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4. Software Installation

Chris edited this page Jan 5, 2022 · 26 revisions

In case I missed a library/tool or didn't name you as the owner let me know so I can fix it.

  • Chose the display resolution in RocMQTTdisplay.ino ~line 72. Default is 128x32 pixel. Optional 128x64, 64x48, 96x16.

  • Compile and Upload the RocMQTTdisplay.ino sketch to the controller.

  • Preconfigure 'rmdsec.txt' in the data folder with your WIFI SSID and WIFI Password before uploading it to the controller. I didn't include a captive portal for Wifi settings as it's not comfortable to run this procedure for many controllers. Also the Wemos D1 mini has just a emulated EEPROM where the secrets are typically stored. So using the file upload to the file system is nearly the same.

  • Important: Upload all files from the data folder via ‘Tools/ESP8266 LittleFS Data Upload’ !!!
    If this option is not available in your IDE install the plugin from here: Arduino ESP8266 LittleFS Filesystem Uploader
    Do NOT use ‘Tools/ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload’, it will not work. It was for the SPIFFS file system which is deprecated for ESP8266.

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