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Payu Features and Configs

subtitle:New features and running ACCESS-OM2 models
Author: Aidan Heerdegen
description:A training course to introduce new and upcoming features
Date: 17 October 2018


  • payu recap
  • New payu features
  • Upcoming payu features
  • Running ACCESS-OM2 models

What is Payu?

Payu is

... a python based "scientific workflow manager"


That means it runs your model for you. In short:

  • Setup model run directory (work)
  • Run the model
  • Move outputs/restarts to archive directory
  • Clean up the run directory
  • Run again (if instructed to do so)

New features

Fast MOM collation

There is a new mppnccombine in town ... and it's fast.

How fast?

Probably not faster than the Waco Kid


.. notes::
   That is it collates tiled outputs to multiple files, which makes model input and output faster

   Directly copies the compressed chunks from one file to another, skipping the decompress/recompress step

   Example of the raison d'etre of CMS, to improve researcher  productivity

But seriously fast, hence the name mppnccombine-fast

  • Written by Scott Wales
  • Collates any tiled FMS model output (MOM5/MOM6/GOLD)
  • Particularly fast with netCDF4 compressed data


  • Copy /short/public/aph502/mppnccombine-fast to /short/$PROJECT/$model/bin


  • Specify full path in config.yaml
  • A version of payu of 0.10 or greater (module load payu/0.10 on raijin)
  • Updated config.yaml syntax

Old Syntax

collate: true
collate_mem: 16GB
collate_queue: express
collate_ncpus: 4
collate_flags: -n4 -r

New syntax

.. notes::
   Must specify mpi to use mppnccombine-fast.
   Minimum of 2 cpus, so can't use copyq
   ncpus per thread is ncpus / nthreads
   nthreads defaults to 1
   ncpus defaults to 2
   enable defaults to true
   Don't need to specify flags, enable or exe
   Fewer flags, as mppnccombine-fast has fewer options
   Don't get your hopes up Ryan, I haven't written restart
     collation, but when it is done, adding restart:true
     will collate restarts when the restart cleaning is done

Replaces collate_ options with dictionary

     enable: true
     queue: express
     memory: 4GB
     walltime: 00:30:00
     mpi: true
     ncpus: 4
     threads: 2
     # flags: -v
     # exe: /full/path/to/mppnccombine-fast
     # restart: true

Resource requirements

.. notes::
    Memory use should only depend on chunksize in the compressed file, not on the overall size of the
    file being written, so resolution independent.

    Unfortunately a memory leak bug in the underlying ``HDF5`` library means memory use will go up with
    the number of times data is written to a collated file. It is difficult to predict, but 2-4GB per
    thread has been the upper limit observed so far.

    No speed-up for low resolution outputs (MPI overhead swamps fast run times). Quarter degree 10-50x faster.
    Tenth 100x faster.

  • Memory independent of resolution (<4GB per thread)
  • Walltime in minutes
  • No speed-up for low resolution (1 deg global model)
  • Minimum of 2 cpus

Layout affects efficiency

  • Chunk sizes chosen automatically by netCDF4 and depend on tile size
  • Inconsistent tile sizes => inconsistent chunk sizes
  • Inconsistent chunk sizes makes program slow (has to uncompress/compress)
  • Make processor layout an integer divisor of grid
  • Make io_layout an integer divisor of layout


.. notes::
    Might think with io_layout would make consistent tile sizes, but the
    decomposition algorithm has already chosen some distribution of different
    tile sizes that cannot be evenly combined with io_layout
    Surprise to me to!

Quarter degree MOM-SIS model: 1440 x 1080.

layout = 64, 30
io_layout = 8, 6
  • 1920 CPUs
  • Tiles are 22 x 36 and 23 x 36
  • IO tiles are 184 x 180, and 176 x 180
  • Slow for collating normal data and slow for untiled data (restarts and regional output)

Improved Layout

Quarter degree MOM-SIS model: 1440 x 1080.

layout = 60, 36
io_layout = 10, 6
  • 2160 CPUs
  • Tiles are 24 x 10
  • IO tile is 144 x 180
  • Fast for collating tiled and untiled output

Runs per submit

.. notes::
    Don't agree with Marshall from first payu training session
    nf_limits -P project -q queue -n ncpus
    48 hrs < 256 CPUs
    255 < 24 hrs < 512
    512 < 10 hrs < 1024

  • For low CPU count model: walltime up to 48 hours
  • Maximise walltime to reduce effect of queue time
  • A single 48 hour model run: What if crashes? Output non optimal?


