This is the Time::Duration class version 1.0.
$duration = Duration()
Creates a new duration given the time components. All components are integers.
optional years: Int
optional months: Int
optional weeks: Int
optional days: Int
optional hours: Int
optional minutes: Int
optional seconds: Int
optional nanoseconds: Int
Computed property. Years.
Computed property. Months.
Computed property. Weeks.
Computed property. Days.
Computed property. Hours.
Computed property. Minutes.
Computed property. Seconds.
Computed property. Nanoseconds.
$duration + ($ehs: Duration)
Add two durations.
$duration - ($rhs: Duration)
Subtract a duration from this one.
Make a copy of this duration.
End of the Time::Duration class.
This file was generated automatically by the Ferret compiler from Duration.frt.