviceUIState based on (EXPOSUREAPP-1743) (#989)
Fix: use the exposure summary directly from Google instead of the local db entry (EXPOSUREAPP-1837)
plausible deniability (EXPOSUREAPP-941) (#946)
Plausible Deniability Config Update (EXPOSUREAPP-2214) (#1022)
moved status code to initial error message dialog (#1007)
Show correct text for non increased risk levels on risk details screen (EXPOSUREAPP-2171) (#1004)
Hotfixes translation updates (#1009)
change Mundschutz to Mund-Nasen-Schutz (#1008)
Version code bump for RC3 1.3.0 (#1010)
append google apiexception statuscode to detailsTitle (EXPOSUREAPP-2081) (#996)
[INTERNAL] Translation delivery: commit by LX Lab (#994)
Check if ENF is enabled before getting the exposure summary (EXPOSUREAPP-2080) (#992)
Added support for new TestResult and DeviceUIState based on (EXPOSUREAPP-1743) (#989)
Fix: use the exposure summary directly from Google instead of the local db entry (EXPOSUREAPP-1837)
plausible deniability (EXPOSUREAPP-941) (#946)
moved status code to initial error message dialog (#1007)
Show correct text for non increased risk levels on risk details screen (EXPOSUREAPP-2171) (#1004)
Hotfixes translation updates (#1009)
change Mundschutz to Mund-Nasen-Schutz (#1008)
Version code bump for RC3 1.3.0 (#1010)
append google apiexception statuscode to detailsTitle (EXPOSUREAPP-2081) (#996)
[INTERNAL] Translation delivery: commit by LX Lab (#994)
Check if ENF is enabled before getting the exposure summary (EXPOSUREAPP-2080) (#992)
Added support for new TestResult and DeviceUIState based on (EXPOSUREAPP-1743) (#989)
Fix: use the exposure summary directly from Google instead of the local db entry (EXPOSUREAPP-1837)
plausible deniability (EXPOSUREAPP-941) (#946)
append google apiexception statuscode to detailsTitle (EXPOSUREAPP-2081) (#996)
[INTERNAL] Translation delivery: commit by LX Lab (#994)
Check if ENF is enabled before getting the exposure summary (EXPOSUREAPP-2080) (#992)
Added support for new TestResult and DeviceUIState based on (EXPOSUREAPP-1743) (#989)
Fix: use the exposure summary directly from Google instead of the local db entry (EXPOSUREAPP-1837)
plausible deniability (EXPOSUREAPP-941) (#946)
[INTERNAL] Translation delivery: commit by LX Lab (#994)
Check if ENF is enabled before getting the exposure summary (EXPOSUREAPP-2080) (#992)
Added support for new TestResult and DeviceUIState based on (EXPOSUREAPP-1743) (#989)
Fix: use the exposure summary directly from Google instead of the local db entry (EXPOSUREAPP-1837)
plausible deniability (EXPOSUREAPP-941) (#946)