C++ implementation for the conversion of vs and vp to density and temperature following the approach by Goes et al. (2000). A python implementation with slightly different functionality is available here.
Before compilation make sure to have Qt and qmake installed. Then go to this folder and run
generates the makefile and make
compiles the V2RhoT
Executing V2RhoT -h
displays the available console commands together with two examples.
usage: V2RhoT File_In File_Out -type <P,S> [options]
Required input parameters:
File_In Path and name of grid file containing x y z Vs
File_Out Output file name and path
type Specify S or P for input wave type
depth m Values below MSL must be negative
velocity m/s
Option Value Default Description
------ ----- ------- -----------
-AlphaT Activates T-dependency of alpha. Default
is constant alpha.
-compc vals Custom rock composition, see example 2
-comp Ol Opx Cpx Sp Gnt
-compp val 0 Use predefined rock compositions:
0 - Garnet Lherzolite after (Jordan,
1979; Goes et al, 2000)
1 - On-cratonic (Shapiro and Ritzwoller, 2004)
2 - Off-cratonic (Shapiro and Ritzwoller, 2004)
3 - Oceanic (Shapiro and Ritzwoller, 2004)
-ERM string AK135 P calculation method AK135, PREM or simple
-f val 1/0.02 Define custom wave frequency in Hz.
-fdamp val 0.025 Iteration dampening
-minDB 1 or 2 1 Mineral property database by
1 - Cammarano et al. (2003)
2 - Goes et al. (2000)
-petrel Output is written as Petrel Points with Attribtues
-prop Print mineral properties
-Q 1 or 2 1 Anelasticity paramters Q
1 - Sobolev et al. (1996)
2 - Berckhemer et al. (1982)
-rc val 2890 Crustal density in kg/m3
-rm val 3300 Mantle density in kg/m3
-ra val 3100 Average density in kg/m3 used in '-ERM simple'
-scaleZ val 1 Scale every z-value in File_In by this value
-scaleV val 1 Scale every Vs-value in File_In by this value
-scatter Use scattered data as input instead of regular grid
-t val 0.1 Threshold in K where Temperature iteration stops
-Tstart val 273.15 Iteration starting temperature
-t_crust path EarthVision file for crustal thickness
-writedRdT Writes used dRho/dT tables for minerals to a text file
-xfe val 0 Define iron content of the rock in mole fraction
-z_topo path EarthVision file for topographic elevation
Example 1:
V2RhoT Vs.dat T.dat -type P -rc 2870 -rm 3300 -t_crust crust.dat -z_topo topo.dat
Example 2:
V2RhoT Vs.dat T.dat -type S -compc 0.82 0.144 0.0 0.0 0.036
Mandatory arguments are File_In
, File_Out
and -type <P,S>
. The conversion requires SI units in the input files for depth (masl) and velocity (m/s).
Depending on wave type, the frequency will be changed to
- vp -> f = 1 Hz
- vs -> f = 0.02 Hz
- can be changed with
Important: the temperature-dependent computation of the expansion coefficient in V2RhoT
is, in contrast to the method described in Goes et al. (2000), deactivated. Instead, a constant expansion coefficient is assumed. The reason for this decision is that pressure and temperature act in opposite directions on the value of alpha. Therefore, it is assumed that both influences cancel out each other. Temperature-dependent calculation can be activated with -AlphaT
By default, the rock composition is assumed to be a Garnet Lherzolite (Jorand, 1979)
allos to use one of four predefined rock compsitions-compc ol opx cpx sp gnt
assigns a custom rock composition given the fractions of minerals in the rock- iron content is by default 0. To obtain realistic results it must be specified with
Standard calculation of pressure uses the earth reference model AK135.
- options are
activates pressure calculation with PREM-ERM simple
uses the average density defined with-ra
- an experimental feature is the pressure calculation using topography and crustal thickness. This is activated by using
-t_crust FILENAME
and-z_topo FILENAME
, which both require EarthVision formatted grids containing crustal thickness and topographic elevation. The pressure is then calculated assuming constant density for the crust (-rc 2890
) and mantle (-rm 3300
) -ra
defines an average density which is then used to calculate the pressure