Successfully tested on:
Docker Compose
Clone github repository
Pull required docker images
THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE THE WORKSHOP - The docker images are large and will take time to download. Please don’t wait until the workshop as the wi-fi will not cope! |
Install Docker Compose on your system. There are Mac, Windows, and Linux options available at the link.
Mac/Windows only:
In Docker’s advanced settings, increase the memory dedicated to Docker to at least 8GB.
Confirm that Docker has at least 8GB of memory available to it:
docker system info | grep Memory
Should return a value greater than 8GB - if not, the Kafka stack will probably not work.
Clone the workshop repo to your local machine:
git clone
Change to the KSQL workshop folder
cd demo-scene/ksql-workshop
Pull all required docker images—this will take a while!
docker-compose pull
Did you check that Docker has at least 8GB of memory available?
You really do need to do this
You may find it useful to have
brew install jq
sudo yum install -y jq
sudo apt install -y jq
Windows: two options:
Install choco and then run
choco install jq
Download from the official
website and add to Path
Linux only:
If you want to use the Elasticsearch part of the workshop then make sure the virtual memory mmap count limit is set appropriately.
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
See the Elasticsearch docs for more info.