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This documentation explains the uses of each compile-time keyword. All of these keywords are reserved for these purposes only and may not be used for the names of variables, functions, classes, or any other types of symbols.



package <name> [<version>]

Declares the current package.

The name declared with the package keyword is absolute (root level), not relative to the current package. Anywhere that a package has not been declared, package main is inferred.

package Hello 1.0

Packages may be organized into different namespaces using the namespace separator (::). Packages inherit from the namespaces above them. For example, Math::Trig inherits all symbols from the Math package.

package A::B    # A::B inherits all of A's symbols

Multiple packages may exist in a single file. Once declared, a package extends until the first occurrence of the following:

  • a corresponding end keyword, which sets the package back to main
  • another package declaration
  • the end of the file

See Contexts for general information on namespaces.


class <name> [<version>]

Declares a class.

Many class declarations can exist within a single document. Terminated with the end keyword or another class declaration.

class Person 1.0

See Classes for general information on classes.



Terminates a class or package.


load <package_name>

Explicitly indicates that a package should be loaded.

Packages are loaded automatically simply by referencing their names, so load is almost never required. Its occasional use case is when a package should be loaded but is not otherwise explicitly referenced.

With normal autoloading, all requirements referenced anywhere with in the file are loaded before beginning the execution of the code within the file. When using load, this is not the case; instead, the requirement is loaded when the execution within the file reaches the load statement.

load My::Package




Represents the boolean true value, a global object.

1.odd   # true
1.even  # false



Represents the boolean false value, a global object.

1.odd   # true
1.even  # false



Represents the undefined value, a global object. This represents the absence of a meaningful value.

$x = 1
delete $x
# $x is now undefined

Variable declarations

Simple variable declarations require no keyword. Simply assign to a previously unused variable, and the compiler will detect that it is a first occurrence.


share $<name> [= <value>]

Shared variable declaration.

The keyword is named such to reflect its behavior, which is to share a variable from a package or class.

Sharing a variable inside a class makes it a public property of the class itself. Sharing a variable at file scope makes it a public variable of the current package. The keyword is also used to access public package variables in files other than where they are declared.

share is valid only at file and class scopes.

package Hello
share $x        # perhaps $x already exists in another
                # file with the same package name
$x              # no reference error since shared


var $<name> [= <value>]

Local variable declaration.

When a variable is declared with this keyword, the operations involving the variable will not affect a variable of the same name in any outer scope. Because a simple assignment to a nonexistent variable has the same effect, var is typically used as a convenient way to declare a variable with no initial value. However, it is also useful when creating a new variable distinct from another of the same name in an external scope.

$x = 1

func wontChangeX {
    var $x = 2
    -> $x

wontChangeX()   # returns 2

# out here, $x is still 1


want ($ | @)<argument_name>[: <type>] [= <fallback_value>]

Function optional argument declaration.

Typically used at the start of a function body to indicate the name and type of an optional argument. Multiple comma-separated declarations can exist with a single want statement.

If the bareword type is provided, the value of the variable will be undefined if the passed argument is not of that type.

If fallback_value is provided, the variable will be set to that value when the argument is not provided or is of an incorrect type.

Within a class method, want may contain instance variables. This is especially useful for providing initial property values within init {}.

func sayHello {
    want $name: Str = "Guest"
    say("Hello $name!")

sayHello("Steve")   # "Hello Steve!"
sayHello()          # "Hello Guest!"
sayHello(7)         # "Hello Guest!"


need ($ | @)<argument_name>[: <type>] [= <required_value>]

Function required argument declaration.

Typically used at the start of a function body to indicate the name and type of a required argument. Multiple comma-separated declarations can exist with a single need keyword.

If the bareword type is provided, the function will not be executed if the passed argument is not of that type.

If required_value is provided, the function will only be executed when the passed argument is equal to that value (according to the == operator). This is useful for events where certain callbacks are only applicable to specific argument values.

Within a class method, need may contain instance variables. This is especially useful for providing initial property values within init {}.

func sayHello {
    want $name: Str = "Guest"
    say("Hello $name!")

on sayHello, :askWeather {
    need $sunny: Bool = true
    say("Nice weather we're having, huh?")

sayHello(name: "Steve")                 # "Hello Steve!" other callback ignored
sayHello(name: "Steve", sunny: true)    # "Hello Steve!" "Nice weather..."
sayHello(name: "Steve", sunny: false)   # "Hello Steve!" other callback ignored

# the last one is not executed because,
# although false is Bool, it does not == true

Property modifiers

These modifiers can be used on mutable variables, properties, and indices.


delete <variable_name>
delete <object>.<property_name>
delete <object>[<index>]

Deletes the association between the given variable, property, or index and its value.

