some extra code which is necessary for more high version
I want to share something about some problems that I encountered in a game tutorial which is called Roguelike based of Unity.
1.The first issue I encountered is the function called protected override void OnCantMove(T component). when I first use the function in Player.cs,the definition of this function is like this as below:
protected override void OnCantMove(T component){ Wall hit=component as wall; hit.DamageWall(wallDamage); animator.SetTrigger(Player_Attacck); }
Please notice the code is the same as the toturial which Unity provides.
// *************************************************************** and if I run the game,Unity would display "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Player.OnCantMove[Wall](.Wall component...)".Because I'm a beginer of Unity,so I put this sentence in Baidu and Unity Community to find solutions,and most of the answers are that I may use Null reference(such as some objects). I don't know where the issue is.Further more,the code is the same as the toturial.And after many attempts,I ultimately found the issue.Maybe I should think answers which peope gave in Unity community prefoundly.The issue is because of "Wall hit=component as wall;",since player doesn't only collide with 'Wall' class.Besides 'Wall',player may collide with enemy and 'OutWall',but "Wall hit=component as wall;" just only applys to 'Wall' class.So when player collides with enemy,the sentence 'component as Wall' can't execute correctly.(Why it's wrong in y PC,I think it maybe the version's difference of Unity.)
The solution is add some code as below: the MoveObject.cs,and add "
[HideInInspector]public bool noFeedback = false; if ((hit.collider.tag != "InnerWall" && GameManager.instance.playersTurn == true) || (hit.collider.tag != "Player" && GameManager.instance.enemiesMoving == true)) noFeedback = true;
when what player collides with isn't InnerWall,we shouldn't execute 'Wall hit=component as wall;' .Here I use noFeedback to judge whether what player collide with is InnerWall. the Player.cs,and add "
if (noFeedback == true) { noFeedback = false; return; }
" when what player collide with isn't InnerWall,noFeedback is true.But in thenext time,player will collide with another object,so we should reset noFeedback to false.In this way,we can solve the problem.
The second issue I encountered is " Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel);
". since the function is obsolete,so we should use "
". For using the function,we should also add 'using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;'