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286 lines (199 loc) · 5.9 KB

File metadata and controls

286 lines (199 loc) · 5.9 KB

File permissions


Determines which users can do what with each file.

Specified by POSIX.

Three types of people:

  • owner: applies the person who created the file.
  • group: the main group of he person who created the file. Applies to all people who are in that group.
  • others: applies to all others who are not owner or in the group.

6 types of permissions:

  • read
  • write
  • execute
  • sticky bit
  • SGID
  • SUID


Two standard notation types: symbolic and numeric.


12 bits, logically grouped into 4 groups of three, thus the natural usage of octal notation, which can represent 3 bits per digit.

Explained at:

man stat


  • 4000: SUID
  • 2000: SGID
  • 1000: sticky bit
  • 0400: owner read
  • 0200: write
  • 0100: exec
  • 0040: group read
  • 0020: write
  • 0010: exec
  • 0004: other read
  • 0002: write
  • 0001: exec

In Linux, the file type is also stored in the same struct as it's permissions. It is therefore also possible to show the file type (regular file, directory, symlink, device, etc.) in the same number that describes the permission by adding 6 more bits:

S_IFMT     0170000   bit mask for the file type bit fields
S_IFSOCK   0140000   socket
S_IFLNK    0120000   symbolic link
S_IFREG    0100000   regular file
S_IFBLK    0060000   block device
S_IFDIR    0040000   directory
S_IFCHR    0020000   character device
S_IFIFO    0010000   FIFO

This also suggests why the symbolic notation also incorporates this information in a single word: because all that data is in the same place.

The leading 0 denotes octal notation.




Meaning of each:

  • 1

    • -: regular file
    • d: dir
    • l: symlink (not for hardlink)
    • p: named pipe (FIFO)
    • s: Unix socket
    • c: character file
    • d: block device file
  • 2

    • r: owner can read
    • -: owner cannot read
  • 3

    • w: owner can write
    • -: owner cannot write
  • 4

    • x: owner can execute. SUID off
    • s: can . on
    • S: cannot . SUID on
  • 567

    Same as 234, with 7 as 4 but for SGID.

  • 8, 9

    Same as 23 and 56, but for others

  • A:

    Same as 4 and 7, but replace suid by sticky bit, s by t and S by T.


This explains the permissions for directories.


It is possible to list directory.

Only works if you have read permission to all of the parent directories!

su a
mkdir -m 700 d
mkdir -m 700
echo b > d/b
sudo chown b d/b d/d

su b
ls d
    #permission denied
    #permission denied
assert [ ! "$?" = 0 ]

cat d/b
    #permission denied,
    #even if b owns the file!
assert [ ! "$?" = 0 ]

ls d/b
    #permission denied,
    #even if b owns the directory!

assert [ ! "$?" = 0 ]


You can change the list of contents in the dir: add, remove and rename.

Only works if you also have execute permission. w without x on dirs has no effect.

Works even if r is off.

mkdir -m 444 r
mkdir r/d
touch r/f
    #permission denied
touch r/d/f
    #permission denied


If you also have execute permissions to all of the parent dirs then you can:

  • cd into dir (every process has current dir information associated to it)
  • access items in dir if their permissions let also you, for example modify file data.
  • modify item list (add rename remove) if w bit is also on

The above can be done even if r is off.

Sticky bit

If users cannot delete/move files in dir that don't belong to them

They can however create files.

su a
mkdir -m 1777 a
touch a/a

su b

rm a/a
mv a/a a/b
    #permission denied
    #permission denied

echo a > a/a
cat a/a

chmod a-t a
rm a/a


Files created under SGID dir get the same group as the parent dir.

Dirs created under SGID also have SGID set!

    #two existing users
ga=`id -gn "$a"`
gb=`id -gn "$b"`
su "$a"

Without SGID:

mkdir not-sgid
chmod 777 not-sgid
chmod a-st not-sgid
sudo -u "$b" touch not-sgid/f
stat -c "%G" not-sgid/f
test -g not-sgid/f && echo g
    #>>> "$gb"
echo $?
sudo -u "$b" mkdir not-sgid/d
stat -c "%G" not-sgid/d
    #>>> "$gb"
test -g not-sgid/d && echo g


mkdir sgid
chmod 2777 sgid
chmod u-s sgid
chmod o-t sgid
sudo -u "$b" touch sgid/f
stat -c "%G" sgid/f
    #"$ga" inherits the group of parent dir!
test -g sgid/f && echo g
sudo -u "$b" mkdir sgid/d
stat -c "%G" sgid/d
test -g sgid/d && echo g
    #subdirs also get sgid!


You want many users to collaborate under a single dir.


  • create a group for collaboration
  • create the dir with sticky bit
  • add every user to the group
  • make everyone give rwx on files they create

This way, only the group can work under the dir, and they all can access each other's files



Does not work properly on scripts: you must have an executable:

echo '#include <unistd.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    printf( "uid : %llu\n", (long long unsigned)getuid () );
    printf( "euid: %llu\n", (long long unsigned)geteuid() );
    printf( "gid : %llu\n", (long long unsigned)getgid () );
    printf( "egid: %llu\n", (long long unsigned)getegid() );
}' > a.c

gcc -o a.out a.c
chmod 777 a.out
chmod u-s a.out
    #your uid and gid twice

sudo -u b ./a.out
    #b's uid and gid twice

chmod u+s ./a.out
    #same, except the effective id is b's, not yours!

chmod g+s ./a.out
    #now effective group is also b's!