This does NOT necessarily destroy an object; it only destroys the reference to it. Garbage collection will only destroy the object if no other references exist.

delete $noLongerNeeded
delete $message.temporaryValue
delete $myList[7]


weaken <variable_name>
weaken <object>.<property_name>
weaken <object>[<index>]

Weakens the association between the given variable, property, or index and its value.

In other words, this keyword decreases the value's reference count by one. This is useful in the case of cyclical references.

If the object is not referred to elsewhere, it will be immediately consumed by the garbage collector upon the weaken statement.

weaken $cyclical
weaken $person.parent
weaken $myHash["somewhere"]

Functions and events


func [<name>] { <statements> }

Declares an event or anonymous function.

If name is provided, the event will be assigned to a property of the scope of interest. Named functions can be nested within one another.

Without a name, func becomes an expression representing an anonymous function. Anonymous functions are permitted everywhere that expressions are accepted.

func spam {
    want $start: Num = 1, $end: Num = 100
    func nested {
        need $which
        say("$which of $end")
    for $i in $start..$end

spam(end: 30)
# Anonymous function
$anon = func {
    need $x: Num, $y: Num
    -> $x + $y

doSomethingWithAnon($anon, $other_args)

See also the function argument declarations want and need.


on <event>[ <priority_hints>][, :<callback_name>] { <statements> }

Attaches an event callback.

The event may be a bareword, variable, or property only. Other expressions, such as the return value of a function call, will raise a compile-time error.

The event must evaluate at runtime to either an existing Event or undefined. In the case of undefined, a new event is created. Other values will throw a runtime error.

Callbacks are specific to the object on which they are attached. An exception to this is when you attach a callback directly to a class prototype object, in which case all instances of the class will respect the callback.

The order of callback execution for a given event depends on priority_hints associated with each of its callbacks. See the below example and the before and after keywords for info about priorities.

The use of a symbol callback_name is optional but strongly recommended. This allows the callback to be referred to in priority hints among other purposes.

Within the callback body, this variables refer to the object on which the event was called.

# suppose class Person exists and has a method haveBirthday
# which increments the person's age

$jake = Person(name: "Jake", sex: :male, age: 22)

# the below callback has a 'before' hint,
# so that %age will not yet be updated

on $jake.haveBirthday before :default, :sayHappy {
    say("Happy Birthday %name. Say goodbye to %age!")

# example of a callback with no priority hints or callback name.
# it will be executed after :default, and %age will be updated.
# also, it is attached to the prototype,
# so it applies to all Persons, not just Jake.

on Person.proto.haveBirthday {
    say("%name is now %age!")


before :<callback_name>

Indicates a "call before" priority hint for an event callback.

When hints are supplied, the runtime will do its best to resolve priorities if at all possible. Many space-separated priority hints may be utilized for a single callback.

on $obj.someEvent before :lateCallback after :earlyCallback { ... }


after :<callback_name>

Indicates a "call after" priority" hint for an event callback.

When hints are supplied, the runtime will do its best to resolve priorities if at all possible. Many space-separated priority hints may be utilized for a single callback.

on $obj.someEvent before :lateCallback after :earlyCallback { ... }



Stops the propagation of the event and cancels all remaining callbacks for this particular call.

This does not affect any future calls, only the current one. Also note that it does not emulate a function return; any statements below it will still execute unless it is followed by an explicit -> statement.

# on INT, ask "are you sure?"
# then kill on the second INT

$asked = false

on Signal.INT.trap before :default {
    if !$asked {
        say("Are you sure?")
        $asked = true
        stop    # cancel further callbacks
        ->      # note that stop does not affect the remainder of the callback
    say("Got second INT. Terminating!")


$ret = detail someFunction()

Requests "more detail" in the return value of a function call.

This means that, regardless of any explicit -> statements that may exist, the call will always return the return object.

If at least one explicit -> did exist, the most recent one determines the value of the result property of the return object.

Consider this example:

func A {
    x -> "a return value"
    y -> "another value"
    -> "the ultimate value"

A() will always be "the ultimate value", and the others are inaccessible. Detail fixes this with:

$ret = detail A()
$ret.x          # "a return value"
$ret.y          # "another value"
$ret.result     # "the ultimate value"


These keywords are to be used within classes only.


method <name> { <statements> }

Declares a class instance method.

