Releases: cicirello/Chips-n-Salsa
Releases · cicirello/Chips-n-Salsa
Chips-n-Salsa, v5.0.0
[5.0.0] - 2022-06-03
BREAKING CHANGES: This release includes breaking changes, including increasing
the minimum supported Java to Java 17. See details below for other breaking changes.
- Minimum supported Java bumped to Java 17 (breaking change).
- Utilize Java 17's new RandomGenerator interface where relevant.
- Bumped core from 1.1.0 to 2.1.0 (breaking change).
- Bumped rho-mu from 1.2.0 to 2.3.0 (breaking change).
- Bumped jpt from 3.3.0 to 4.0.0 (breaking change).
Chips-n-Salsa, v4.8.0
[4.8.0] - 2022-06-02
- CycleAlphaMutation: an implementation of the Cycle(alpha) form of cycle mutation.
- Refactored hierarchy and methods of stochastic sampling classes.
- Refactored exchangeBits methods and related of the BitVector class.
- Replaced calls to methods deprecated in jpt-3.2.0.
- Added missing FunctionalInterface annotation on HeuristicBiasedStochasticSampling.BiasFunction.
- Added missing FunctionalInterface annotation on ValueBiasedStochasticSampling.BiasFunction.
- Bumped jpt from 3.1.1 to 3.3.0.
Chips-n-Salsa, v4.7.0
[4.7.0] - 2022-03-16
- Factory method to LargestCommonSubgraph for creation of instances of the problem
with strongly regular graphs, specifically such that the instance created consists
of a pair of isomorphic Generalized Petersen Graphs.
Chips-n-Salsa, v4.6.0
[4.6.0] - 2022-03-14
- Factory method QuadraticAssignmentProblem.createInstance for creating QAP instances
from specified cost and distance matrices. - Constructor for LargestCommonSubgraph class for creating instances from lists of
the edges of the two graphs.
- Migrated all JUnit tests from JUnit 4.13.2 to JUnit Jupiter 5.8.2.
Chips-n-Salsa, v4.5.0
[4.5.0] - 2022-02-22
- Implementation of the Largest Common Subgraph problem
- Bumped dependency jpt to 3.1.1
- Bumped dependency rho-mu to 1.2.0
Chips-n-Salsa, v4.4.0
[4.4.0] - 2022-02-13
- Quadratic Assignment Problem
Chips-n-Salsa, v4.3.0
[4.3.0] - 2022-02-11
- Linear Rank Selection
- Linear Rank Stochastic Universal Sampling
- Exponential Rank Selection
- Exponential Rank Stochastic Universal Sampling
- Implementation of the Bin Packing Problem, including instance generators
- Bumped dependency org.cicirello.core to 1.1.0
Chips-n-Salsa, v4.2.1
[4.2.1] - 2022-01-27
- Implemented the optional method, minCost, of the OptimizationProblem and
IntegerCostOptimizationProblem classes in all of the various TSP implementations
to return a simple, extremely loose, lower bound of 0, to enable using the
InverseCostFitnessFunction class that require a finite lower bound. The default
implementation of that method otherwise returns negative infinity.
Chips-n-Salsa, v4.2.0
[4.2.0] - 2022-01-24
- Class RandomTSPMatrix that enables generating random instances of the Traveling Salesperson
Problem (TSP) as well as the Asymmetric TSP (ATSP) by generating a random distance matrix. This
new class includes the option to generate a random distance matrix that enforces the triangle
inequality. The library had previously introduced a TSP class in a prior release that bases the
instances on points in 2D space with a user defined metric. This new RandomTSPMatrix class
compliments that class by additionally providing the ability to specify arbitrary distance matrices
for a TSP instance.
- Refactored existing Traveling Salesperson Problem classes (all non-breaking changes)
to ease the addition of other variations.
- Integrated Snyk code scanning on pushes/PRs.
Chips-n-Salsa, v4.1.0
[4.1.0] - 2022-01-13
- Transformation between Permutation problem and BitVector problem, enabling using operators
for BitVectors when solving Permutation problems.
- Revised CI/CD workflows to deploy API website changes automatically upon each new release.