This is the IRC::Connection class.
$connection = Connection($addr: Str, $nick: Str)
Creates a new Connection class instance.
addr: Str - IRC server address.
optional port: Num - IRC server port.
nick: Str - Preferred nickname.
optional user: Str - Username (ident).
optional real: Str - Real name.
optional autojoin: List - Channels to join on connect.
Initiates the connection.
$connection.send($line: Str)
Sends a line of IRC data.
- line: Str - A string outgoing data.
$connection.getTarget($target: Str)
Fetches a channel or user object.
- target: Str - Channel name or nickname.
$connection.getChannel($name: Str)
Fetches a channel object from a channel name.
- name: Str - Channel name.
$connection.getUser($nick: Str)
Fetches a user object from a nickname.
- nick: Str - Nickname associated with the user.
$connection.getServer($name: Str)
Fetches a server object from a server name.
- name: Str - Server name.
Hook. Called when a connection to the socket is established.
Hook. Called on disconnect, whether it be user-initiated or due to error.
Creates a new IRC::Connection with the same options.
End of the IRC::Connection class.
This file was generated automatically by the Ferret compiler from Connection.frt.