All methods are implemented as events. The event will be assigned to the property name of the class's prototype object.

class Person

method haveBirthday {


hook <name> [{ <statements> }]

Exactly the same as the method keyword, except that it is used by convention for event hooks and produces different documentation.

Usually the body is omitted, but you can still provide one if your class needs a default responder for its own hook.

class MySocket 1.0

hook connected
hook disconnected


init { <statements> }

Declares a class instance initializer.

A class may have any number of initializers. Initialization succeeds as long as at least one of them is satisfied. The first one found is considered default and dictates the init signature. Thus, you have to specify arg names for all initializers besides the default one.

class Person

# default initializer since it occurs first
init {
    need @fullName: Str, @age: Num, @gender: Sym

# secondary initializer
# this one happens to refer to the default one, but that is not required
init {
    need $firstName: Str, $lastName: Str
    need $age: Num, $gender: Sym
    -> Person("$firstName $lastName", $age, $gender)


# OK, uses default init signature
$john = Person("John Doe", 43, :male)

# uses secondary initializer.
# note the args for a secondary initializer must be explicit.
$jane = Person(firstName: "Jane", lastName: "Doe", age: 42, gender: :female)


op <op> { <statements> }

Exactly the same as the method keyword, except that it is used by convention for operator implementations.

Defines an operator overload method for the operator op. This allows you to add custom operator implementations involving the instances of the class.

The implementation should need one of $rhs, $lhs, or $ehs:

  • $rhs - Right operand.
  • $lhs - Left operand. This will only be used if an implementation from the left operand could not be resolved.
  • $ehs - Either operand. This is useful for commutative operations where the side of the operand does not matter (e.g. scalar addition and multiplication).

For all operations, the Ferret runtime first attempts to resolve it left-to-right. If the left operand offers an implementation observing $rhs or $ehs with the given types, that is what determines the result of the operation.

If the left operand does not offer a suitable implementation, the runtime will look to the right operand for an implementation observing $lhs or $ehs for the given types.

If no implementation exists for a given operation, a runtime error is thrown.

package Time
class Duration

op + {
    need $ehs: Duration # the side does not matter for addition
    -> @addDuration($rhs)

op - {
    need $rhs: Duration # the side matters for subtraction
    -> @subtractDuration($rhs)

Control flow


if <condition> { <statements> }

Conditional statement.

The code within the block will be executed only if condition represents a true value. In Ferret, all values are true other than false, undefined, and empty return objects.

If the body of the conditional is a single statement, the curly brackets { and } may be omitted, provided that the statement occurs on a separate line from the condition.

# this will be executed
if 1.odd {

# this will not be executed
if 1.even {

# one-statement conditional
if "hi".length == 2


else { <statements> }

Compliment to if. Specifies an alternate set of instructions in the case of a false condition.

If the body of the else is a single statement, the curly brackets { and } may be omitted, provided that the statement occurs on a separate line from the else keyword.

if false {
    say("Nothing here will happen")

else {
    say("This will be said")

# one-statement conditional
if false
    say("Nothing here will happen")
    say("This will be said")

else if

Allows you to chain if conditional statements.

The if/else if chain will continue until one of the conditions has a boolean true value. In that case, none of the remaining else if or else statements will be executed.

If the body of the else if is a single statement, the curly brackets { and } may be omitted, provided that the statement occurs on a separate line from the else if keyword.

if false {
    say("Nothing here will happen")

else if true {
    say("This will be said")

else {
    say("This will not be reached")

# one-statement conditional
if false
    say("Nothing here will happen")
else if true
    say("This will be said")
    say("This will not be reached")


for is a diverse keyword whose behavior depends on its arguments. The single keyword is used for all forms of loops. See the proper section.

for (iteration)

for $<value_var> in <collection> { <statements> }
for ($<key_var>, $<value_var>) in <collection> { <statements> }

Performs an iteration over a collection.

Right of the for keyword must be a lexical variable whose value is set to each subsequent element of the iteration. If the collection offers two-variable iteration, such as with a hash key or list index, you may optionally specify two lexical variables in the form of ($key, $val).

The parentheses are required when using two variables and forbidden when using one. The variable(s) are defined only within the body of the for statement.

$list = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
for $x in $list {
    say("Found $x")
$hash = [ hi: "there", how: "are you" ]
for ($firstWord, $others) in $hash {
    say("$firstWord $others")

for (conditional)

for <condition> { <statements> }

Loops while the provided condition is true.

The statements in the block will be executed repeatedly until the first time the condition evaluates to boolean false or an exit of the loop via last or some other form of goto statement.

If the condition is not true at the time when the for is reached, the block will never be executed.

This is functionally equivalent to while (condition) in C and others alike.

