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How to Build

This project uses CMake cross-platform build system to generate required build files native to the platform. Please refer to the main CMakeLists.txt file for the info on available options and other variables.

External Dependencies

The provided libraries depend on several external projects:

These dependencies are expected to be built independenty and access to them provided via standard CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH cmake variable. There are also scripts ( script/ for Linux and script/prepare_externals.bat for Windows) which can help in preparation of these dependencies. They are also used in configuration of the github actions.

The provided applications use Boost libraries to parse their command line arguments as well as manage their event loop / network connections. In case the application are compiled and the Boost libraries do not reside in a default system location, use BOOST_ROOT variable to specify their install directory. It is recommended to also use -DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON parameter to force linkage with static Boost libraries (especially on Windows).

Choosing C++ Standard

The default and minimal required C++ standard version to build this project is 17. However it is possible to increase it using the CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD cmake variable.

Building as Shared Library

By default the library is built as static one. It is possible to build it as a shared library by using the built-in BUILD_SHARED_LIBS cmake option

Forcing Position Independent Code

When the libraries are built as shared ones then the position independent code is enabled automatically. However, when the libraries built as static, but will become part of some other shared libraries, then forcefully enabling the position independent code may be required. Use provided CC_MQTTSN_CLIENT_LIB_FORCE_PIC and/or CC_MQTTSN_GATEWAY_LIB_FORCE_PIC cmake options to enable it.

Note that it is also possible to force position independent code using global CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE variable set to ON. In such case all the application will also be compiled with position independent code.

Examples of Build and Install

The examples below are Linux/Unix system oriented, i.e. they use make utility to build the "install" target after configuration with cmake. For Windows platforms please remember to use -G option to specify the generator and with later versions of cmake also -A option to specify the architecture, such as -G "NMake Makefiles" (required environment setup beforehand) or cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64.

Please review the examples below and use appropriate option that suites your needs. Remember to use -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release option for release builds.

Build All Libraries and Applications

$> mkdir build && cd build
$> cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
$> cmake --build . --config Release --target install

Build Only Libraries Without Applications

$> mkdir build && cd build
$> cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/comms/install\;/path/to/cc.mqtt311.generated/install;/path/to/cc.mqttsn.generated/install \
$> cmake --build . --config Release --target install

Build as Shared Libraries

$> mkdir build && cd build
$> cmake --build . --config Release --target install

Build Static Libraries With Position Independent Code

$> mkdir build && cd build
$> cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/comms/install\;/path/to/cc.mqtt311.generated/install;/path/to/cc.mqttsn.generated/install \
$> cmake --build . --config Release --target install

Build Two Custom Client Libraries Without Gateway

See for details on custom build configuration

$> mkdir build && cd build
    -DCC_MQTTSN_CUSTOM_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILES=config1.cmake\;config2.cmake \
$> cmake --build . --config Release --target install