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76 lines (59 loc) · 4.03 KB

File metadata and controls

76 lines (59 loc) · 4.03 KB


Count files, line of code, empty lines and comment lines under directory.

cloc .

Does not seem possible to add new languages. For more flexibility see: A good one is:

( find ./ -name '*.tex' -print0 | xargs -0 cat ) | wc -l

Sample output for GDB:

    4770 text files.
    4642 unique files.
    367 files ignored. v 1.60  T=26.40 s (164.1 files/s, 45916.2 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
C                             1566         122060         116444         514166
Expect                        1315          30758          41690         121034
Assembly                       153           2932           2441          51870
Bourne Shell                    27           7605           6785          44371
C/C++ Header                   443          15009          21944          34987
m4                              90           1064            777          12973
yacc                             9           2179           1849          12028
C++                            173           2830           2295           9533
XML                            174            555            823           7395
Python                          63           1620           2659           4387
Ada                            220            809           3160           2262
make                             2            298            247           1639
Teamcenter def                   5            164             62           1262
Lisp                            16            231            405           1012
lex                              1            108             87            455
OpenCL                           6             91             71            433
Pascal                          10            102             65            348
Perl                             2             76             57            235
Fortran 90                      10             43            142            163
awk                              2             15             55            142
sed                              8              7             20            139
Objective C                      3             30              4            134
Go                              10             34              3            116
DTD                             11             58             55            114
XSLT                             3              5              0            100
Java                             4             14             34             73
Fortran 77                       5             18             72             43
D                                1              5             12              4
SUM:                          4332         188720         202258         821418

In 2015 takes around 30 minutes on the Linux kernel:

Per top-level directory breakdown

E.g. for C and C++ only:

for d in $(git ls-tree HEAD . | awk -F '[[:space:]]' '$2=="tree" {print $4}'); do
    echo "## $d"
    cloc --list-file=<(git ls-files "$d" | grep -Fxvf <(git submodule status | cut -d' ' -f3))
done |& tee /tmp/a
cat /tmp/a | awk -F' ' '/^##/{ printf("%-16s %d\n", name, sum); name = $2; sum = 0} /^(C |C\+\+ )/{ sum += $5 }' | tail -n+2 | sort -nrk 2,2

For each file

cloc --by-file .

You can then do your own processing.