$fiveEs = ""

for $fiveEs.length < 5 {
    $fiveEs += "e"

say($fiveEs)    # eeeee

for (infinite)

for { <statements> }

Loops indefinitely.

The statements in the block will be executed repeatedly until a possible exit of the loop via last or some other form of goto statement.

Only use for {} when you have intentions of eventually exiting the loop. It is not advisable to base a program around a master loop. The runtime itself is a master loop which manages asynchronous I/O among other things, so truly infinite loops will block it. Instead utilize runtime notifiers.

This is functionally equivalent to while (true) or while (1) in many languages.

$dontSayIt = true

for {
    if $dontSayIt


Compliment to for while iterating over a collection. Expects an expression over which to iterate.



Jumps to the next iteration of the current for loop.

This is like continue in C.



Immediately exits the current for loop.

This is like break in C.



Restarts the current for loop iteration without reevaluating the conditional.



Terminates the document before the EOF.

$x = 1


non-code down here


defer { <statements> }

Postpones the execution of code until the current routine reaches its end.

This is useful to guarantee that something be done after a routine executes, regardless of whether it terminated early by -> or other means.

defer can only exist within functions, methods, and callbacks. If multiple instances of defer occur in a routine, they are executed in the order that the keyword was reached, with normal control flow in consideration.

func ok {
    defer: say("goodbye")

ok()    # says "hello" then "goodbye"

Type interfaces


type[?] <name> { <conditions/transforms/expressions> }

Defines a type interface for dynamic type checking.

This is especially useful for functions or methods utilizing want or need.

Interfaces are generally declared at document or class level, but they are valid within almost any scope.

In order for an object to conform to an interface, it must meet all of the provided conditions. These keywords can be used in a type declaration:

  • isa - specifies another type to which the object must conform.
  • satisfies - specifies a condition which the object must meet.
  • can - specifies a method or computed property which the object must implement.
  • transform - specifies an object transformation.

Conditions are checked in the order that they are specified. Transforms are also executed in the provided order. See the documentation for each of the above keywords for additional information on their usage.

A type construct can also contain standalone expressions. They must occur below any possible conditions or transforms. If expression(s) are provided, an object will conform to the type only if it is equal (according to the == operator) to at least one of them. Although this feature is most often used with symbols, any expressions are valid.

type Gender {

Anywhere within the type construct, the test object is the object of interest for property variables. Therefore, the test object's properties can be easily accessed using the .property syntax. If you need to access the object itself, use the topic variable $_.

type Even {
    isa Num
    satisfies .even

Behind the scenes, type creates a function which tests an object's conformance. If an object matches, TypeName($obj) will output that object or another object returned by a transform. If it fails, undefined is returned.

The finished type function will be available only within the scope of interest.

If the keyword is spelled type? with a question mark, the interface is marked as lazy. Lazy interfaces are evaluated only once per object. If an object conforms to the interface once, it will be assumed to conform permanently, and all further checks will be skipped.

Below is an example with only expressions provided. For examples with various conditions or transforms, see the respective keywords.

type Gender {

func announce {
    need $name: Str, $gender: Gender
    $what = Str($gender).trimPrefix(":")
    say("$name is $what")

announce("Robert", :male)
announce("Kris", :female)
announce("Kylie", :female)
announce("Caitlyn", :other) # ignored


Used within a type construct to specify another type to which the test object must conform.

type EvenNumber {
    isa Num
    satisfies .even

Note that the type in the example exists in the standard library as Number::Even.


Used within a type construct to specify a condition which must be true.

If the provided expression does not evaluate to boolean true, the test object will not conform to the type.

type NonEmptyString {
    isa String
    satisfies .length != 0

Note that the type in the example exists in the standard library as String::NonEmpty.


can .<methodName>(<arguments>)

Used within a type construct to specify a method requirement.

If the test object lacks a responder for the provided method, with any possibly provided arguments, the object will not conform to the type.


transform (<function>|<expression>)

Used within a type construct to perform a transformation on a test object.

If the provided value is a function or event, it will be called, and the return value will overwrite the current test object. Otherwise, the provided value itself will overwrite the object.

If the provided value or returned value is undefined, the test object will not conform to the type. Otherwise, it will conform, and the test will yield whatever object was returned by the transformation.

type UCString {
    isa String
    transform .uppercase

func sayUC {
    need $str: UCString

sayUC("Hello World!")   # HELLO WORLD!

Note that the type in the example exists in the standard library as String::UC.

Error handling


throw <error_expression>

Throws a fatal exception.

throw requires one argument: an error object.

