Ban Twitch lurker bots, for
Action to be added to your
Warning: make sure to read "How to setup" section and you have your whitelist file with the list of the bots you already use (just like streamelements, soundalerts, nightbot, etc.) as it may ban them.
Be advised that some messages are sent to the chat in order to let you know about the proccess, these messages can be modified in the BanBots action
- First it gets your list of viewers using the action "Get Current Viewers"
- Gets your whitelist file stated on the argument called %WhiteListBot%
- Gets the list of online lurkers bots from It uses their api (credit to them, thank you very much for the great work!).
- The code read the list of viewers, check if the viewer is on your whitelist, if it's not, it then check if the viewer is on twitchinsights list (lurker bot), if it's there, then ban the viewer.
- Get the BanBots (auto) file
- Import it to your
- Edit the argument %WhiteListBot% to set the path to your whitelist file. The file must be a text file stating the name of the bots that you don't need to ban, one for each line.
- Edit the argument's field to show the messages in your chat.
- (This might not be needed in v0.1.8) Edit the sub-action Execute code (Ban lurker bots) and in the References tab right click and add reference from file, then look for System.Linq.dll, select it, click on open to add it.
- Make sure to click on compile and it compiles with no error.
- Run it as you want, optionally you can create a command to be run as you wish.