diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index c2a23f7ea8..5f5cdf4e05 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ Official web site: http://clojurescript.org ## Releases and dependency information ## -Latest stable release: 1.9.562 +Latest stable release: 1.9.655 * [All released versions](http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cgav%7C1%7Cg%3A%22org.clojure%22%20AND%20a%3A%22clojurescript%22) [Leiningen](http://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/) dependency information: ``` -[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.562"] +[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.655"] ``` [Maven](http://maven.apache.org) dependency information: @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Latest stable release: 1.9.562 org.clojure clojurescript - 1.9.562 + 1.9.655 ``` diff --git a/changes.md b/changes.md index 77e126f61d..00bfd9b1f9 100644 --- a/changes.md +++ b/changes.md @@ -1,3 +1,79 @@ +## 1.9.655 + +### Enhancements +* CLJS-2108: faster set equivalence +* CLJS-2099: Optimize apply by avoiding .apply +* CLJS-2046: Optimize expression in call position +* CLJS-1876: Faster reduce for PV, Subvec and ChunkedSeq +* CLJS-2080: Faster equiv-map +* CLJS-2066: Avoid analyzing named fn literal bodies twice +* CLJS-2065: Improve analyzer munge performance + +### Changes +* CLJS-2130: Self-host: Add `:fn-invoke-direct` to public API docstrings +* CLJS-2112: Iterator based reduce path +* CLJS-2100: to-array calls seq too often +* CLJS-2041: Compiler flag to drop Function.prototype.call invokes +* CLJS-2093: inline ^:const var values +* CLJS-2042: Variadic invoke calls array_seq inefficiently +* CLJS-2003 remove redundant calls to `str` in munge/demunge +* CLJS-1907: Improve error message from cljs.reader/read-string +* CLJS-1724: Include IIterable in fast-path-protocols +* CLJS-924: Better error message for mistaken use of 'def' +* CLJS-1599: UUIDs are not equal for upper/lower case strings +* NodeJS REPL accepts a :path opt to set NODE_PATH +* CLJS-1886: RangedIterator should only be created from cljs.core.PersistentVector instances +* CLJS-2068: MapEntry, RedNode and BlackNode are IComparable +* CLJS-2073: Don't flush for every emitted line +* CLJS-2089: Warn message wrong for recur to protocol with nil +* CLJS-2085: defrecord recur method head target object +* CLJS-1977: defrecord should use murmur hashing like Clojure +* CLJS-2076: modules should support wildcard namespaces +* CLJS-2078: add resolve macro + +### Fixes +* CLJS-2128: Fix regression in CLJS-1886 +* CLJS-2126: Add new compiler option :fn-invoke-direct to build-affecting options +* CLJS-2054: Private core names still result in "already declared" warnings +* CLJS-2125: Duplicate HOF invoke warnings if :static-fns true +* CLJS-2119: s/form for s/& is qualified with `clojure.spec.alpha` +* CLJS-2121: Self-host: Document string as valid name arg +* CLJS-2124: Self-host: Tests failing wth Could not find tag parser for :cljs.spec.alpha +* CLJS-2122: Self-host: Non-symbol ns names dumped into env +* CLJS-2117: Self-host: Port CLJS-1989 to self-hosted +* CLJS-1989: s/fdef expansion side effect fails when load cached source +* CLJS-2116: Need to handle un-namespaced symbol when evaluating `foo.core +* CLJS-2109: incorrect syntax-quote symbol resolution (resolve-symbol 'clojure.core) -> 'clojure/core +* CLJS-2113: nth function produces different results from clojure when using a negative index on a sequence +* CLJS-2115: Pass not-found in the native-satisfies? branch of nth +* CLJS-2111: Transit analysis caching broken for JSValue or regex +* CLJS-2101: Undeclared var in do chain of defs +* CLJS-2104: Const-replaced exprs do not emit js "return" +* CLJS-1992: declare after def should have no effect +* CLJS-1251: Missing semicolons when emitting deftype and defrecord mistaken use of 'def' +* CLJS-1685: Incorrectly lazy subvec when start param is nil +* CLJS-1641: Multi-arity defn copies arguments unnecessarily for all cases +* CLJS-2092: Redundant call to equiv-map in PAM.-equiv +* Check for compilation success, and lib folder +* CLJS-2030: Case with grouped keyword test emit result-expr multiple times +* CLJS-2094: Predicates unit tests constructs a uuid with nil +* CLJS-1891: UUID.toString can return non-string +* CLJS-2072: Eliminate reflection in cljs.js-deps/build-index +* CLJS-2012: Find on PHM with nil entry always returns nil entry +* CLJS-2057: fix language-in options (es6 deprecated and add missing es2016) +* CLJS-2060: Backport CLJ-2141 Return only true/false from qualified-* predicates +* CLJS-2091: reify docstring ISeqable example needs correction +* CLJS-2088: fix caching collision between macros ns and regular ns in boostrap +* CLJS-2036: Relative path exception thrown when :preloads requires a :foreign-lib +* CLJS-2083: Test equiv-map for maps which do not impl IKVReduce +* CLJS-2081: Self-host: Regression with CLJS-2079 +* CLJS-2079: Records and maps are not equal +* CLJS-2075: PersistentTreeMap.reduce-kv does not honor reduced? +* Browser REPL regression +* CLJS-2069: Self-host: automatic `clojure` -> `cljs` aliasing doesn't work when loading macro namespaces +* CLJS-2067: reduce-kv / inode-kv-reduce fails to honor reduced? +* CLJS-2056: Self-host: test-self-parity failing wrt cljs.core/fn symbol + ## 1.9.562 ### Enhancements