.. notes::
     Runspersub to the rescue!
     Being conservative with walltime in case some runs take > 2hr
     When last run crashes, only time of last run is lost

runspersub: 23
walltime: 48:00:00
  • Say model takes 2hr per run
  • Above config would run the model 23 times per PBS submit
  • walltime must allow for runspersub runs of the model
  • If walltime exceeded last run will crash. payu will not resubmit


  • payu can resubmit itself with -n command line option
  • Using same model example if I wanted 50 runs of the model:
payu run -n 50
  • runspersub: 1 => 50 PBS submissions, single run in each
  • runspersub: 23 => 3 PBS submissions, 23/23/4 model runs respectively

Upcoming features

File Tracking

Wanted to do this for a long long time

Key Advantages

.. notes::
     Very early in this job, there was a "dodgy aerosol file" that had
         been used in some simulations, but hard/impossible to say which
         runs/files were affected

  • Track input files used for each model run
  • Reproducibly re-run previous experiment
  • Share experiments more easily as input files all specified
  • Flexibility with specifying path to input files
  • Identify all runs using specified file (possible future feature)

What is tracked?

.. notes::
   Executables and inputs are not expected to change. Can specify a flag to either warn
   if they do and stop, or update manifest and continue

   Restarts are the opposite, and by default are always expected to be different for each
   run, unless a flag is specified to reproduce a run, in which case any difference will
   flag an error and stop

Executables mf_exe.yaml
Inputs mf_inputs.yaml
Restarts mf_restarts.yaml

How is it tracked?

  • Uses yamanifest
  • Creates a YaML file
  • Each file (symlink) in work is dictionary key


.. notes::
   Note there is a header and a version string, can ignore
   All files in work are either config files (which are tracked
     by git) or symbolic links to files elsewhere on filesystem
   Issues with getting this working has to do with enforcing this
     for all models - can be difficult with hardwired paths etc

  • fullpath is the actual location of the file
  • The hashes uniquely identify file

Hierachy of hashes

.. notes::
   binhash uses datestamp and size combined with first 100MB of a file.
   Not guaranteed unique, but likely to detect if the file has changed

  • yamanifest supports multiple hashes => hierachy of hashes
  • Unique hashes (md5, sha128) take too long on large files
  • Fast hashing to check for file changes
  • Use unique hash check when necessary (or periodically?)


ACCESS-OM2 model suite from 1 degree global to 0.1 degree global, Ocean/Ice model forced with atmospheric data and almost identical model parameters.

Single access-om2 repository with all code and configs


Ocean MOM5
Atmosphere libaccessom2
Coupler OASIS3-MCT



Forcing Data

  • Uses JRA55 reanalysis derivative product JRA55-do

  • IAF (Interannual Forcing) : JRA55-do (1955-present)
  • RYF (Repeat Year Forcing) : RYF8485, RYF9091, RYF0304


  • Nominal 1 degree global resolution
  • JRA55 RYF and IAF, and CORE-II configurations


  • Nominal 0.25 degree global resolution
  • JRA55 RYF and IAF configurations


.. notes::
   Don't suggest anyone runs this without contacting COSIMA
     as runs are expensive and a bit tricky to get running
     on raijin.

  • Nominal 0.1 degree global resolution
  • JRA55 RYF and IAF configurations
  • Minimal JRA55 IAF configuration (fewer cores)

Running an ACCESS-OM2 model

.. notes::
   Can run in a branch to keep config clean
   Can fork

  • Follow the Quick Start instructions in the ACCESS-OM2 Wiki on github

.. notes::
   All executables and
   Can fork

Use the 1 deg JRA55 IAF configuration:

The PBS and platform specific options for normalbw queue

The model options

Miscellaneous options (including collation)