A Behavior to make the UWP Hub control adjust the width of each HubSection to fill the Hub width. It will also snap in place when swiped.
When Windows 10 Mobile came out, the Hub control functionality was quite different than the Windows Phone 8.1 control. There were two main differencies.
- The HubSections no longer fit the width of the screen by default
- The HubSections no longer snapped in place when swiped
The intention of this behavior is to give the above functionality to the UWP Hub control when running on a mobile device.
<!-- use the necessary namespaces -->
<!-- Attach the behavior to the Hub -->
... HubSections here
This behavior changes the default functionality of the UWP Hub control only when running on a mobile device. It will not affect the control when running on a different device familly.
When using this behavior each HubSection will occupy the whole width of the parent Hub minus a small margin to allow the next HubSection to be visible. The last HubSection will not have this margin.
Also, when swiping the next HubSection will snap into place.
Download and build the solution, then reference the dll in your project
Copy and Paste the code. In this case you will need to reference the Xaml Behaviors SDK in your project.
If anyone has a good idea to improve this behavior I will be glad to accept pull requests. I'm particularly interested in providing the ability to swipe from the last HubSection to the first in a cycle.
This code is licenced under the MIT Licence - see the LICENCE file for details