When throw is reached, the default behavior is to print the human-readable version of the error and terminate the process with a nonzero status. This is similar to Perl's die function.

However, these "fatal" errors can be handled with a catch statement. If a fatal error occurs in an instruction with a catch clause, that clause will be executed, and the process will continue from the next statement, respecting standard control flow.

func somethingFatal {
    throw Error(:Unimplemented, "This function is not yet implemented")

somethingFatal() catch $e {
    say("Caught an error! $e")


fail <error_expression>

Throws a nonfatal exception.

fail is valid only within functions, methods, and callbacks. It requires one argument: an error object.

When fail is reached, the error return pair is set to the provided error object. The current function yields the return object with this error property set. If used within an event, it will stop the propagation, cancelling any remaining callbacks.

This is useful because the catch keyword relies on the error property for nonfatal error handling.

Based on its behavior, fail $x is functionally equivalent to the following: error -> $x; stop; ->.

func alwaysFails {
    fail Error(:Unimplemented, "This function is not yet implemented")

    # this will never be reached because fail returns


alwaysFails() catch $e {

    # this will be reached
    say("Found an error! $e")



catch [$<err_var>] { <statements> }

Allows handling of both fatal and nonfatal exceptions.

Unlike in many programming languages, catch does not have a compliment keyword try. Instead, catch must occur at the end of a potentially failable instruction.

If a fatal exception occurs in the execution of the instruction, the catch block will be immediately executed, optionally with the error object as its sole argument.

If no fatal exception occurs, and the instruction was a function or method call, catch will look for a nonfatal exception within the call's return object. This error property is generally set automatically by a fail statement.

Example involving a fatal exception

undefined() catch $e {
    # this will be executed because cannot call undefined.
    say("Found a fatal $e.type!")      # "Found a fatal :CallOnNonFunction!"

Example involving a nonfatal exception

func alwaysFails {
    fail Error(:Unimplemented, "This function is not yet implemented")

alwaysFails() catch $e {
    # this will be reached

    # "Found a nonfatal error! This function..."
    say("Found a nonfatal error! $e")



alias[?] (<type_name>|<func_name>) = (<other_type_name>|<other_func_name>)

Declares that a function, method, or type is an alias for another.

For functions, this is similar to func <func_name> { <other_func_name>() }, without considering arguments. For types, this is functionally equivalent to type <type_name> { isa <other_type_name> }.

If the keyword is spelled alias? with a question mark, the alias will not be created until the first time it is referenced. This is only useful when the target itself is lazy-evaluated, such as a type? or once-computed property. This works similarly to the lazy assignment operator ?=.

The finished type or function will be available only within the scope of interest.

alias println = say
alias Str = String


inside <object> { <statements> }

Temporarily sets the topic variable $_ to <object>.

This is useful for a shorthand property syntax using property variables. Rather than writing $obj.x, simply .x works within the block. This is useful when accessing or altering several properties at once.

This is similar to JavaScript's with, but it is safer and less ambiguous because the . sigil distinguishes properties from lexical variables which use $.

$x = 5

inside $person {
    .age  = $x * 4 + 6
    .name = "Pam"
    say("Hello " + .firstName)

inspect($person) # (age: 26, name: "Pam")

if inside

Provides a convenient way to write the common scenario of if and inside together: if $x { inside $x { ... } } can be written simply as if inside $x { ... }.

func getNames {
    need $first: Str, $last: Str
    firstName -> $first
    lastName -> $last

# this will work. it will say "Hello, Sam Smith!"
if inside getNames("Sam", "Smith") {
    $name = .firstName + " " + .lastName
    say("Hello, $name!")

# this will do nothing because the second argument is unsatisfied,
# and therefore, the function returns false.
if inside getNames("Sam", 0) {
    $name = .firstName + " " + .lastName
    say("Hello, $name!")
else {
    say("This will be reached")


gather { <statements> }

Constructs a list by consolidating the provided expression values of each take statement within its body.

gather constructs are standard expressions and can therefore be used in assignments, function calls, and almost anywhere else.

$evenSingleDigits = gather {
    for $n in 0..9 {
        if $n.even
            take $n

inspect($evenSingleDigits)  # [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ]

See gather for for an even better version of the above example.


take <expression>

Compliment to gather. Adds a value to a consolidated list.

gather for

Provides a convenient way to write the common scenario of gather and for together: gather { for { ... } } can be written simply as gather for { ... }.

$evenSingleDigits = gather for $n in 0..9 {
    if $n.even
        take $n

inspect($evenSingleDigits)  # [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ]